Date Title

Inclusive Questions for Older Adults: A Practical Guide to Collecting Data on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

Revised in 2024 - This guide helps service providers learn how to ask questions about sexual orientation and gender identity to older adults in safe and respectful ways.

June 2024 | National Resource Center on LGBT Aging

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Fireside Chat: Advanced Planning for Healthcare Needs within LGBTQ+ Communities

This webinar explores the importance of advance planning to help ensure your wishes are followed should you not be able to advocate for yourself.

May 2024

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What Does the OAA Regulatory Update Mean for LGBTQ+ People and People Living with HIV?

Designed for LGBTQ+ Advocates - This fact sheet highlights important changes to Older Americans Act Regulations from the Administration for Community Living, which have updated requirements for ACL-funded entities in their service delivery. It also provides how to make the case for LGBTQ+ and HIV inclusion, what this means for LGBTQ+ and HIV specific community organizations, and how to get started in advocating for a more inclusive Aging Network.

May 2024 | SAGE

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National Honor LGBTQ+ Elder Day Resource Guide_2024 Update

May 16 is National Honor Our LGBT Elders Day, a time to pay tribute to those who have paved the way for the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) community to obtain and continue to seek important legislation and rights. We have numerous elders to thank for the strides made over the last several decades towards equality.

April 2024 | National Center on Elder Abuse and SAGE National Resource Center on LGBTQ+ Aging

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Preparing to Engage with In-Home Aging Services: Tips for LGBTQ+ People

As we age, there may be times when we need to invite home and community based service providers into our homes. The fact sheet provides you with things to consider before, during and after the services are provided in your home.

April 2024 | Madeleine Thompson, SAGE Intern, MSW '24 Candidate

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Preventing Elder Abuse: LGBTQ+ Elder Justice

The National Center on Elder Abuse and SAGE National Resource Center on LGBTQ+ Aging developed this presentation to support public awareness related to elder justice and LGBTQ+ communities. You are encouraged to use these materials in your community and networks.

April 2024 | National Center on Elder Abuse and SAGE National Resource Center on LGBTQ+ Aging

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LGBTQ+ Advance Care Planning Toolkit

A step-by-step guide for the LGBTQ+ community in preparing for healthcare needs and end-of-life decisions.

January 2024 | Eliza Giles, MSN, RN, AGCNP, CHPN, SAGE Intern

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PLANIFICACIÓN anticipada de cuidados de salud para LGBTQ+

Una guía dirigida a los miembros de la comunidad LGBTQ+ con los pasos necesarios para prepararse ante eventuales necesidades de salud y decisiones sobre el final de la vida.

January 2024 | Eliza Giles, MSN, RN, AGCNP, CHPN, SAGE Intern

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Abordar las disparidades relacionadas con las enfermedades cardiovasculares entre los adultos mayores LGBTQ+

Los adultos LGBTQ+ se enfrentan a factores de estrés únicos debido a su orientación sexual e identidad de género, lo que los expone a un mayor riesgo de disparidades relacionadas con la salud cardiovascular.

January 2024 | SAGE and Amgen, Inc

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Addressing Disparities in Cardiovascular Disease Among LGBTQ+ Older People

LGBTQ+ adults face unique stressors due to their sexual orientation and gender identity, putting them at higher risk for cardiovascular health disparities.

January 2024 | SAGE and Amgen Inc

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Planning for Lifelong Care Webinar Q&A

Written responses to question asked during the webinar Planning for Lifelong Care for Transgender and Nonbinary People.

December 2023 | Ames Simmons, Duke Law

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Planning For Lifelong Care: Guiding Questions For Transgender & Non-Binary People Webinar

The SAGE National Resource Center is joined by the Transgender Law Center for the webinar Planning for Lifelong Care Webinar - Guiding Questions for Transgender & Non-binary People to Plan for Dementia and Other Serious Illnesses.

November 2023

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Remembering LGBTQ+ History and the Stonewall Generation

A look back on the experiences and stories of the LGBTQ+ Stonewall generation with author and researcher, Dr. Jane Fleishman.

October 2023 | Dr. Jane Fleishman

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Long-Term Care Services and Supports: LGBTQ+ Equity

SAGE, the National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA), the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) present this webinar on LGBTQ+ Equity and Elder Justice within the long-term care services and supports network.

September 2023 | SAGE, CFPB, FTC, NCEA

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You've Got This - Flu and COVID Vaccine Collaborative

The Aging and Disability Vaccination Collaborative, powered by USAging, has partnered with community providers in your area to make getting your shots easy. Get access to services such as: • Free local clinics • Transportation to and from the clinics • In-home vaccinations • Onsite consultations from a healthcare expert

September 2023

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Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Part A Planning Councils: Address the Needs of Individuals Aging with HIV

This toolkit provides an overview of Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) Planning Councils, how they function, how individuals can get involved, and how Planning Councils can be used to advance the priorities of individuals aging with HIV.

September 2023 | SAGE

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SAGECare LGBTQ+ Cultural Competency Training

SAGECare provides a suite of in-person and online trainings for all levels of staff and volunteers. These trainings assist you in learning the best ways to create an inclusive, safe, and welcoming environment for your LGBTQ+ older adult population. The SAGECare webiste provides a listing of SAGECare trained and credentialed businesses. .

September 2023

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Planning for Lifelong Care: Guiding Questions for Transgender & Non-Binary People to Plan for Dementia and Other Serious Illness

This guide provides tips and resources on planning and care for transgender and non-binary people.

September 2023 | Simmons, A., Madhav, K., & Ortiz, A. (2023). Planning for Lifelong Care: Guiding Questions for Transgender and Non-Binary People to Plan for Dementia and Other Serious Illness. Oakland, CA: Transgender Law Center.

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Depression and the LGBTQ+ Elder Community

If you’re an LGBTQ+ individual and experiencing symptoms of depression, you are NOT alone. This fact sheet provides an overview of depression and resources available.

August 2023 | SAGE

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Area Agencies on Aging: Local Leaders in Aging Well at Home

This brochure features an overview of the latest data gathered from AAAs nationwide to provide a snapshot of the evolving role these vital agencies play in the planning, development, coordination and delivery of a broad range of aging and other home and community-based services in every community in the United States.

August 2023 | USAging

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Facts on LGBTQ+ Aging

This recording provides a basic overview of facts associated with LGBTQ+ Aging.

July 2023 | SAGE National Resource Center on LGBTQ+ Aging

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Hechos sobre el enveiecimiento en personas LGBTQ+

Esta grabación proporciona una descripción general de los hechos relacionados con el envejecimiento LGBTQ+.

July 2023

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Local Community Advocacy

This recording provides an overview of local aging services and programs, how LGBTQ+ advocates and organizations like yourself can get involved, and how Aging Advisory Councils can advance the priorities and address the needs of older LGBTQ+ people.

July 2023

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Abogacia comunitaria local

Esta grabación brinda una descripción general de los servicios y programas locales para personas mayores, cómo los defensores LGBTQ+ y las organizaciones como usted pueden involucrarse y cómo los Consejos Asesores para Personas Mayores pueden promover las prioridades y abordar las necesidades de las personas mayores LGBTQ+.

July 2023

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History of the LGBTQ+ Community

This recording explores the historical events related to that have shaped LGBTQ+ communities.

July 2023

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Historia de la comunidad LGBTQ+

Esta grabación explora los eventos históricos relacionados que han dado forma a las comunidades LGBTQ+.

July 2023

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Waves Ahead

Waves Ahead Puerto Rico and its Community Center provides advocacy and services for the LGBT+ older adults.

July 2023

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Pride: Beyond the Rainbow Flag

June 2023 | Sherrill Wayland, SAGE

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SAGECollab Partners

SAGECollab is a network of diverse non-profit LGBTQ+ organizations/groups throughout the country including Puerto Rico that are providing support, advocate for public policy changes, and inspire each other to better support and empower older LGBTQ+ people everywhere.

May 2023

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MiGen - Michigan LGBTQ+ Elders Network

Formerly SAGE Metro Detroit, MiGen provides services, advocacy, fun, and connection to LGBTQ+ folks ages 45+. At MiGen, we believe in vibrant, authentic lives at any age, safe spaces and connected communities.

May 2023

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Financial Wellness and Older LGBTQ+ People

May 2023 | Consumer Fraud Protection Bureau, Federal Trade Commission, National Center on Elder Abuse and SAGE

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Just Us - A Q&A with Researcher and Filmmaker Carey Candrian

Just Us: The longing and hope of LGBTQ people

May 2023 | Carey Candrian, PhD

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Q&A Response and Resources Coast to Coast LGBTQ+ Inclusive State Plans

Q&A Responses and Resources from recorded webinar, Coast to Coast: LGBTQ+ Inclusive State Plans.

April 2023

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Ten Tips for Bi+ Inclusion in Programs and Services for LGBTQ Elders

This fact sheet explores tips for Bi+ inclusion in programs and services for LGBTQ elders.

March 2023 | Bisexual Resource Center

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LGBTQ+ Inclusive Intake + Engagement for Elder Justice Professionals

Many older people navigate a range of health, social, and economic concerns as they age. For older LGBTQ+ adults who have experienced historical harassment, stigma, and discrimination, these challenges can be even greater. This fact sheet provides elder justice professionals with tips and resources for engaging with LGBTQ+ adults.

February 2023 | NCEA, Academy for Professional Excellence, APSWI, Keck School of Medicine, SAGE National Resource Center

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Q&A Responses From Planning to Action Webinar

This handout included Q&A responses and links to resources from the webinar, From Planning to Action: Highlights from LGBTQ+ Inclusive Area Agencies on Aging.

January 2023 | SAGE National Resource Center on LGBTQ+ Aging

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LGBT Adults Aged 50 and Older In The US During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Using data from the U.S. Census Household Pulse Survey (HPS) collected July 21, 2021 to August 8, 2022, we explore the demographics, health, and economic experiences of older LGBT adults during the COVID-19 pandemic as compared with straight/cisgender older adults.

January 2023 | Williams Institute authored by, Lauren J.A. Bouton, Amanda M. Brush, Ilan H. Meyer

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From Planning to Action: LGBTQ+ Inclusive Area Agencies on Aging

On January 17, SAGE and the National Resource Center on LGBTQ+ Aging hosted a virtual webinar featuring speakers from ACL and Area Agencies on Aging.

January 2023 | Hosted by SAGE National Resource Center on LGBTQ+ Aging

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Person-centered, Trauma-informed Care of Transgender Older Adults

This guide aims to explain the why and how of providing person-centered and trauma-informed care to transgender older adults in practical language. The concepts shared in this guide are useful for anyone working in health and aging services where a focus on individualized support is optimal for overall health and well-being.

January 2023 | FORGE and SAGE National Resource Center on LGBTQ+ Aging

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Cuidados centrados en la persona y atención informada sobre el trauma para adultos mayores transgénero

La presente guía tiene como objeto explicar por qué y de qué manera brindar Atención Informada sobre el Trauma a los adultos mayores transgénero en términos prácticos

January 2023 | FORGE and SAGE National Resource Center on LGBTQ+ Aging

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The Importance of Brain Health for LGBTQ+ Individuals

This fact sheet describes why LGBTQ+ people should care about brain health and steps we can take to improve brain health.

January 2023 | SAGE and Genetech

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Marriage, Medicare, and Medicaid: What Same-Sex Couples Need to Know

Tips for same-sex couples who are married or thinking about marriage so you can understand how marriage affects Medicare and Medicaid rights.

January 2023 | Justice in Aging, State Health Insurance Assistance Program, Senior Medicare Patrol, and SAGE National Resource Center on LGBTQ+ Aging

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Claves para comprender de qué manera afecta el matrimonio los derechos a Medicare y Medicaid en las parejas casadas del mismo sexo.

January 2023 | Justice in Aging, State Health Insurance Assistance Program, Senior Medicare Patrol, and SAGE National Resource Center on LGBTQ+ Aging

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Medicare & Transgender Older Adults

Transgender older adults have unique health care needs. Here’s what Medicare is doing to address them.

January 2023 | Justice in Aging, State Health Insurance Assistance Program, Senior Medicare Patrol, and SAGE National Resource Center on LGBTQ+ Aging

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Medicare y los Adultos Mayores Transgénero

Los adultos mayores transgénero poseen necesidades únicas de atención médica. A continuación le explicamos lo que Medicare está haciendo por ellos en la actualidad.

January 2023 | Justice in Aging, State Health Insurance Assistance Program, Senior Medicare Patrol, and SAGE National Resource Center on LGBTQ+ Aging

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Language Guidance When Serving LGBTQ+ Populations

The Center of Excellence on LGBTQ+ Behavioral Health Equity (CoE LGBTQ+ BHE) has created this language guidance related to sexual orientation, gender identity, and expression (SOGIE) as a resource for behavioral health practitioners to better understand the most recent language used in LGBTQ+ communities.

December 2022 | Center of Excellence LGBTQ+ Behavioral Health Equity

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LGBTQIA+ Behavioral Health Town Hall Resource Guide

Links to non-Federal organizations found on this resource guide are provided solely as a service to our users. These links do not constitute an endorsement of these organizations or their programs by HRSA or the Federal Government, and none should be inferred. HRSA and HHS are not responsible for the content of the individual organization Web pages found at these links

December 2022 | Health Resources and Services Administration, Office of Intergovernmental and External Affairs

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Supporting the Behavioral Health Workforce to Implement Best Practices for LGBTQ+ People

This tip sheet outlines actions leaders can take to support their workforce in being more welcoming and inclusive.

December 2022 | Center of Excellence LGBTQ+ Behavioral Health Equity

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Key Informant Perspectives on Supporting Health and Well-Being for LGBTQ+ Rural Residents, Policy Brief September 2022

This policy brief presents findings from interviews with national LGBTQ+ support and advocacy organizations regarding challenges to physical and mental health and well-being for LGBTQ+ individuals in rural communities, as well as recommendations for improving the ability to meet the needs of LGBTQ+ individuals living in rural areas.

December 2022 | University of Minnesota Rural Health Research Center

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In 2022, the Department of Veterans Affairs changed the way it awards benefits for same-sex and LGBTQ+ survivors of lost veterans., expanding the ways that dependents of those who served in the military can qualify for Disability and Indemnity Compensation. This resource discussed eligibility criteria and what to do if you are (or are not sure if you are) eligible!

December 2022 | SAGE, Legal Services Center Harvard Law School, New York Department of Veterans' Services, and Minority Vets

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Finding an LGBTQ+ Inclusive Long-term Care Community Webinar

On November 18, 2022, SAGE joined the HRC Foundation and AARP to present an informational webinar on finding an LGBTQ-inclusive long-term care community.

November 2022 | AARP, Human Rights Campaign Foundation, and SAGE

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LGBTQ+ Veteran Resources

The following resource links are available to assist LGBTQ+ Veteran. This list includes U.S. Department of Veterans Affiars (VA) resources and non-VA resources.

September 2022 | National Resource Center of LGBTQ+ Aging

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What To Do If You Suspect Monkeypox

Early detection can help stop the spread of monkeypox. Know what to look for and what to do if you suspect monkeypox.

August 2022 | CDC

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Monkeypox and Safer Sex

This fact sheet is provided by the CDC and discuss safer sex and Monkeypox.

August 2022 | CDC

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Myths and Facts about COVID-19 Vaccines

Bust Common Myths and the Learn the Facts

August 2022 | CDC

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Overview of COVID-19 Vaccines

A facts sheet provided by the CDC on COVID-19 Vaccines.

August 2022 | CDC

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Envejecimiento rural para adultos mayores LGBTQ+

Esta hoja informativa explora el envejecimiento LGBTQ+ en las comunidades rurales, un segmento que a menudo se pasa por alto dentro de las comunidades LGBTQ+.

July 2022 | SAGE National Resource Center on LGBTQ+ Aging

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Trastornos por uso de sustancias y adultos mayores LGBTQ+

Esta hoja informativa nos presenta información relacionada con los trastornos de sustancias y el uso excesivo dentro de las comunidades de adultos mayores LGBTQ+.

July 2022

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Monkeypox and Gay and Bisexual Men

This fact sheet discusses emerging data regarding Monkeypox including how it is spread, symptoms, self-protective measures, discussion of why a focus on gay, bisexual, and other MSM, and much more.

June 2022 | The Fenway Institute

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Survivors Benefits for Same-sex Partners and Spouses

This fact sheet from the Social Security Administration discusses new updates regarding Survivor Benefits for Same-sex Partners and Spouses.

June 2022 | Social Security Administration

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Making your State Plan on Aging LGBTQ+ and HIV+ Inclusive: New Older Americans Act & ACL Guidelines

There is new OAA language and ACL guidance on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) and HIV+ inclusion in your State Plan. This fact sheet reviews the new guidance.

June 2022 | SAGE

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Domestic and Sexual Violence Safety Planning for LGBTQI+ Survivors

This fact sheet provides resources on safety planning LGBTQ+ survivors of domestic and sexual violence.

June 2022 | New York State Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence

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Supporting LGBTQ+ People with Parkinson's: A Guide for LGBTQ+ Community Centers and Health Centers

The Parkinson’s Foundation and SAGE co-created this guide to highlight things you can do right now to support LGBTQ+ people living with Parkinson's disease (PD) in your community.

May 2022 | Parkinson's Foundation and SAGE

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How to Use Gender Pronouns

This fact sheet describes the importance of gender pronouns and how to ask about the pronouns a person uses.

April 2022 | National Resource Center on LGBTQ+ Aging

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Rural Aging for LGBTQ+ Older Adults

This fact sheet explores LGBTQ+ Aging in rural communities, an often-overlooked segment within LGBTQ+ communities.

April 2022 | National Resource Center on LGBTQ+ Aging

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Substance Use Disorders and LGBTQ+ Older Adults

This fact sheet introduces us to information related to substance disorders and overuse within LGBTQ+ older adult communities.

April 2022 | National Resource Center on LGBTQ+ Aging

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Common Terms & Definitions

This document provides a list of common terms and definitions used in relation to sexual orientation, gender identity, health, and relationships. Updated on 4/26/2022

April 2022 | SAGE and National Resource Center on LGBT Aging

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COVID & Beyond: Aging and Disability Resources for Diverse Communities

We have seen the challenges of the COVID pandemic experienced by minority communities including the impact on physical and mental health, economic and food security and social supports. Panelists will introduce and discuss national programs and services that support diverse aging and disability communities during the ongoing pandemic and recovery.

April 2022 | SAGE National Resource Center on LGBTQ+ Aging and Older Adults' Equity Collaborative

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COVID and Beyond - Resource Guide and Panelist Contacts

This Resource Guide highlights the organizations who presented on the COVID and Beyond: Aging and Disability Services for Diverse Communities webinar held on March of 2022.

March 2022 | SAGE National Resource Center on LGBTQ+ Aging

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ACL COVID-19 Booster Shot

Get infromation on the importance of COVID Booster Shots.

December 2021 | ACL

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Family Caregiving in Diverse Communities Factsheet

This factsheet provides a summary of the findings from the Family Caregiving in Diverse Communities full report, which assessed the needs of diverse family caregivers for older adults.

December 2021 | Diverse Elders Coalition, National Alliance for Caregiving

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Family Caregiving in Diverse Communities Full Report

An assessment to discover the specific needs of diverse family caregivers for older adults was performed by the Diverse Aging Coalition and the National Alliance for Caregiving. This report outlines the findings from the assessment.

December 2021

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Family Caregiving in Diverse Communities

Diverse Elders Coalition and its members, in partnership with the National Alliance for Caregiving, discuss findings from their recently released report, Family Caregiving for Older Adults from Diverse Communities.

December 2021 | Diverse Elders Coalition and National Alliance for Caregiving

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Infographic Summary of a Health Needs Assessment of the LGBT+ Community, Aged 50+, Living with HIV in Puerto Rico

This publication provides infographics that summarize a health needs assessment performed for the LGBT+ community, aged 50+, living with HIV in Puerto Rico.

December 2021 | Waves Ahead Corp and SAGE Puerto Rico, SAGE’s HIV & Aging Policy Action Coalition, JSI Research & Training Institute

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Needs Assessment of Older LGBT+ Adults Living with HIV in Puerto Rico

This publication provides the full needs assessment performed for the LGBT+ community, aged 50+, living with HIV in Puerto Rico.

December 2021 | Waves Ahead Corp and SAGE Puerto Rico, JSI Research & Training Institute, SAGE’s HIV & Aging Policy Action Coalition

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Finding an LGBTQ+ Inclusive Long-term Care Community

Moving into a long-term care community is a significant life change and requires someone to consider several factors when deciding where to live. When the time comes for extra support while aging, everyone deserves to feel welcome and safe accessing long-term care.

December 2021 | SAGE and Human Rights Campaign Foundation

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Getting Started with Services for LGBTQ+ Veterans

This document is a guide to help LGBTQ+ Veterans gain access to services from the Department of Veterans Affairs.

December 2021 | U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

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En busca de cuidados a largo plazo inclusivos para mayores LGBTQ+

La decisión de ir a vivir a una comunidad de cuidados a largo plazo representa un cambio significativo de vida y requiere considerar varios factores a la hora de elegir el lugar adecuado. Llegados a la etapa en que se hace necesario buscar apoyo adicional, todos merecemos sentirnos bienvenidos y plenamente confiados de estar accediendo a una comunidad que se adapte a nuestras necesidades personales.

December 2021 | SAGE and Human Rights Campaign Foundation

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LGBT Life Center

LGBT Life Center is a trusted leader that empowers the LGBTQ communities and all people affected by HIV through improving health and wellness, strengthening families and communities, and providing transformative education and advocacy.

December 2021

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Steps LGBTQ+ Workers Can Take If They’re Experiencing Discrimination in the Workplace

Information on workplace discrimination and the LGBTQ+ community.

November 2021 | Outreach Team at Employment Law Help

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A Spotlight on Two Spirit Elders and Elder Justice Facts

Based on findings from the Two Spirit Elders Resource and Information Guide.

November 2021 | National Indigenous Elder Justice Initiative, University of North Dakota, Keck School of Medicine of USC, National Center on Elder Abuse, SAGE National Resoure Center on LGBT Aging

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Simple Steps in Supporting Older LGBTQ+ Friends and Loved Ones at End-of-Life

Being present with our LGBTQ friends and loved ones during the end of life is often an emotional, yet rewarding journey. Offering support is the first step, but knowing what and how to offer this support can be overwhelming.

October 2021 | National Resource Center on LGBT Aging

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Supporting Your LGBTQ+ Grandchild

SAGE partnered with PFLAG to produce a guide for grandparents and those with younger loved ones who are coming out at LGBTQ+. Learn how sexual orientation differs from gender identity, tips for showing your support, and more.

October 2021 | PFLAG and SAGE

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Apoyando a su nieto LGBTQ+

Es probable que esté leyendo esta publicación porque su nieto o un ser querido (utilizaremos ambos términos indistintamente) ha salido del armario, es decir, ha compartido con usted que es lesbiana, gay, bisexual, transgénero, no binario/a, queer o cuestionándose (LGBTQ+).

October 2021

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Q&A with Katie Fasullo: Needs of LGBTQ Older Adults and Long-Term Care

This Q&A explores current research completed by Katie Fasullo, Registered Nurse and doctoral student at Rush University, in the Advanced Public Health Nurse, Doctor of Nursing Practice. Katie's research article is titled, LGBTQ Older Adults in Long-Term Care Settings: An Integrative Review to Inform Best Practices.

September 2021 | Katherine Fasullo

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Local Community Advocacy: Advocating for the Needs of LGBT Older Adults Receiving Aging Services

This toolkit provides an overview of local aging services and programs, how LGBT advocates and organizations like yourself can get involved, and how Aging Advisory Councils can advance the priorities and address the needs of older LGBT people.

August 2021 | National Resource Center on LGBT Aging

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Respaldo a las comunidades locales: Apoyando a los adultos LGBT en los servicios de cuidado para personas mayores

La presente guía busca proporcionar una descripción general de los servicios y programas locales disponibles para los adultos mayores, explicar cómo las organizaciones defensoras LGBT1 y las personas como usted pueden participar en ellos y cómo los Consejos Asesores del Envejecimiento (Aging Advisory Councils) pueden priorizar y abordar las necesidades de las personas mayores LGBT.

August 2021 | National Resource Center on LGBT Aging

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San Francisco LGBTQ Aging Research Partnership, LGBTQ Older Adult Survey

The goal of the survey was to provide the community, the city and foundations with information to best allocate resources to address any unmet needs. The survey was funded by the San Francisco Department of Disability and Aging Services, Horizons Foundation and the Bob Ross Foundation.

August 2021 | San Francisco LGBTQ Aging Research Partnership

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Administration for Community Living: Guidance for Developing State Plans

The guidance within this memorandum reflects changes to the Older Americans Act (OAA) as codified through the Supporting Older Americans Act of 2020 (P.L. 116-131).

August 2021 | Administration for Community Living

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La Interseccion De Edad, Raza Y Sexualidad

Esta hoja informativa explora cómo la edad, la raza y la sexualidad se entrecruzan y los pasos que uno puede tomar para ayudar a fortalecer los apoyos para LGBT BIPOC (negros, indígenas, personas de color).

July 2021 | Tomme Faust, M.A. for the National Resource Center on LGBT Aging

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Consejos De Autodefensa Para Viviendas De Acogida LGBT

La siguiente serie de tres hojas informativas está diseñada para proporcionarle educación, consejos de autodefensa y recursos.

July 2021 | SAGE National Housing Initiative

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Aging in Vermont Resource Guide and Directory

The Aging in Vermont Resource Guide and Directory is a comprehensive collection of information for older Vermonters on several topics including health & wellness, social engagement, policy & advocacy, and more. The Guide also includes a directory that categorizes hundreds of service providers around the Vermont and New Hampshire area.

July 2021 | Community of Vermont Elders

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How to Be an Ally to Transgender Older Adults

The National Resource Center on LGBT Aging and FORGE are thrilled to share the new toolkit How to Be an Ally to Transgender Older Adults.

July 2021 | FORGE and National Resource Center on LGBT Aging

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Cómo ser aliado de las personas mayores transgénero

El Centro Nacional de Recursos sobre el Envejecimiento LGBT y FORGE están encantados de compartir el nuevo conjunto de herramientas Cómo ser un aliado de los adultos mayores transgénero.

July 2021 | FORGE and National Resource Center on LGBT Aging

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The Intersection of Age, Race, and Sexuality

This fact sheet explores how age, race, and sexuality intersect and steps one can take help strengthen supports for LGBT BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color).

June 2021 | Tomme Faust, M.A. for the National Resource Center on LGBT Aging

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LGBT Welcoming Housing Self-Advocacy Tips

The following series of three fact sheet is designed to provide you with education, self-advocacy tips and resources. Updated in 2024

June 2021 | SAGE National Housing Initiative

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COVID-19 Vaccinations and Testing Toolkit

This toolkit is intended to support community health centers and HUD-assisted housing and homeless programs to partner on COVID-19 vaccination delivery, COVID-19 testing, and health care for residents of public housing, low-income housing, and people experiencing homelessness.

June 2021 | U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

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Independientemente de la edad, el proceso de salir del closet es personal y puede estar lleno de momentos mixtos de alivio, celebración, ansiedad y estrés, a medida que las personas entran en lo que pueden conocer cómo vivir sus vidas auténticas.

June 2021 | SAGE National Resource Center on LGBT Aging

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Meeting the Needs of People Aging with HIV on the Path to Ending the HIV Epidemic

More than half of people living with HIV in the United States are aged 50 or older, and a growing number of people live and aging with HIV into their 70s and beyond. Concerted action is needed to meet the needs of older people living with HIV. The burdens of HIV, aging, and related health comorbidities, combined with the social and structural challenges that people aging with HIV face, necessitate a focus on HIV-related outcomes and a comprehensive response aimed at treating comorbidities and improving long-term health and quality of life.

May 2021 | Sean E. Bland and Jeffrey S. Crowley, for the O'Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law

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I'm Coming Out: Coming Out as LGBT in Later Life

Coming out in later life can be filled with times of joy, celebration, anxiety and stress. Know that you are not alone. This fact sheet provides you with tips and resources as you explore coming out in later life.

May 2021 | SAGE National Resource Center on LGBT Aging

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Pride Action Tank

Pride Action Tank brings together and supports the work of subject matter experts as well as people directly impacted by challenges facing the LGBTQ+ community to envision and realize practical and longer-term policy solutions. Moreover, Pride Action Tank fuels collaborations among organizations, departments, experts, policy-makers and community members in order to fill in gaps and ensure better support for all people in LGBTQ+ communities. Our work focuses on six overlapping issue areas: housing, health, safety, financial security, youth and aging.

May 2021

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Self Care for the Caregiver

Self Care for the Caregiver provides a discussion that explores the challenges and joys of caregiving, and tips for caregivers to support self-care and achieve balance.

May 2021 | Bill Gross, SAGE Assistant Director and Julie Ugoretz, SAGE Program Coordinator

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Una publicación de SAGE y el Centro Nacional de Recursos sobre el Envejecimiento LGBT.

May 2021 | SAGE and National Resource Center on LGBT Aging

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Welcoming LGBT Residents: A Practical Guide for Senior Living Staff – Q & A with Author, Dr. Tim R Johnston

Join us for a Q&A with Dr. Tim R. Johnston as he talks about his book, Welcoming LGBT Residents: A Practical Guide for Senior Living Staff.

March 2021 | Dr. Tim Johnston

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Park View - a Q&A with Film Producer, Tab Ballis

The Park View Q&A explores the making of documentary regarding the murder of a young lesbian in Wilmington, NC and lasting trauma of the LGBT community some 30 years later.

March 2021 | Tab Ballis

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Facts on LGBTQ+ Aging

What do we know about LGBTQ+ Aging? This fact sheet provides an overview of topics such as caregiving, cultural competency, discrimination, heatlh care, HIV/AIDS, housing, financial security, social isolation, and wellness.

March 2021 | SAGE and National Resource Center on LGBTQ+ Aging

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Three Ways to Avoid COVID-19 Vaccine Scams

See this fact sheet on ways to avoid scams related to the COVID-19 Scam.

February 2021 | Federal Trade Commission

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COVID-19 Consumer Tip Sheet - Tips for Protecting Yourself and Medicare

This tip sheet provides information on scams related to coronavirus and the COVID-19 Vaccine.

January 2021 | Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP)

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LGBT Aging 2025: Strategies for Achieving a Healthy and Thriving LGBT Older Adult Community in Massachusetts

This guide is part of a visioning project in Massachusetts, seeking to answer the question: If we want to have a thriving, happy and healthy LGBT older adult community in Massachusetts in 2025, what changes in services, health care, and policy should we make now?

December 2020 | The Fenway Institute

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Aging with Pride Q&A: IDEA (Innovations in Dementia Empowerment and Action) Study Participation

This Q&A provided by Aging with Pride describes - IDEA (Innovations in Dementia Empowerment and Action) study is the first federally-funded research study examining ways to improve the health and quality of life for adults aged 50 and older in the LGBTQ community with memory loss and their caregivers.

December 2020 | Amy Cunningham, Research Coordinator, Aging with Pride

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The Stonewall Generation a Q&A with Dr. Jane Fleishman PhD

Dr. Jane Fleishman, PhD, provides a Q&A on authoring, The Stonewall Generation: LGBTQ Elders on Sex, Activism, and Aging.

December 2020 | Dr. Jane Fleishman, Phd

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The Lodge Documentary: A Q&A with filmmaker Pam Walton

This Q&A with fimmaker Pam Walton explores the inspiration for making the documentary, The Lodge.

December 2020 | Pam Walton

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COVID-19 Financial Resources

COVID-19 Financial Resources

December 2020

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The Intersection Between Disability and LGBTQ Discrimination and Marginalization

A research article exploring the intersection of disability and LGBTQ discrimination and marginalization.

December 2020 | Victoria M. Rodríguez-Roldán, National LGBTQ Task Force

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Reimaging Dementia: A Creative Coalition for Justice

Reimagining Dementia: A Creative Coalition for Justice is an international group of dementia activists and allies – health professionals people living with dementia (young and old); carers/care partners; family and community members; advocates, artists, academics, policy makers and others - who share a diverse and humanizing vision of care and support that promotes inclusion, relationality, creativity, joy and the possibility of growth for everyone living with, and impacted by, dementia.

November 2020 | Mary Fridley, Reimaging Dementia

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Accessing Services and Supports During a Pandemic

This webinar hosted by SAGE, Diverse Elders Coalition and National Alliance for Caregiving provides a discussion on caregiving during the pandemic including day to challenges, tips for self-care and useful caregiving resources.

November 2020 | SAGE, Diverse Elders Coalition, and National Alliance for Caregiving

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LGBTQ Aging: The Case for Inclusive Long-term Care Communities

This brief produced the SAGE and the Human Rights Campaign Foundation explores the need for inclusive long-term care residential communities and how the Long-term Care Equality Index supports these efforts.

October 2020 | SAGE and HRC Foundation

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Mistreatment of LGBT Elders (Updated 2020)

This research brief, developed by the National Center on Elder Abuse, Keck School of Medicine and the SAGE National Resource Center on LGBT Aging describes information related to LGBT elder abuse.

October 2020 | Keck School of Medicine, National Center on Elder Abuse, and the SAGE National Resource Center on LGBT Aging

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The Importance of Gay and Lesbian Spousal and Partner Caregiver Research: A Q&A with Toni Calasanti and Brian de Vries

A Q&A highlighting the importance of research with caregivers of spouses and partners with Alzheimer's and other dementias.

September 2020 | Toni Calasanti and Brian deVries

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Building Support for LGBT Elder Justice: Celebrating Pride and World Elder Abuse Awareness

presented by SAGE's National Resource Center on LGBT Aging and the National Center on Elder Abuse.

July 2020 | National Center on Elder Abuse and SAGE's National Resource Center on LGBT Aging

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Developing LGBT-inclusive Long-term Care Services and Supports

This article provides practical tips and resources for developing LGBT-inclusive long-term care services and supports.

June 2020 | Sherrill Wayland, SAGE

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Serving Diverse Elders: Strategies for Meaningful Inclusion in Service Planning and Delivery

This guide will serve as a reference for how to provide culturally affirming and specific services that center diverse elders in every step of your planning process.

May 2020 | Asociación Nacional Pro Personas Mayores, National Asian Pacific Center on Aging, National Indian Council on Aging, The National Caucus and Center on Black Aging, SAGE National Resource Center on LGBT Aging

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Inclusive Services for LGBT Older Adults: A Practical Guide to Creating Welcoming Agencies

Updated May 18, 2020 - This publication highlights provides new research, resources, practical tips and suggested actions to help create inclusive and welcoming services for LGBT older adults.

May 2020 | National Resource Center on LGBT Aging

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2020 Older Americans Month - Make Your Mark

SAGE and The National Resource Center on LGBT Aging celebrate 2020 Older Americans Month by spotlighting resources in support of LGBT Aging.

May 2020

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Pennsylvania Council on Aging State of Adults COVID-19 Report

The Pennsylvania Department of Aging and the Pennsylvania Council on Aging (PCoA) released the findings of a statewide survey conducted by PCoA to assess the status, needs and interests of older adults during the COVID-19 outbreak. The survey inquired about food access, public risk factors, and social connection.

May 2020

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To Survive on This Shore: 5 Years Later

An interview with Jess T. Dugan and Vanessa Fabbre regarding their groundbreaking project To Survive on this Shore: Photographs and Interviews with Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Older Adults.

April 2020 | Jess T. Dugan and Vanessa Fabbre

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Diez consejos para incluir a las personas con discapacidades en la

Diez consejos para incluir a las personas con discapacidades en la

April 2020 | Christie Carter

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Los servicios personalizados y las personas LGBT con discapacidades

Los servicios personalizados y las personas LGBT con discapacidades

April 2020 | Christie Carter

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Coronavirus, COVID-19, and Considerations for People Living with HIV and LGBTQIA+ People

This report provides information regarding concerns, risk, precautions, and resources to assist those living with HIV and LGBTQIA+ people.

April 2020 | Sean Cahill, PhD, Fenway Institute

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LGBTQ Older Adults and COVID-19: Tools, Supports and Solutions for Navigating the Pandemic

Presented by Staff Attorneys and Advocates from SAGE, Human Rights Campaign, and Lambda Legal, this webinar provides practical tips and resources on your legal rights and planning tools to help navigate the COVID-19 pandemic.

April 2020 | SAGE, Lambda Legal, Human Rights Campaign

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COVID-19 & LGBTQ Older People

This brief describes the needs of LGBTQ older people, increased risks associated with COVID-19 and resources.

March 2020 | Human Rights Campaign Foundation and SAGE

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COVID-19 Resources from Aging Service Providers

SAGE's National Resource Center and Aging Service Providers Across the Country are rapidly preparing information and resources to assist LGBT older adults and caregivers in navigating the COVID-19 Pandemic. This page will be updated as new resources become available.

March 2020

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Prepare for COVID-19: Tips and Resources for LGBT Elders and those living with HIV

Because LGBT elders and older people living with HIV are at higher risk for experiencing the COVID-19 virus more acutely, it is important to take steps to make emergency plans that can help reduce your risk of contracting the virus.

March 2020 | SAGE's National Resource Center on LGBT Aging

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Options Magazine

Options Magazine is a volunteer-driven nonprofit organization that has served the local LGBTQ community with news, events, and resources since 1982.

March 2020

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10 Tips for Including People with Disabilities in the LGBT Community

Explore 10 tips for the inclusion of people with disabilities in LGBT community events and activities.

March 2020

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San Francisco First in Nation to Fund Services for Transgender Older Adults and Adults with Disabilities

Press release from San Francisco Department of Disability and Aging Services announcing funding to start services for Transgender Older Adults and Adults with Disabilities.

February 2020 | San Francisco Department of Disability and Aging Services

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Iona Senior Services

Iona is a leading DC aging services organization providing information & referral, case management, home-delivered meals, adult day health services, support groups, education/fitness/recreation opportunities, and psychotherapy. Iona is deeply involved in the LGBTQ community and offers no-cost peeer-led support groups for LGBTQ older adults in conjunction with Whitman-Walker Health. (

January 2020 | Iona Senior Services

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Why routinely collecting sexual orientation and gender identity information matters for elders

In this Q&A, Carey Candrian, PhD, discusses the importance of collecting information related to sexual orientation and gender identity in hospice and palliative care settings.

January 2020 | Carey Candrian, PhD

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FAQ: Housing Right for LGBT Seniors

This FAQ provided Lambda Legal provides updated information on housing rights and LGBT seniors.

January 2020 | Lambda Legal

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National Resource Center on LGBT Aging: Celebrating 10 Years of Knowledge

SAGE's National Resource Center on LGBT Aging, estalished in 2010, celebrates 10 years of supporting LGBT older adult equity.

January 2020 | SAGE's National Resource Center on LGBT Aging

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An Ally's Guide to Terminology 2017 Edition

The guide provide an overview on the words we use to talk about lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people and issues.

November 2019 | MAP (Movement Advancement Project)

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Getting the Care You Need - A Guide for People with Disabilities

Tips and resources on getting the health care you need as a person living with disability.

November 2019 | CMS (Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services)

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Welcome to PRIDE: A Practical Guide to Making Pride Parades, Marches and Festivals Age-Friendly

The goals of Welcome to Pride are: to learn about effective age-friendly features that Pride organizers and elder advocates currently have in place; to share these best practices; and to secure commitments from Pride organizers to maintain or increase the number of age-friendly features of their events.

November 2019 | SAGE

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Conscious Cultivation: A Model for Inclusive, Interactive Programming

As our society ages and diversifies, there emerges the necessity for specialized programs that cater to the needs of diverse populations within the aging community, particularly those who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ).

November 2019 | Center on Halsted, Britta Larson, Nina Orlowski, Amanda Vevers, Todd Williams

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Retirement Connection: LGBT Designated Housing Providers

LGBT Designated Housing Providers in Greater Portland, OR

August 2019

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Definiciones & Términos Comunes

Definiciones & Términos Comunes

July 2019 | National Resource Center on LGBT Aging

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Improving Undergraduate Nursing Students' Understanding of LGBTQ Older Adults

As a nursing educator, preparing nursing students for care of an aging population is challenging. New nurses entering practice need to understand the complex physical, psychological, and spiritual needs of older adults, while also considering the importance of generational, cultural, and individual differences of older adults and their families. It is also important for new nurses to recognize and advocate for vulnerable and underserved older adult groups, such as the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) community.

July 2019 | Nadine Henriquez, Brandon University, Brandon, Manitoba, Canada.

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LGBTQ Inclusive Services Readiness Checklist: A Self-Assessment for Area Agencies on Aging

This self-assessment aims to help agencies determine how effectively they are supporting LGBTQ individuals and aid in identifying areas of growth. To get started, mark the boxes next to the actions your agency is taking to be more inclusive to the LGBTQ community.

July 2019 | Aging Ahead, St. Louis Area Agency on Aging, National Resource Center on LGBT Aging

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Recommendations for Supporting LGBT People Living with Dementia

This fact sheets provides recommendations for you can use in support of LGBT people living with dementia.

July 2019 | SAGE and Alzheimer's Association

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Preguntas acerca de la orientación sexual y la identidad de género en los servicios para adultos mayores

Algunos estados están obligados por ley a solicitar esta información. En otros estados, algunas agencias toman muchas medidas para obtener tanta información como les sea posible sobre las comunidades a las que sirven.

July 2019 | SAGE National Resource Center on LGBT Aging Agradecemos especialmente a Yuisa Gimeno, del condado de Los Ángeles, Desarrollo de la Fuerza Laboral, Servicios para Adultos Mayores y Comunitarios (WDACS), Agencia Local para Adultos Mayores (AAA), por su ayuda en la elaboración de esta hoja informativa.

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Partnership by Design: new project aims to improve LGBTQ elders' lives

San Francisco’s Openhouse ( and On Lok ( are partnering to help the city’s LGBTQ older adults age with dignity, independence and pride. The two nonprofits are co-designing a program that addresses two critical issues in this community: accessing much needed aging services, and ameliorating the LGBTQ elders’ fears that life in a nursing home would drive them back into the closet.

May 2019 | American Society on Aging, interview by Tim Johnston (SAGE)

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Pushing for equality: LGBT elders need discrimination-free access to care in community

This article describes the need for LGBT equity in and access to care in aging services.

May 2019 | American Society on Aging, by Michael Adams (SAGE)

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Tennessee LGBT+ Affirming Resources: a snapshot of TN affirming programs, services, providers & activities

See this resource guide for a listing of LGBT+ friendly programs and services in Tennessee.

May 2019 | Vicki Stanley, SAGECare Trainer

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Affirming LGBT+ Resources: Especially for Maturing & Older Adults and the Supporting Advocate & Professional Communities

A SNAPSHOT GUIDE to Locating Health, Wellness, & Support Information and Resources Including a Professionals’ Toolkit

May 2019 | Vicki Stanley, SAGECare Trainer

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Enhancing Health, Wealth, and Community for older LGBT adults

This article explores latest research and programs that support LGBT older people.

April 2019 | The Journal of Active Aging, article by Marilynn Larkin, MA

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From Connections to Community: Data-informed lessons for an intergenerational gathering

How would you create an event, at a national scale, to foster connections across generations? What steps would you take, what questions would you ask, and how would you know you’d been successful? Read this article to learn more.

April 2019 | interstitio & SAGE report written by by Eric Gladstone, Pony Knowles, and David C. Thompson

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Questions About Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in Aging Services

Why am I being asked about my sexual orientation, gender, and gender identity? Is this a question you are being asked during an intake with an older adult? If so then this fact sheet is for you.

March 2019 | National Resource Center on LGBT Aging

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Training the Aging Network to Provide Culturally Competent Care for LGBTQ Older Adults

This brief explores the need for LGBT Cultural Competency training in health and aging services.

March 2019 | Center for Consumer Engagement in Health Innovation

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Looking for Love? Sweetheart Scam_Updated 2019

Tips on how LGBT older people can avoid the "Sweetheart Scam".

February 2019 | National Center on Elder Abuse and National Resource Center on LGBT Aging

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Older Women & Poverty

This three-part special report takes a closer look at the lives of older women to better understand the challenges they face and how we can address them.

December 2018 | Justice in Aging - Amber Christ, Senior Staff Attorney, and Tracey Gronniger, Directing Attorney

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Advocating for Yourself and Others: Health and Aging Services

This article provides useful information you can use to advocate for yourself and others in health and aging services.

November 2018 | Jacqueline Boyd for the National Resource Center on LGBT Aging

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SAGE National LGBT Housing Initiative: Increasing LGBT Cultural Competence

This fact sheet explores ways to increase LGBT cultural competence in housing and long-term care.

November 2018 | SAGE

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Issue Brief: LGBT and Dementia

This paper is divided into three sections including a general overview of LGBT older adults and dementia, intersecting identities, and recommendations.

November 2018 | Alzheimer's Association and SAGE

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Aging While Transgender - Unique Issues

This fact sheet explores unique issues related to being transgender and aging.

November 2018 | SAGE

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5 Tips for LGBT Older People to Avoid Fraud

This article provides tips to help LGBT older people avoid fraud.

October 2018 | William Chalkley, with Top10VPN

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10 Tips on Finding LGBT Affirming Services - Mandarin Translation

10 Tips on Finding LGBT Affirming Services - Mandarin Translation

October 2018 | SAGE

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LGBT Caregiving Fact Sheet - Vietnamese Translation

LGBT Caregiving Fact Sheet - Vietnamese Translation

October 2018 | SAGE

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LGBT Caregiving Fact Sheet - Mandarin Translation

LGBT Caregiving Fact Sheet - Mandarin Translation

October 2018 | SAGE

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Residents’ Rights and the LGBT Community: Know YOUR Rights as a Nursing Home Resident Updated 2018

The rights of all residents should be honored and respected, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity or expression.

October 2018 | The National Long Term Care Ombudsman Resource Center

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Enhancing health, wellness and community for older LGBT adults

This article provides a look at the unique needs of older LGBT people and how communities are responding to these needs.

September 2018 | Marilynn Larkin, M.A. in the Journal of Active Aging

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LGBT Older People Built the LGBT Community

LGBT Older People Built the LGBT Community provides steps LGBT organizations and professionals can take in support of LGBT older people.

September 2018 | National Center for Elder Abuse, SAGE, and FORGE

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LGBT Older People: Our Right to a Peaceful Life

LGBT Older People: Our Right to a Peaceful Life provides steps LGBT older people can take to feel empowered and advocate for themselves.

September 2018 | National Center on Elder Abuse, SAGE, and FORGE

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Paying it Back: Promoting Justice for LGBT Communities of All Ages

Paying it Back: Promoting Justice for LGBT Communities of All Ages provides information and steps to promote justice and prevent and address social isolation and LGBT specific elder abuse.

September 2018 | National Center on Elder Abuse, SAGE, and FORGE

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My Personal Directions for Quality Living

Use this form to provide paid and unpaid caregivers with your personal directions that will help ensure your quality of living in long-term care and health settings.

August 2018 | The National Consumer Voice and SAGE

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My Persoanl Directions (fillable download)

Use this form to provide paid and unpaid caregivers with your personal directions that will help ensure your quality of living in long-term care and health settings. This form is fillable for completing and printing from your computer.

August 2018

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LGBT Affirming Intake: Sample Questions

Sample questions for LGBT inclusive intake forms.

June 2018 | National Resource Center on LGBT Aging and SAGECare

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Admisión afirmativa para las personas LGBT: Ejemplos de preguntas

Admisión afirmativa para las personas LGBT: Ejemplos de preguntas (Spanish version of LGBT Affirming Intake Questions).

June 2018 | National Resource Center on LGBT Aging and SAGECare

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How Can Legal Services Better Meet the Needs of Low-Income LGBT Seniors?

This special report addresses specifically how legal services can best meet the unique legal needs of low-income LGBT older adults.

June 2018 | Justice in Aging

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FAQ: Housing Rights of LGBT Seniors

This blog prepared by Lambda Legal answer questions regarding the housing rights of LGBT older adults.

June 2018 | Lambda Legal, original blog posted by Lambda Legal on July 26, 2016

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Nothing About Us Without Us

"Nothing About Us Without Us" premiered at the SAGE's 21st Annual Awards & Gala at Cipriani Wall Street in New York City on October 17, 2016.

June 2018 | LGBT Older Adults and SAGE

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La expresión de las necesidades emocionales e íntimas como adultos mayores LGBTQ

Spanish version of Intimacy and LGBT Older Adults

June 2018 | Jane Fleishman, Ph.D.

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Long Distance Caregiving

An online caregiving guide from the National Institutes of Health.

June 2018 | National Institute on Aging

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Senior Services of Southeastern Virginia

Senior Services of Southeastern Virginia is the regional not-for-profit organization that helps seniors and adults with disabilities live with choice and dignity in their communities. Its headquarters and satellite offices assist citizens in the cities of Chesapeake, Franklin, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk and Virginia Beach, and in Isle of Wight and Southampton counties. Programs and services include case management, in-home care, Meals on Wheels and meals at senior center wellness and nutrition sites, Care Transitions, wellness classes, I-Ride transportation, Medicare benefits counseling and more.

June 2018

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Intimacy & LGBT Older Adults: Expressing Your Emotional and Intimacy Needs as LGBTQ Older Adults

This article explores the importance of emotional and intimacy needs of LGBT older adults including tips and resources.

May 2018 | Jane Fleishman, Ph.D.

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End-of-Life Perceptions and Preparations of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Older Adults

Little is known about what LGBT older adults think of, prepare for, and want for their end-of-life care experience. In order to fill the gap in knowledge, two researchers from Saint Louis University interviewed 17 LGBT individuals, 60 years and older.

May 2018 | Daniel B. Stewart, MSG - School of Social Work, Saint Louis University & SAGE of PROMO Fund and Brandy Fox, MSHCE - Albert Gnaegi Center for Health Care Ethics, Saint Louis University

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Q&A with Joy Loverde author of, Who Will Take Care of Me When I'm Old

Do you often wonder, "Who will help me as I age?" - you are not alone! Joy Loverde, joined us for a Q&A to share the inspiration for her book and lessons learned from her work around caregiving.

April 2018 | Joy Loverde

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Maintaining Dignity: Understanding & Responding to the Needs of Older LGBT Americans Infographic

New AARP national survey finds most LGBT adults want but don’t have access to LGBT-sensitive care and services.

March 2018 | AARP, Angela Houghton

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Successful Outcomes of the LGBT Aging Policy Task Force

Four years ago, the San Francisco LGBT Aging Policy Task Force concluded its 18-month tenure by submitting its final report, LGBT Aging at the Golden Gate: San Francisco Policy Issues and Recommendations, to the Board of Supervisors.

March 2018 | by Dr. Marcy Adelman. This article originally appeared in the San Francisco Bay Times and is re-posted from the Diverse Elders Coalition.

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Spiritual Care & Non-Religious Elders: Individualized Spiritual Care

This fact sheets discusses ways chaplains can provide spiritual support and resources to non-religious LGBT older adults.

February 2018 | Judith Sullivan, RN, EdD, MDiv Volunteer Chaplin, Hebrew SeniorLife and Rehabilitation Center

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Spiritual Themes in the Lives of LGBT Elders

This fact sheet explores the spiritual lives of LGBT elders through spiritual themes rooted in a person's search for meaning and purpose in life.

February 2018 | Rabbi Sara Paasche-Orlow, Hebrew SeniorLife

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The Impact of Trauma History on End of Life for LGBT Elders

This fact sheet provides an understanding of how a history of trauma may impact end of life spiritual support for LGBT elders and suggestions for professional caregivers.

February 2018 | Rev. Mary Martha Thiel, ACPE Certified Education, BCC, APC Director of Clinical Pastoral Education, Hebrew SeniorLife

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Cómo crear su plan de cuidados

Esta guía es una herramienta práctica para adultos mayores LGBT (lesbianas, gay, bisexuales y transgénero) y otros que se van a someter a una cirugía u otro procedimiento médico, y necesitan o quieren tomar control para planificar su propio cuidado.

December 2017 | SAGE

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Dignity Denied: Religious Exemptions and LGBT Elder Services

Ever-growing religious exemption laws put LGBT elders at increased risk for discrimination.

December 2017 | The Movement Advancement Project and SAGE & Public Rights/Private Conscience Project (PRPCP) at Columbia Law School

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Key Considerations in Developing LGBT Friendly Service Enhriched Affordable Houisng

This webinar walks LGBT providers through the affordable housing development process.

December 2017

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Key Considerations in Home Safety and Modifications

This webinar will provide LGBT consumers and providers basic understanding of home safety tips and lower-cost home modifications to assist LGBT older adults to safely age in place.

December 2017 | SAGE

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Understanding the Affordable Housing Development Process: A Primer for LGBT Aging Providers

This guide to help readers understand the overall development process of LGBT-welcoming housing developments.

December 2017 | SAGE

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Key Considerations in LGBT Aging-in-Place and Care Coordination

This webinar will provide LGBT consumers and providers key considerations for aging-in-place strategies for LGBT older adults and how to link those strategies with additional community care resources.

December 2017 | SAGE

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LGBT Elders and Healthcare Providers Discuss Why Being Treated Respectfully Is Important

As part of National Coming Out Day, SAGECare and the Center for Consumer Engagement in Health Innovation asked LGBT elders and care providers why being out to healthcare providers is so important. The main thing we learned from our LGBT elders is that they want to be treated with respect.

November 2017 | SAGE and Center for Consumer Engagement in Health Innovation

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The Equality Act: Infographic

Infographic highlighting the importance of the Equality Act for LGBT older adults.

November 2017 | SAGE, National LGBTQ Task Force

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Principles for Person-directed Services and Supports during Serious Illness

The Administration for Community Living (ACL) believe that every person has the right to make choices and to control their own decisions. This right is independent of age or disability or stage of illness. 

October 2017 | Administration for Community Living

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Create Your Care Plan: An LGBT Person's Guide to Preparing for Medical Procedures

This workbook provides a detailed overview of what to expect when undergoing a surgical procedure, and how to plan for a successful recovery. Includes step-by-step instructions to create your own care plan, including worksheets, resources, and tips/encouragement for reaching out to others.

September 2017 | SAGE

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Care Planning Worksheets

Care Planning Worksheets that accompany the Create Your Care Plan workbook.

September 2017

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Caregiving in the LGBT Community: A Guide to Engaging and Supporting LGBT Caregivers through Programming

This guide provides an overview of caregiving in the LGBT community, and specific ideas, lessons learned and best practices for expanding programming to reach and include LGBT caregivers and those caring for LGBT older adults.

September 2017 | SAGE

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Identifying and Referring LGBT Caregivers

This fact sheet is designed to assist providers with identifying and supporting LGBT Caregivers in a medical setting.

September 2017 | John Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, Chase Brexton Health Center, and SAGE

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Senior Centers & Outreach to LGBT Older Adults

This fact sheet provides strategies and resources for Senior Centers to as they increase outreach and services to LGBT older adults.

September 2017 | National Resource Center on LGBT Aging prepared by Sherrill Wayland

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Prepare to Care: A Planning Guide for Caregivers in the LGBT Community

A planning guide for caregivers in the LGBT community

September 2017 | AARP and SAGE

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Update - Coming of Age at the Time of Stonewall a Q & A with Jane Fleishman, PhD

This Q & A is an update regarding the research of Jane Fleishman on what it was like to come of age and come out during the Stonewall Era.

August 2017 | Jane Fleishman, PhD

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Caregiving and LGBT Concerns in Michigan: A Guide for Caregivers

This guide was created in 2016 and published in 2017 as a collaborative effort of the ACLU of Michigan, SAGE Metro Detroit and the three Area Agencies on Aging serving Southeastern Michigan: Detroit Area Agency on Aging, AAA1-B, and The Senior Alliance.

July 2017 | ACLU of Michigan, in collaboration with AAA1-B, Detroit Area Agency on Aging, SAGE Metro Detroit, and The Senior Alliance

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Age-Friendly Inclusive Services: A Practical Guide to Creating Welcoming LGBT Organizations

Updated in 2017 to include information and resources on caregiving, this guide is intended to help LGBT centers understand the unique challenges that LGBT people face as they get older, and provide you with some tools and strategies to ensure that LGBT older adults feel more included and safe in LGBT organizations.

June 2017 | SAGE's National Resource Center on LGBT Aging

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Medicaid y la comunidad LGBT: Cómo costear el cuidado médico a largo plazo: Actualizado en el 2016

Este artículo proporciona un resumen de las reglas que aplican a aquellos en la comunidad LGBT y que posiblemente necesiten Medicaid, en especial para aquellos que podrían requerir cuidado médico a largo plazo en un centro especializado de enfermería. El siguiente artículo está dirigido a personas solteras y parejas domésticas.

June 2017 | Arlene Zarembka, Abogada

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Invisability: Talking About Bisexuality and Aging

Fact sheet exploring the invisibility of bisexuality and aging with the LGBT community.

June 2017 | Terri Clark for SAGE's National Resource Center on LGBT Aging

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Hoja De Datos: Cómo Brindar Cuidados A La Comunidad LGBT (LGBT Caregiving Fact Sheet)

Temas importantes que deben conocer los cuidadores de la comunidad LGBT

June 2017 | Alex Kent, SAGE

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10 Consejos Para Encontrar Servicios Afirmativos Para La Comunidad LGBT

10 Consejos Para Encontrar Servicios Afirmativos Para La Comunidad LGBT

June 2017 | SAGE's National Resource Center on LGBT Aging

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Understanding Issues Facing LGBT Older Adults

This report seeks to increase understanding of the unique needs and experiences of LGBT older adults.

June 2017 | Movement Advancement Project (MAP) and SAGE

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LGBTQ-Inclusive Hospice and Palliative Care: A Practical Guide to Transforming Professional Practice - Q&A with author Kimberly, D. Acquaviva

This article is a Q&A with Kimberly D. Acquaviva, author of LGBTQ-Inclusive Hospice and Palliative Care: A Practical Guide to Transforming Professional Practice.

May 2017 | Kimberly D. Acquaviva, PhD, MSW

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Overcoming Barriers to Care for LGBT Elders with Alzheimer's

This article discusses the added stigma for LGBT elders diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease and overcoming barriers to care.

May 2017 | Dr. Marcy Adelman - This article was first published in the ASA publication Generations, Summer 2016

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Amputee Coalition: Limb Loss in the LGBT Community

This webinar presented by the Amputee Coalition provides information on people who experience limb loss and limb difference, resources available, and tips for how LGBT organizations can provide outreach and support to people who experience limb loss/difference and also identify as LGBT.

May 2017 | Amputee Coalition of America

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Connecting Diverse Elders with Programs to Help with Costs of Living

This article provides information on a valuable tool from the National Council on Aging called BenefitsCheckUp®.

April 2017 | National Council on Aging (NCOA) article first appeared in Diverse Elders Coalition Blog

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New Guidance from SSA on Spousal & Survivors Benefits for Married LGBT Couples

This guidance can help individuals in same-sex marriages who were denied benefits because their marriage to a spouse of the same sex wasn’t properly recognized.

April 2017 | Justice in Aging

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LGBTQ IPV in Later Life Fact Sheet and Resources

Facts and resources regarding Intimate Partner Violence in later life and the LGBTQ community.

April 2017 | FORGE

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10 Tips on Finding LGBT-Affirming Services

Nervous about paid care services? Here’s what you can do to hire the supportive, friendly care provider who’s right for you.

April 2017 | SAGE

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Fact Sheet: National Consortium on Aging Resources for Seniors' Equity

Funded by the Administration on Community Living (ACL), the National Consortium on Aging Resources for Seniors' Equity works to decrease the prevalence of disparities among racial, ethnic minority and LGBT older adults, their families and caregivers, by providing technical assistance to the Aging Network.

March 2017 | Consortium Members

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Hoja Informativa: Salud Del Seno Y El Envejecimiento En La Comunidad LGBT

Hoja Informativa: Salud Del Seno Y El Envejecimiento En La Comunidad LGBT

March 2017 | Por Elías Grossman, MSW, defensor de la comunidad, Susan G. Komen Pudget Sound

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Oklahoma Women Become Brave for Marriage Equality - A Q&A with Sharon Bishop-Baldwin, author of Becoming Brave

Oklahoma Women Become Brave for Marriage Equality is a Q&A with Sharon Bishop-Baldwin, author of Becoming Brave. Sharon tells of the fight for Marriage Equality in Oklahoma and how she and her wife became brave as LGBT advocates along the way.

March 2017 | Sharon Bishop-Baldwin

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Imposter Scams

Information from the Federal Trade Commission to help recognize and report Imposter Scams.

February 2017 | Federal Trade Commission

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Health Care Scams

Information from the Federal Trade Commission on recognizing and reporting Health Care Scams.

February 2017 | Federal Trade Commission

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Fact Sheet: When LGBT Older Adults Come Out

This fact sheet provides organizations with best practices for honoring the confidentiality and informed consent regarding personal information shared by LGBT older adults.

January 2017 | SAGE's National Resource on LGBT Aging

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Fact Sheet: Breast Health & LGBT Aging

Breast health and awareness is often an uncomfortable subject for LGBTQ community members. This fact sheet presents fact related to the important topic of breast health.

January 2017 | SAGE prepared by Elijah Grossman, MSW

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Health and Wellness Needs of the Senior LGBTQ in Sussex County Delaware: A Needs Assessment

This report focuses on the findings uncovered through a Survey Monkey questionnaire returned by 288 people, a focus group of 16 individuals, and a report from the Peer Leader of the Trans-Talk and Transparent discussion and support groups.

December 2016 | Camp Rehoboth Community Center

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Identifying the Transgender Population in the Medicare Program

Research study on how to identify and describe the transgender population in the Medicare program using administrative data. This is an Open Access Article published in Transgender Health by Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.

December 2016 | Kimberly Proctor, Samuel C. Haffer, Erin Ewald, Carla Hodge, and Cara V. James

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2015 U.S. Transgender Survey Executive Summary

Executive summary of the 2015 Transgender Survey.

December 2016 | National Center for Transgender Equality

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2015 U.S. Transgender Survey

With almost 28,000 respondents, the U.S. Trans Survey (USTS) is the largest survey ever devoted to the lives and experiences of trans people.

December 2016 | National Center for Transgender Equality: Sandy, E. James, Jody L. Herman, Susan Rankin, Mara Keisling, Lisa Mottet, and Ma'ayan Anafi

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2015 U.S. Transgender Survey - Resumen Ejecutivo

Con casi 28,000 participantes, La Encuesta Estadounidense Trans del 2015 (U.S. Transgender Survey o USTS) es la encuesta más grande jamás realizada de las vidas y experiencias de personas trans.

December 2016 | National Center for Transgender Equality: Sandy, E. James, Jody L. Herman, Susan Rankin, Mara Keisling, Lisa Mottet, and Ma'ayan Anafi

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LGBT Caregiving Fact Sheet

Important tips and resources for LGBT Caregivers.

November 2016 | National Resource Center on LGBT Aging and SAGECAP Program

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Holiday Hints: Alzheimer's Caregiver Tips

The tips below can help you and the person with Alzheimer’s visit and reconnect with family, friends, and neighbors during holidays.

November 2016 | National Institutes on Aging part of the National Institutes on Health

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Caring for Yourself: Alzheimer's Caregiving Tips

Taking care of yourself is one of the most important things you can do as a caregiver. This could mean asking family members or friends to help out, doing things you enjoy, using adult day care services, or getting help from a local home health care agency.

November 2016 | National Institute on Aging a part of the National Institutes on Health

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Long-Distance Caregiving: Twenty Questions and Answers

Developed by the National Institute on Aging (NIA), part of the National Institutes of Health, this booklet is a gateway to ideas and resources that can help make long-distance caregiving more manageable and satisfying.

November 2016 | National Institute on Aging, part of the National Institutes of Health

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Infographic: LGBT Elders Send Powerful Message to Federal Administration for Community Living

Infographic describing how LGBT older adult and ally community members and organizations advocated for LGBT inclusive aging services.

October 2016 | SAGE

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Encouraging an Inclusive Practice: Care Management Ally Comes Out in Support of the LGBT Community

This article introduces the reader to the field of Care Management and the journey of a Care Manager who came out as an LGBT Ally.

October 2016 | Tiffany Webster, MSW, LCSW, CMC, A Plus Aging Advantage

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Social Security: What Same-Sex Couples Need to Know

On June 26, 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a decision in Obergefell v. Hodges, holding that same-sex couples have a constitutional right to marry in all States and have their marriage recognized by other States. We now recognize same-sex couples’ marriages in all States, and some nonmarital legal relationships (such as civil unions and domestic partnerships), for purposes of determining entitlement to Social Security benefits, Medicare entitlement, and eligibility and payment amount for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments.

September 2016 | Social Security Administration

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What to Do When Addiction Has Become a Coping Mechanism

In the LGBTQA community, addiction affects 20-30% of its members as opposed to the national average of 9%. The reason for this is primarily the social rejection and isolation associated with coming out.

September 2016 | Patricia Sarmiento, Public Health Corps

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LGBT Aging: A Review of Research Findings, Needs, and Policy Implications

This report is a review of existing literature of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) older adults and provides recommendations for future research and policy needs.

September 2016 | Soon Kyu Choi, M.P.P., MSc. and Ilan H. Meyer, Ph.D., Williams Institute, UCLA School of Law

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Expecting Rejection: Understanding the Minority Stress Experiences of Transgender and Gender-Nonconforming Individuals

Transgender and gender-nonconforming (TGNC) individuals often are the target of enacted or external (i.e.,distal) experiencesofstigma, discrimination, andviolence,whicharelinked toadversehealth,particularly psychological distress.

September 2016 | Brian A. Rood, Sari L. Reisner, Francisco I. Surace, Jae A. Puckett, Meredith R. Maroney, and David W. Pantalone

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Dr. Fleishman's Model for Older Adults in Same-Sex Relationships

This model illustrates the correlations between variables for older adults in same-sex relationships.

September 2016 | Dr. Fleishman

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Medicare Rights Center a Q&A with Joe Baker, President

Learn about the work of the Medicare Rights Center, a national, nonprofit consumer service organization.

August 2016 | Joe Baker, President Medicare Rights Center

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An Intersectional Approach to Services and Care for LGBT Older Adults

The time has come for an intersectional approach that takes into full account all of these life experiences. This approach will prove invaluable to practitioners committed to working effectively with vulnerable older adults. It also will fuel policy progress by supporting shared agendas and advocacy based on the intersecting interests of diverse elder communities.

August 2016 | Michael Adams SAGE, CEO Published by Generations - Journal of the American Society on Aging

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How Does Marriage Change Your Taxes?

SAGE and CitiCommunity Development partnered to create a series of infographics based on the "Talk Before You Walk: Considerations for LGBT Older Couples Before Getting Married" toolkit. Learn about finances at a glance for LGBT older adults.

July 2016 | SAGE and Citi Community Development

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How Does Marriage Change Your Finances?

SAGE and CitiCommunity Development partnered to create a series of infographics based on the "Talk Before You Walk: Considerations for LGBT Older Couples Before Getting Married" toolkit. Learn about finances at a glance for LGBT older adults.

July 2016 | SAGE and Citi Community Development

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How Does Marriage Change Your Healthcare?

SAGE and Citi Community Development partnered to create a series of infographics based on the "Talk Before You Walk: Considerations for LGBT Older Couples Before Getting Married" toolkit. Learn about finances at a glance for LGBT older adults.

July 2016 | SAGE and Citi Community Development

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Accessing Information on Medicare Benefits for LGBT People

Resource document providing links to organizations that provide information on legal rights and/or Medicare benefits.

July 2016 | SAGE

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Marriage, Medicare and Medicaid: What Same-Sex Couples Need to Know

Tips for same-sex couples who are married or thinking about marriage so you can understand how marriage affects Medicare and Medicaid rights.

July 2016 | SAGE & Justice in Aging

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Medicare Changes for Transgender Older Adults

Until recently, Medicare has not had specific guidance about how to address the unique needs of transgender older adults. That is changing.

July 2016 | SAGE & Justice in Aging

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La salud sexual y el envejecimiento (Aging and Sexual Health)

Una conversación abierta acerca de la salud sexual y el envejecimiento

July 2016 | Por Terri Clark, MPH Coordinadora de Servicios de Prevención ActionAIDS Philadelphia

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LGBT Older Adult Education Resources - FREE of Charge

This document provides a list of "FREE" of charge education resources promoting awareness of LGBT Older Adults.

June 2016 | SAGE's National Resource Center of LGBT Aging

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Supporting LGBT Older Adults During A Time of Grief and Loss Following the Orlando Attack

Resource article for support of LGBT older adults following the Orlando, FL mass shooting.

June 2016 | Sherrill Wayland, MSW SAGE, Manager of National Projects

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The Longest Day: An LGBT Older Adult and Caregiver Perspective for Living with Alzheimer ’s Disease

A discussion on LGBT older adults living with Alzheimer's Disease and their caregivers on the Alzheimer's Association Longest Day.

June 2016 | Sherrill Wayland, MSW - SAGE's Manager of National Projects

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Marriage and Finances: Planning for the Unexpected

There are many benefits to being an active participant in managing the household finances when you are married. One of those benefits, while not easy to think about, is being better prepared to deal with some of life’s unexpected events.

June 2016 | WISER and SAGE's National Resource Center on LGBT Aging

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Protecting Your Finances during a Divorce

Going through a divorce can be a very emotional and difficult situation to navigate, which can leave individuals financially vulnerable as well.

June 2016 | WISER and SAGE's National Resource Center on LGBT Aging

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Managing the Financial Impact of Widowhood

The emotional impact of widowhood can be overwhelming, but the financial impact can hit just as hard. There is often a decline in standard of living for the surviving spouse; household income can decline due to changes in Social Security benefits and the possible loss of the deceased spouse’s retirement income and earnings.

June 2016 | WISER and SAGE's National Resource Center on LGBT Aging

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Aging & Sexual Health

Honest Talk About Aging & Sexual Health

June 2016 | Terri Clark, MPH

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Creating Equal Access to Quality Health Care for Transgender Patients: Transgender-Affirming Hospital Policies

Creating Equal Access to Quality Health Care for Transgender Patients: Transgender-Affirming Hospital Policies (updated May 2016) provides model policies on the following topics.

May 2016 | Lambda Legal, Human Rights Campaign, Hogan Lovells, New York City Bar

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Strategies to Improve the Health of Older Adults Living with HIV

Due in large part to improvements in treatment and care, half of people living with HIV in the United States today are age 50 and over.

May 2016 | Sean Cahill, Sophia Geffen, Samantha Marquez, and S. Wade Taylor National Center for Innovation in HIV Care

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Diverse Women in Clinical Trials

Article announcing SAGE's National Resource Center on LGBT Aging work with to the U.S. Food Drug Administration (FDA) Office of Women's Health to raise awareness of Diverse Women in Clinical Trials and the inclusion of LGBT women.

May 2016 | National Resource Center on LGBT

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Talking With Your Older Patient, A Clinician's Handbook

Guide for Talking With Your Older Patient, A Clinician's Handbook

May 2016 | National Institute on Aging at NIH

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Life with Depression Fact Sheet

This Fact Sheet describes what it feels like to live with depression.

May 2016 | Mental Health America

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Life with Anxiety Fact Sheet

This Fact Sheet describes what it feels like for people to live with anxiety.

May 2016 | Mental Health America

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Life with Bipolar Fact Sheet

This Fact Sheet describes what it is like for people who live with Bipolar Disorder.

May 2016 | Mental Health America

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Life with Psychosis Fact Sheet

This Fact Sheet describes what it is like for people who live with psychosis.

May 2016 | Mental Health America

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Life in Recovery Fact Sheet

This Fact Sheet describes what it feels like for people recovering from mental illness.

May 2016 | Mental Health America

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Think Ahead Worksheet

Think Ahead Worksheet to help organize your thoughts.

May 2016 | Mental Health America

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Do You Know What Mental Illness Feels Like?

Article announcing May as Mental Health Month and SAGE's National Resource Center on LGBT Aging joining with Mental Health America to raise awareness and share resources.

May 2016 | Mental Health America and National Resource Center on LGBT Aging

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Talk Before You Walk: Considerations for LGBT Older Couples Before Getting Married

When the Supreme Court decided Obergefell, the freedom to marry became the law of the land all across the United States. This victory forever changed financial planning and legal relationships for LGBT families.

April 2016 | SAGE (Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders)

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Desert Migration: A Documentary about Life After AIDS - Q&A with Daniel F. Cardone, Writer & Director

Join Daniel F. Cardone, the writer and director of Desert Migration, as he takes on the journey and inspiration for this documentary about "life after AIDS."

April 2016 | Daniel F. Cardone

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Reclaiming Our Two-Spirit Bodies: Working Towards Community Healing and Wellness in St. Louis

A qualitative, community-based research project involving individuals who identify as American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) & lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and/or queer - two-spirit (LGBTQ-TS) in the St. Louis Area.

April 2016 | Matthew Frank - Past MSW Practicum Student with SAGE of PROMO Fund (formerly SAGE Metro St. Louis)

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Need a Lifeline? Advance Medical Directives Will Protect Your Health Care Decisions

This article discusses the importance of advance planning.

April 2016 | Alex Kent SAGECAP Program, Replication Coordinator

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Engaging Volunteers in Grassroots Awareness Building

Blog article discussing the importance of grassroots education, volunteerism and the National Resource Center on LGBT Aging - Volunteer Education Ambassador program.

March 2016 | Blog originally published by the Diverse Elders Coalition Written by Tim Johnston and Sherrill Wayland with SAGE

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Equal Access for Transgender People Supporting Inclusive Housing and Shelters

This guide produced by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) provides guidance on the HUD Equal Access Rule and supporting the inclusion of Transgender people in housing and shelters.

March 2016 | U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

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National HIV/AIDS Strategy for the United States: Updated to 2020

In July 2015, the White House released the National HIV/AIDS Strategy for the United States: Updated to 2020. This Update reflects the work accomplished and the new scientific developments since the original Strategy was released in 2010.

March 2016 | U.S. Department of Health & Human Services

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Looking for Love? First Look Out for You!

Tips on How LGBT Elders Can Avoid the Infamous Sweetheart Scam

February 2016 | National Center on Elder Abuse and SAGE's National Resource Center on LGBT Aging

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Infographic: Updating the Older Americans Act

Learn why LGBT older adults need to be included in the Older Americans Act (OAA) with this simple infographic.

February 2016 | SAGE

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Federally Supported Services for LGBT Older Adults

This policy paper describes what the Older Americans Act (OAA) is, how LGBT older adults do not directly benefit from this $2 billion-a-year federal program and why the OAA needs to be amended in order to better serve LGBT older Americans.

February 2016 | SAGE

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PrEP - Transcending Barriers for Safer Pleasure a Publication for Transgender Women

The resource guide was written by Project Inform and Outshine NW for women who are transgender and for other trans/gender-variant people who were assigned male sex at birth.

February 2016 | Project Inform

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Understanding Deterrents and Barriers to Supporting African American/Black and other People of Color Aging In the LGBTQ/SGL Community and Finding Solutions

Dr. Imani Woody shares insights regarding barriers faced by people of color aging in the LGBT community and explores solutions LGBT organizations can utilize to support involvement and equity by people of color aging in LGBTQ communities.

February 2016 | Dr. Imani Woody

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Orientation to Medicaid

This article provides a basic overview and understanding of Medicaid

January 2016 | Leland Kiang, LICSW

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Know Your Rights A Legal Guide for Trans People and Their Advocates

A guide prepared by Lambda Legal for Trans or gender non-conforming people and their advocates.

December 2015 | Lambda Legal

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Transgender Women and Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis for HIV Prevention

Issue Brief Addresses Transgender Women, PrEP Research, And Hormone Concerns

December 2015 | National Center for Innovation in HIV Care Samantha Marquez and Sean Cahill

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The Center for LGBTQ Health Equity at Chase Brexton Health Care

Out Mission: To create health equity for LGBTQ people in our region and around the world through better health care services, education, and advocacy.

December 2015

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STL Village an LGBT Inclusive Model for Aging in Place Q&A

STL Village is an LGBT inclusive model for aging in place.

December 2015 | Madeline Franklin, Executive Director and Jennifer Kovar, Board Co-Chair of STL Village

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Age Page - HIV, AIDS, and Older People

Information and resource document on HIV, AIDS, and Older People developed by the National Institute on Aging.

November 2015 | National Institute on Aging

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The hidden link between Chronic Health Conditions and Domestic Violence

This infographic produced by the Verizon Foundation and More Magazine, explores the link between domestic violence and chronic health conditions.

November 2015 | Verizon Foundation and More Magazine

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Resources for LGBT Veterans

A resource document providing information to LGBT Veterans, spouses, caregivers and aging professionals.

November 2015 | National Resource Center on LGBT Aging

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VA Caregiver Support

VA values your commitment as a partner in our pledge to care for those who have "borne the battle," and we have several support and service options designed with you in mind.

November 2015

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What's the deal with caregiving? Q&A

A Q&A on LGBT Caregiving by author, blogger, and LGBT advocate Chris MacLellan.

November 2015 | Chris MacLellan

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Long Distance Caregiving - Getting Started

Long Distance Caregiving - Getting Started is a guide prepared by the National Institute of Aging designed to help caregivers understand challenges associated with caregiving, provide tips and resources as you caregive from a distance.

November 2015 | National Institute on Aging

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Have you done your Yearly Medicare Plan Review?

Describes the Medicare Open Enrollment process and the need to review your Medicare coverage on a yearly basis.

October 2015 | Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

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In Support of Coming Out: Support Groups for Older Adults

Article discussing a Coming Out Support Group for Older Adults.

October 2015 | Meghan Garvey, LMSW

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Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Aging Concerns

Abstract Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) elders and long-term couples have become more visible and their special concerns about aging are being recognized by gerontologists. LGBT elders are a diverse group with regard to all characteristics. This article focuses on the characteristics, research needs and barriers, service needs and barriers, clinical implications, and suggestions for appropriate treatment to increase awareness of clinical gerontologists who may not be familiar with LGBT seniors or who wish to improve their services to this population. Gerontologists working in long-term care facilities and those working in social and home care services may be especially interested in the special concerns of transgender elders and the recent changes in public policy regarding all LGBT elders.

October 2015 | Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Aging Concerns Douglas Kimmel Clinical Gerontologist Vol. 37, Iss. 1, 2014

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Family Violence and Prevention Services Act 30th Anniversary Video Health & Whole Communities

For over 30 years, the Family Violence and Prevention Services Act (FVPSA) has supported community-driven solutions to domestic violence, domestic and dating violence prevention education, and a network of programs and services to respond to domestic violence across the country, territories and tribal communities.

October 2015 | The FVPSA moving picture infographic is a product of the Domestic Violence Resource Network (DVRN), with special recognition of the National Domestic Violence Hotline and National Resource Center on Domestic Violence for their creativity and hard work.

Learn More 1-800-537-2238

National Clearinghouse on Abuse in Later Life (NCALL) National Abuse in Later Life Directory

If you are in immediate danger, calling 911 will let law enforcement know that you need help. This directory lists local, state and national resources to assist older victims and their friends and family.

October 2015 | National Clearinghouse on Abuse in Later Life

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LGBT Healthy Aging Toolkit

LGBT Healthy Aging Toolkit

October 2015 | Leland Kiang, LICSW

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Trans Sexual Violence Survivors: A Self-Help Guide to Healing and Understanding

Transgender Sexual Violence Survivors: A Self-Help Guide to Healing and Understanding

September 2015 | FORGE

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Question & Answer: Vicki Stanley

The National Resource Center on LGBT Aging is committed to working with and supporting advocates around the country. Please read this Q&A with Vicki Stanley, an ally working in Kentucky, to learn more about her work and her advice for other advocates trying to make a positive change.

June 2015 | National Resource Center on LGBT Aging

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Building Respect for LGBT Older Adults e-learning: Supplemental Information for Staff

This document is intended as a compendium piece for aging service providers accessing the e-learning tool: Building Respect for LGBT Older Adults.

June 2015 | National Resource Center on LGBT Aging

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National LGBT Cancer Network Offers Free, Online Cancer Support Groups

Introducing Support Groups for LGBTQ Cancer Survivors from the National LGBT Cancer Network.

March 2015 | National LGBT Cancer Network

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Legal Developments and Practical Considerations: Improving the Quality of Care for Older LGBT Adults in the Long Term Care Setting

Improving the Quality of Care for Older LGBT Adults in the Long Term Care Setting

March 2015 | Tracy Carlson Ivers

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LGBT Older Adults: How to Find Affirming Services

Are you an older adult and a member of the LGBT community? If so, getting the proper care and support can be a challenge. This document details a few frequent questions older LGBT adults often ask.

February 2015 | Terri Clark

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TransLine is a national online transgender medical consultation service that offers health care providers up-to-date transgender clinical information and individualized case consultation across a broad range of clinical transgender issues.

February 2015 | TransLine

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Welcome Home: Improving Housing Security for LGBT Older Adults

This brief offers a policy road map with detailed recommendations to make this vision a reality. Through this policy brief and our National LGBT Elder Housing Initiative, SAGE is committed to ensuring that millions of LGBT older people are able to access welcoming LGBT housing in all its forms, regardless of where they live.

February 2015 | SAGE

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To Survive on This Shore: Photographs and Interviews with Transgender and gender variant older adults

This Q& A is with the co-founders of To Survive on this Shore -- a collaborative project that combines photographs of transgender and gender variant people over the age of fifty with interviews about their life experiences with respect to gender, identity, age, and sexuality and provides a nuanced view into the complexities of aging as a transgender person.

January 2015 | Jess T. Dugan and Vanessa Fabbre

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LGBT Programming for Older Adults: A Practical Step-by-Step Guide

This guide presents a simple, concrete set of steps that can be used to create an LGBT movie viewing, with the intention of either broadening the agency services to bring in more LGBT people or as a way of introducing LGBT concepts to existing program participants.

January 2015 | SAGE's National Resource Center on LGBT Aging

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Ten Things Every Older Adult Should Know About Diabetes

This fact sheet, sponsored by Pfizer and created by SAGE, details 10 facts older adults should know about diabetes.

January 2015 | SAGE

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LGBT Caregiver Concerns & Alzheimer's Brochure

This brochure helps caregivers, who are LGBT or caring for someone who is LGBT, navigate community resources and options for support.

January 2015 | Alzheimer's Association

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Lesbian and Bisexual Women’s Health: Breast Cancer and Gynecological Risk Factors

This article touches on some research pertaining to the prevalence and risk factors for lesbian and bisexual women for gynecological and breast cancer.

December 2014 | Felixia Barias

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Issues of Aging in the M2F Trans Community

This article is an insightful first-person account of aging issues that trans women face today.

November 2014 | Cici Kyttten

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Trans Lifeline

Trans Lifeline is a non-profit dedicated to the well being of transgender people. They run a hotline staffed by transgender people for transgender people.

November 2014

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Know-How: The Trans Person's Guide to Get or Change All of the Life Documents and Essential Paperwork You'll Need to Make Your Way in the World

This publication is chock-full of specific steps and how-to’s to help transgender people in New York State manage the process of changing names, gender markers, and identity documents from driver’s licenses to passports.

October 2014 | Planned Parenthood's Out for Health; Ithaca College Center for LGBT Education, Outreach and Services

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SHE (Strong. Healthy. Energized.) Facilitator's Guide

The SHE Facilitator Guide provides information on the Strong, Healthy, Energized (SHE), a facilitator-led, group-based health and fitness program for older (age 60+) lesbian and bisexual women. The SHE program is designed to help participants develop healthier eating habits and improve their physical fitness, specifically through a walking initiative. SHE also promotes stress management and a caring, engaged, group environment.

October 2014 | Lewin Group and SAGE

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SHE (Strong. Healthy. Energized.) Participant's Guide

The SHE Participant's Guide provides information on the Strong, Healthy, Energized (SHE), a facilitator-led, group-based health and fitness program for older (age 60+) lesbian and bisexual women. The SHE program is designed to help participants develop healthier eating habits and improve their physical fitness, specifically through a walking initiative. SHE also promotes stress management and a caring, engaged, group environment.

October 2014 | Lewin Group and SAGE

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Six Things Every LGBT Older Adult Should Know About Adult Vaccinations

This fact sheet highlights the importance of vaccinations for adults.

October 2014 | SAGE

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Out & Visible: The Experiences and Attitudes of LGBT Older Adults, Ages 45-75

Out and Visible explores the aging realities of LGBT people, as well as their fears, beliefs, behaviors and aspirations in areas such as healthcare, finance and retirement, support systems, housing and sources of information.

October 2014 | SAGE

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Out & Visible: The Experiences and Attitudes of LGBT Older Adults (Exec. Summary)

The Executive Summary of "Out and Visible" details highlights from SAGE's uniquely comprehensive, nationally representative quantitative study on aging among LGBT people. The study was conducted in March 2014 by Harris Poll.

October 2014 | SAGE

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Out & Visible: The Experiences and Attitudes of LGBT Older Adults (Infographic)

This infographic highlights a few key findings from SAGE's report "Out and Visible: The Experiences and Attitudes of LGBT Older Adults."

October 2014 | SAGE

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Creating End-of-Life Documents for Trans Individuals: An Advocate's Guide

This publication is a guide to creating end-of-life documents with specific language that protects the interests of transgender individuals in having their gender identity and expression respected.

October 2014 | National Resource Center on LGBT Aging and Whitman-Walker Health

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Understanding Issues Facing Bisexual Americans

This publication provides a summary of the myriad issues facing bisexual people in the US, including around poverty, employment, violence and health as well as recommendations for change.

September 2014 | Movement Advancement Project, BiNetUSA, Bisexual Resource Center

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Best Practices for Asking Questions to Identify Transgender and Other Gender Minority Respondents on Population-Based Surveys

This report assesses current practices in sex and gender-related population research and offers strategies for establishing consistent, scientifically rigorous procedures for gathering information relevant to the needs and experiences of transgender people and other gender minorities.

September 2014 | Williams Institute

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Whitman-Walker Health

Whitman-Walker Health is a Washington DC community health center specializing in HIV/AIDS care and lesbian, gay bisexual and transgender care.

September 2014

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Recruiting LGBT People as Volunteers for Your SMP Program

Senior Medicare Patrols (SMPs) empower and assist Medicare beneficiaries, their families, and caregivers to prevent, detect, and report health care fraud, errors, and abuse through outreach, counseling, and education. This tip sheet provides suggestions on how to outreach to the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities, in order that they become volunteers in the SMP network.

September 2014 | SAGE (Services and Advocacy for GLBT Elders)

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Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Older Adults & Medicare Fraud Prevention

Senior Medicare Patrols (SMPs) empower and assist Medicare beneficiaries, their families, and caregivers to prevent, detect, and report health care fraud, errors, and abuse through outreach, counseling, and education. SAGE (Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders) developed this handout to be given out to lesbian, gay and bisexual older adultsthat includes the SMP targeted messaging of "Protect, Detect, Report."

September 2014 | SAGE (Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders)

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Providing Services to LGB Older Adults: Tips for SMP Staff and Volunteers

This tip sheet is intended for Senior Medicare Patrol staff and volunteers to provide basic information on the lesbian, gay and bisexual older adult communities.

September 2014

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Providing Services to Transgender Older Adults: Tips for SMP Staff and Volunteers

This tip sheet, developed by SAGE (Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders) and FORGE Transgender Aging Network, is intended for SMP staff and volunteers to provide basic information on working with transgender older adults.

September 2014 | SAGE (Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders), FORGE Transgender Aging Network

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Transgender Older Adults & Medicare Fraud Prevention

SAGE (Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders) and FORGE Transgender Aging Network developed this handout to be given out to transgender older adults as part of the Senior Medicare Patrol volunteer program. It provides information about specific issues related to Medicare fraud protection and the transgender community.

September 2014 | SAGE (Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders), FORGE Transgender Aging Network

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Howard Brown Health Center's Nurses HEALE program

Howard Brown Health Center delivers multiple health and social services to the LGBT population in Illinois. The Nurses HEALE project is a cultural competency training, funded by a HRSA grant, to provide training to medical professionals in Illinois.

July 2014

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Ten Early Warning Signs of Alzheimer's or Dementia

Fact sheet on Ten Early Warning Signs of Alzheimer's or Dementia

June 2014 | SAGE

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Eight Policy Recommendations for Improving the Health and Wellness of Older Adults with HIV

This issue brief describes the need for an expansion of Medicaid coverage offered through the Affordable Care Act and other policy recommendations related to older adults living with HIV.

June 2014 | Diverse Elders Coalition

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Medicare and Transgender-Related Care

On May 30, 2014, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Department Appeals Board (DAB), an independent federal appeals board, ruled that Medicare must cover medically necessary care for individuals with gender dysphoria, just as it covers medically necessary care for those with other medical conditions.

June 2014 | Aaron Tax, Director of Federal Relations, SAGE

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CenterLink: The Community of LGBT Centers

CenterLink is an umbrella organization of all LGBT centers across the country. The website has a directory of LGBT centers that you can use to find the center closest to you.

May 2014

Learn More Go to Web Site   |   954-765-6024

Information & Referral: Your First Stop for Elder Services

This article provides a close look at how Information and Referral (I&R) are a first-stop to finding relevant and useful services.

May 2014 | Leland Kiang, LICSW

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Servicios Inclusivos Para Personas Mayores LGBT: Una guía práctica para crear agencias acogedoras

Esta guía se desarrolló para ayudar a los proveedores de servicios a entender las barreras especiales que enfrentan las personas mayores LGBT, así como las muchas maneras para mejorar y ampliar la continuacion de la atención médica y los servicios disponibles.

May 2014 | National Resource Center on LGBT Aging

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Medicare And Transgender People

This fact sheet outlines the coverage now provided to transgender people under Medicare, as of May 2014.

May 2014 | National Center for Transgender Equality

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New Tax Benefits for Same-Sex Married Couples After the DOMA Ruling

This article describes some of the tax benefits to help same-sex couples feel more confident to easily and accurately file your own taxes this year and beyond.

April 2014 | David Williams, Chief Tax Officer at Intuit

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LGBT-Specific Affordable Housing Opens in Philadelphia

This article highlights the need for the John C. Anderson Senior Affordable Apartments that opened in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in early 2014.

April 2014 | Mark Segal

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My Bi Voice…

A poignant, first-person account of coming out as bisexual.

April 2014 | Terri Clark

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LBGT-Inclusive Older Adult Affordable Housing

Throughout the United States, several agencies have created or is in the process of developing valuable services for the LGBT senior community. This document lists these organization and give a description of the work they do in serving this population.

April 2014 | SAGE

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The Need for LGBT-Inclusive Housing

Though LGBT-specific housing exist for older adults, there are not nearly enough for all the seniors who need them. This article discusses the needs for safe and inclusive housing for LGBT older adults.

April 2014 | SAGE

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Is LGBT Housing Right for You? Pros and Cons of LGBT Housing for Older Adults

In recent years, several housing developments and retirement communities targeted to LGBT older adults have opened around the country, gaining quite a bit of attention. For LGBT older adult considering one of these communities, this article discusses some pros and cons.

April 2014 | SAGE

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Q&A with Britta Larson, Senior Services Director, Center on Halsted

The Center on Halsted is the first Homesharing program in the nation that supports LGBT older adults. Homesharing allows LGBT older adults to keep their homes through the supplemental income they receive through renters. Britta Larson, the director of the program, sits down to talk about the project.

April 2014 | Britta Larson, Senior Services Director, Center on Halsted

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LGBT Bereavement Support Group in Upstate New York

This article describes an LGBT-specific bereavement support group operating currently in Syracuse, New York.

April 2014 | Walter Stein

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St. Louis Gains Understanding of LGBT Retirement and Housing Needs

This article discusses LGBT housing needs in St. Louis, Missouri.

April 2014 | Sherrill Wayland, MSW

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Alzheimer's Association, Northern California Chapter

Offers many Alzheimer's and dementia support programs including an LGBT support group in San Francisco.

March 2014

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Where to Start, What to Ask: A Guide for LGBT People Choosing Healthcare Plans

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) enrollment deadline was March 31, 2014. There are a number of LGBT-specific resources available for you and your patients or clients to learn more about the ACA and how to get healthcare insurance coverage. This guide will help explain those possibilities.

March 2014 | Forward Initiative's Strong Families

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Asking Patients Questions about Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in Clinical Settings: A Study in Four Health Centers

In order to better understand how a diverse group of people would respond when these questions are asked, several hundred patients at four health centers across the United States were surveyed about asking sexual orientation and gender identity questions in their health centers. This publication summarizes the results of this study.

March 2014 | The Fenway Institute; Center for American Progress

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Care Home Survey: Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Concerning LGBT Residents

Based on a non-random survey of 189 staff in residential homes for older people in England, this three-page document provides a summary of staff's attitudes, knowledge and practices in relation to lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans residents.

February 2014 | Dr Kathryn Almack, Senior Research Fellow, Sue Ryder Care Centre for the Study of Supportive, Palliative and End of Life Care, School of Health Sciences, University of Nottingham; Dr Paul Simpson, Lecturer, Sociology, University of Manchester

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Opening Doors: An Investigation of Barriers to Senior Housing for Same-Sex Couples

Ten-state testing investigation partnered with SAGE to show adverse treatment toward same-sex couples seeking housing in senior-living facilities.

February 2014 | Equal Rights Center

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The Freedom to Serve & The Freedom to Work

This report documents disparities for LGBT Service Members and Veterans in the United States.

February 2014 | Center for American Progress

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In Their Own Words: A Needs Assessment of Hispanic LGBT Older Adults

This report describes the results of a qualitative needs assessment to better understand the experiences of aging, and the socio-economic and health challenges facing the LGBT Hispanic older adult community.

February 2014 | National Hispanic Council on Aging, SAGE, and Diverse Elders Coalition

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ASK LAMBDA LEGAL: LGBT seniors and Social Security benefits

Karen Loewy, Senior Attorney for Lambda Legal, answers questions about the state of Social Security benefits for LGB and T couples, as of February 19, 2014.

February 2014 | Karen Loewy, Lambda Legal

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Start End of Life Planning Early to Reduce the Chances of Guardianship

End of life planning article from the American Society on Aging blog.

February 2014

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LGBT Health, Racial Disparities and Aging by the Numbers

This infographic shows LGBT health, racial disparities and aging by the numbers.

February 2014 | SAGE and the Diverse Elders Coalition

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Take the Power: Tools for Life and Financial Planning

Lambda Legal has prepared this toolkit, with information on creating wills, protecting your medical and end-of-life decisions, and more, so that you can take the power and create a more secure future for yourself and your family.

January 2014 | Lambda Legal

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Q&A with Linda Levin, ED of ElderSource

This Q&A with the Linda Levin, the Executive Director of ElderSource, highlights what her aging services agency is doing to create better services for LGBT older adults in Florida.

December 2013

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Coming Out Later in Life

This article is a first person account of coming out as a lesbian after having been married to a man.

December 2013 | Joanne Fleisher

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Benefits for Same-Sex Couples Post DOMA

This December 2013 webinar looks at the implications of the June 2013 U.S. Supreme Court decision overturning Section 3 the Defense of Marriage Act on benefits for same-sex couples.

December 2013

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Bisexual Resource Center

The Bisexual Resource Center envisions a world where love is celebrated, regardless of sexual orientation or gender expression. Because bisexuals today are still misunderstood, marginalized and discriminated against, the BRC is committed to providing support to the bisexual community and raising public awareness about bisexuality and bisexual people.

December 2013

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Creating Equal Access to Quality Health Care for Transgender Patients: Transgender-Affirming Hospital Policies

Creating Equal Access to Quality Health Care for Transgender Patients: Transgender-Affirming Hospital Policies is designed to assist hospitals to not only align with the best practices in the field for transgender patients but also to comply with legal and regulatory mandates.

November 2013 | Lambda Legal, Human Rights Campaign Foundation, New York City Bar Association

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Advancing Employment Equality for LGBT Older Adults

This article details workplace inequality and discrimination issues that LGBT workers--especially those who are older, face in the United States.

November 2013 | Andrew Cray, Center for American Progress

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Employment Discrimination & LGBT Seniors

This fact sheet from Lambda Legal details the issues that LGBT older adults face in the workforce.

November 2013 | Karen Lowey, Lambda Legal

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Optimizing LGBT Health Under the Affordable Care Act: Strategies for Health Centers

This brief explains how the Affordable Care Act will benefit LGBT Americans, particularly through better data collection, stronger nondiscrimination policies, a new essential health benefits standard and other insurance reforms, and coverage expansions.

November 2013 | National LGBT Health Education Center; Center for American Progress

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Working Longer: Older Americans’ Attitudes on Work and Retirement

The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research conducted a national survey of 1,024 adults ages 50 and over. The study does not highlight LGBT workers in particular but gives an illuminating look at older Americans views on working and retirement.

October 2013 | Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research

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Residents' Rights and the LGBT Community: Know YOUR Rights as a Nursing Home Resident

In recognition of Residents' Rights Month and National Coming Out Day, the National Long-Term Care Ombudsman Resource Center released a new consumer fact sheet titled produced by NORC in collaboration with the National Resource Center on LGBT Aging and Lambda Legal about LGBT residents rights in nursing home.

October 2013 | National Long-Term Care Ombudsman Resource Center; National Resource Center on LGBT Aging; Lambda Legal

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Intimate Partner Violence In LGBTQ and HIV-Affected Communities in the United States - 2012

This is the most comprehensive report in the US to date, on IPV and sexual orientation and gender identity.

October 2013 | National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs

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Why New Health Coverage Options Matter to Me

This flyer delineates three easy steps to obtain health insurance under the ACA. It also indicates how LGBT older people will benefit from the ACA.

September 2013 | Services and Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE)

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Older Americans: The Changing Face of HIV/AIDS and Aging in America: Fact Sheet

This fact sheet gives a snapshot of the HIV epidemic in older adults. It also points to problems they face and provides actions needed to address these challenges.

September 2013 | SAGE, ACRIA

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Affordable Housing for LGBT Older Adults

This article from the Summer 2013 issue of SAGEMatters, highlights a variety of LGBT housing projects around the country and the issues facing LGBT older adults and housing security.

September 2013 | SAGE

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LGBT People: Let's Talk About Ageism

This article was originally written on The Huffington Post by Robert Espinoza, the Senior Director of Public Policy and Communications of Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE).

August 2013 | Robert Espinoza

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Shining a Light on Medicare: Demystifying Medicare for the Elder LGBT Community

*Updated* Medicare is the nation’s health insurance program offered to senior Americans (65 years or older) receiving Social Security (typically, retired workers). This article examines some Medicare basics as well as particular challenges in access for the LGBT community.

August 2013 | Laurens G. Van Sluytman, PhD, MA, LCSW

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How does the Supreme Court's decision in the marriage equality cases affect same-sex couple in New York?

Thinking about getting married in New York now that part of DOMA has been overturned? Read through this article by Thomas Sciacca, Esq. for an overview of different considerations.

July 2013 | Thomas Sciacca, Esq.

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Addressing the Needs of LGBT Older Adults in San Francisco: Recommendations for the Future

This report examines results of a survey of more than 600 LGBT older adults in San Francisco in 2013.

July 2013 | San Francisco Human Rights Commission and Department of Aging and Adult Services

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Friendship a Pillar of Survival for LGBT Elders

This article from Aging Today, the American Society on Aging's bi-monthly publication, highlights the importance of friendship in combating isolation among LGBT older adults.

July 2013 | Robert Espinoza, SAGE

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How Medicare is Affected by the Overturn of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)

This fact sheet briefly describes how your access to Medicare may be affected if you are in a legal marriage, after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the Defense of Marriage Act on June 26, 2013.

June 2013 | The Medicare Rights Center

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After DOMA: What it Means for You - Medicare Spousal Protections

This publication from a number of LGBT legal and advocacy groups addresses the spousal protections of Medicare, the federal health insurance program for adults 65 and older, as well as for certain younger people with disabilities.

June 2013 | National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR)

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A Broken Bargain: Discrimination, Fewer Benefits and More Taxes for LGBT Workers

This report examines the myriad injustices facing LGBT workers in the American workforce—and highlights how these injustices negatively impact both workers and employers. It outlines how LGBT employees who work just as hard as their non-LGBT counterparts face multiple barriers to fair and equal treatment.

June 2013 | Movement Advancement Project; Center for American Progress; Human Rights Campaign

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A Broken Bargain: Discrimination, Fewer Benefits and More Taxes for LGBT Workers (Condensed Version)

This condensed version of the full report examines the myriad injustices facing LGBT workers in the American workforce.

June 2013 | Movement Advancement Project; Center for American Progress; Human Rights Campaign

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A Broken Bargain: Discrimination, Fewer Benefits and More Taxes for LGBT Workers (Executive Summary)

This five-page executive summary of the full report examines the myriad injustices facing LGBT workers in the American workforce.

June 2013

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Be a Healthy Caregiver Blog Talk Radio

This is an episode of the Blog Talk Radio 30-minute show "Be A Healthy Caregiver" featuring guests Hilary Meyer, Director of SAGE’s National Resource Center on LGBT Aging and Tom Duffy, from Secret Garden.

May 2013 | Chris McClellan, Host of Be a Healthy Cargiver

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Affirmative Care for Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming People: Best Practices for Front-line Health Care Staff

In collaboration with transgender health care providers, researchers and front-line staff, Fenway Institute of Health created a helpful tool of best practices for front-line health care staff to provide affirmative care for transgender and gender non-conforming individuals.

April 2013 | The National LGBT Health Education Center

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Health Equity & LGBT Elders of Color

This brief explores 10 policy areas where health and wellness can be improved for LGBT older people of color.

April 2013 | SAGE

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Diagnoses of HIV Infection among Adults Aged 50 Years and Older in the United States and Dependent Areas, 2007–2010

This report is intended to guide public health strategies that focus on preventing the spread of HIV among older adults in the United States and U.S. dependent areas as well as to assist with planning for HIV treatment and care needs.

February 2013 | Center for Disease Control and Prevention

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Living Outside the Safety Net: LGBT Families and Social Security

This publication highlights the lack of full Social Security benefits that are created by lack of relationship and family recognition.

February 2013 | Human Rights Campaign, National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare Foundation

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Identifying and Assisting LGBT Elder Abuse Clients: A Guide for Abuse Professionals

This comprehensive article, written for abuse professionals, discusses warning signs for LGBT elder abuse.

January 2013 | FORGE Transgender Aging Network; National Resource Center on LGBT Aging

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A Self-Help Guide for LGBT Older Adults and their Caregivers and Loved Ones: Preventing, Recognizing, and Addressing Elder Abuse

This comprehensive article, written for for LGBT older adults and their loved ones, discusses warning signs for LGBT elder abuse.

January 2013 | FORGE Transgender Aging Network; National Resource Center on LGBT Aging

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This 4-page research brief, developed by the National Center on Elder Abuse, describes information related to LGBT elder abuse.

January 2013 | National Center on Elder Abuse

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FORGE Transgender Aging Network

FORGE is a progressive organization whose mission is to support, educate and advocate for the rights and lives of transgender individuals and SOFFAs (Significant Others, Friends, Family, and Allies).

January 2013

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Why Should Your Aging Organization Request a Cultural Competency Training?

NRC Certified Trainer, Doreen Bermudez, explains why an Aging organization should have a cultural competency training by the National Resource Center on LGBT Aging.

December 2012

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Providing Quality Care to LGBT Clients with Dementia in Suffolk: A Guide for Practitioners

A practical guide out of the U.K. for health care providers working with dementia patients to become aware of clients' sexual orientation or transgender identity and how to address the specific needs of these clients.

December 2012 | Suffolk Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Network (UK)

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LGBT Caregiver Concerns (Alzheimer's)

This brochure is for LGBT caregivers for persons with dementia, helping to navigate community resources and options for support.

November 2012 | Alzheimer's Association

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Cadbury Cafe: LGBT Monthly Dining Program

LGBT Community Meals in Massachusetts

November 2012

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Health and Psychosocial Needs of LGBT Older Adults

This research study provides one of the most comprehensive descriptions of the health, well?being and social context of LGBT older adults.

November 2012 | Mark Brennan-Ing PhD, Stephen E. Karpiak PhD, and Liz Seidel MSW, AIDS Community Research Initiative of America (ACRIA)

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Improving the Health Care of LGBT People: Understanding and Eliminating Health Disparities

This document, produced by the National LGBT Health Education Center, offers a brief overview of the major issues relevant to the health and health care of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.

October 2012 | Kevin L Ard, MD, MPH, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and Harvey J Makadon, MD, Director of the National LGBT Health Education Center, The Fenway Institute

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Social Security Benefits and DOMA: Can I do Anything Now to Preserve My Rights?

This document summarizes how to preserve seniors' rights to Social Security benefits until the day the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) is gone.

October 2012 | GLAD Equal Justice Under the Law

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Legal Plans (Alzheimer's)

Legal Plans' is a brochure with recommendations for assisting the caregiver and the person with dementia in making legal arrangements.

October 2012 | Alzheimer's Association

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One-Sheet: Social Security Benefits and DOMA

This document, written prior to the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in June 2013 overturning Section 3 of DOMA, summarized how to preserve seniors' rights to Social Security benefits.

October 2012 | GLAD Equal Justice Under the Law

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Federal Update: ACA and Gender Discrimination

This news update describes the clarification that the Affordable Care Act (ACA), President Obama’s Healthcare Reform Law, bars discrimination on the basis of gender identity and sex stereotyping, which may include discrimination based on sexual orientation.

September 2012 | Aaron Tax, SAGE

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National Long-Term Care Ombudsman Resource Center - Ombudsman Locator

The National Long-Term Care Ombudsman Resource Center provides a listing for every state's ombudsment. Long-term care ombudsmen are advocates for residents of nursing homes, board and care homes and assisted living facilities.

September 2012

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Federal Update: LGBT populations and "Greatest Social Need"

This news update explains the July 2012 announcement by the United States Department of Health and Human Services, Administration on Aging (AoA), issuing new guidance on the definition of the term "greatest social need: in the Older Americans Act to include "individuals isolated due to sexual orientation or gender identity."

September 2012 | Aaron Tax

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Training day: National Resource Center teaches LGBT cultural competence

This article describes the National Resource Center on LGBT Aging's cultural competency training using a case study in culture shifts from Lexington, Kentucky.

September 2012 | Hilary Meyer

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Community Based Participatory Research/Action: How To Do A Needs Assessment

This article suggests necessary questions required to frame and compose a community based needs assessment.

August 2012 | Laurens G. Van Sluytman, PhD, MA, LCSW

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The Importance of Conducting Needs Assessments

This article describes the importance of community based organizations in conducting community needs assessments.

August 2012 | Laurens G. Van Sluytman, PhD, MA, LCSW

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Health Care Rights and Transgender People

This document outlines the health care rights of transgender people and how to file complaints of health care discrimination.

August 2012 | National Center for Transgender Equality

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Trans Aging: We're Still Here!

This fact sheet offers an overview of some of the issues facing transgender older adults and answers some common questions.

July 2012 | Lamda Legal

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Exploring the Needs of LGBT Elders in Metro Detroit

This article presents the findings of an elder summit help in Detroit in April of 2010.

July 2012 | Curtis Lipscomb, Executive Director of KICK; Kathleen LaTosch, Co-Chair of the LGBT Older Adult Coalition

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NRC's Cultural Competency Training Results: February 2011 - February 2012

This document highlights results from an evaluation of the trainings delivered between February 2011 and February 2012.

July 2012 | National Resource Center on LGBT Aging

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Act now! OAA reauthorization must include services for LGBT elders

Robert Espinoza, Senior Director of Public Policy and Communications at SAGE, discusses the importance of including LGBT older adults in the Older Americans Act in this article published in Aging Today, the bimonthly newspaper of the American Society on Aging.

July 2012 | Robert Espinoza

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Gay and Gray: Welcoming LGBT Elders in Long Term Care

As long as there have been nursing homes, there have been residents living in them who are LGBT.

July 2012 | Alzheimer's Association New York City Chapter

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Safer Sex 4 Seniors: Coming Out Can Be Ageless

This fact sheet answer questions about coming out later in life.

July 2012 | Terri Clark, MPH, CHES

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Top 10 Ways to Begin Creating LGBT Safety & Inclusivity for Aging Services

A handy list of tips for aging service providers on creating LGBT-affirming programs and agencies.

June 2012 | SAGE/National Resource Center on LGBT Aging

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PlainViews: Special Issue Focuses on the LGBT Health

This newsletter, published by HealthCare Chaplaincy, focuses on LGBT issues from the chaplaincy and palliative care disciplines.

June 2012 | HealthCare Chaplaincy

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Safer Sex 4 Seniors: Aging Bisexuals-What's Your BiQ?

This fact sheet offers information for and about aging bisexual people.

June 2012 | Terri Clark, MPH, CHES

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Improving the Lives of Transgender Older Adults: Recommendations for Policy and Practice

This publication addresses the concerns of transgender older adults on issues such as financial security, health and overall well-being.

June 2012 | Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE) and the National Center for Transgender Equality

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Gaining Visibility: The Challenges Facing Transgender Elders

This article examines the realities of various transgender older adults around the country, from North Carolina to Colorado. This article originally appeared in “Improving the Lives of Transgender Older Adults,” by SAGE and the National Center for Transgender Equality.

May 2012 | Sean Kennedy

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I have a Transgender Client…Now What?

This fact sheet for service providers of older adults provides answers to commonly asked questions regarding transgender clients.

May 2012 | Loree Cook-Daniels, Policy Director, FORGE Transgender Aging Network

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Long-term Services and Supports for Transgender People

This article discusses the policy implications of the growing number of transgender older adults and the need for increased long-term services and support for this marginalized population.

May 2012 | Harper Jean Tobin, Policy Counsel, National Center for Transgender Equality

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Transgender Inclusion for LGBT Organizations

This article addresses how organizations serving LGBT older adults can better serve transgender people.

May 2012 | Harper Jean Tobin, Policy Counsel, National Center for Transgender Equality

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Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Americans: The top five things you kneed to know about the Affordable Care Act

This fact sheet discusses the top five things that one should know about the Affordable Care Act, a health care law signed into law in March 2010.

May 2012 |

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Freedom to Serve: The Definitive Guide to Military Service

This guide provides lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender service members with a comprehensive overview of laws and policies that are relevant to their military service, as well as practical information for advocates and friends of gay and transgender service members.

May 2012 | Servicemembers Legal Defense Network (SLDN)

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Growing Older and Being Trans

Hawk Stone discusses a series of issues that significantly affect the well-being of older trans people, taking into account not just aging, but long-term effects of transition, coming out as trans in a relative vacuum of peers and resources, and the psychological ramifications of a medical emergency outing someone who’s lived in a community for years where no one knows he or she is transgender.

May 2012 | Justin Cascio, TransHealth

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Top Health Issues for LGBT Populations

This publication, by the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, informs health care providers and prevention specialists about the health experiences of LGBT populations. Understanding the health issues of LGBT individuals is a significant step in improving access to care and the quality of behavioral health services.

May 2012 | Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)

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HIV Ages 50 and Up

A one-page fact sheet by ActionAIDS on HIV in people age 50 and up.

April 2012 | ActionAIDS

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A Blueprint for Equality: A Federal Agenda for Transgender People

The Blueprint for Equality presents an ambitious agenda for the transgender equality movement through federal policy change.

March 2012 | National Center for Transgender Equality

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Ensuring LGBT Access to HUD Housing Programs

This article discusses the new HUD regulations that aim to protect LGBT individuals and couples. In addition, the article overviews what to do if one suspects that housing discrimination is occurring.

March 2012 | American Civil Liberties Union

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Waking Up: LGBT in Old Age From a Provider’s Front Lines Perspective

This essay, written by (then) 78-year-old Ellen Ensig-Brodsky, describes her personal journey of encountering issues related to LGBT aging as a long-term care surveyor. As a result, Ensig-Brodsky helped create the Pride Senior Network, an organization aimed at providing LGBT older adults with a wide range of services.

March 2012 | Ellen Ensig-Brodsky

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Know Your Rights: Fair Housing and Transgender People

This document outlines the housing rights of transgender people and how to file complaints of housing discrimination.

March 2012 | National Center for Transgender Equality

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Q&A with Nancy Grimes and Emily Lewis, Boulder County (Colorado) Area Agency on Aging

This interview with Nancy Grimes and Emily Lewis of the Boulder County Area Agency on Aging (AAA) highlights their successes in implementing LGBT-specific programs in the Boulder County AAA. Such programs include the cultural competency training program Project Visibility, a social support group Rainbow Elders, and a LGBT older adult resource guide entitled the Silver Lining Directory.

February 2012

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Gathering Data on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in Clinical Settings

This publication addresses the issue of how to obtain sexual orientation and gender identity data in clinical settings. It provides guidance on how to ask questions on patient registration forms and how clinicians can ask questions during medical visits. This second brief addresses concerns about confidentiality with EHRs and other potential barriers to collecting data on LGBT identity.

February 2012 | The Fenway Institute

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Why Gather Data on Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity

This publication explains how gathering data on sexual orientation and gender identity in clinical settings will help understand lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) health disparities, and how it is consistent with key recommendations in Healthy People 2020, the 2011 Institute of Medicine report on LGBT health issues and research gaps, and the Affordable Care Act.

February 2012 | The Fenway Institute

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How Area Agencies on Aging Can Help LGBT Older Adults

Each state has a local Area Agency on Aging. They provide a number of important services to aid older adults and ensure that they are able to stay in their homes. This article discusses how and why LGBT older adults can take advantage of these services.

February 2012 | Leland Kiang

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Eldercare Locator

Eldercare Locator is a public service of the U.S. Administration on Aging that connects people to services for older adults and their families.

February 2012 | Administration on Aging, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Learn More Go to Web Site   |   1-800-677-1116

Resiliency and Quality of Life of Older Adult Lesbians with Alcoholism

This video describes the aging research by Dr. Noell Rowan, University of Louisville, regarding older adult lesbians with alcoholism with a focus on resiliency and quality of life. The rationale for the study is described along with initial findings.

February 2012 | Dr. Noell Rowan

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Hospital to Home: Plan for a Smooth Transition

This publication is designed to address the often unexpected challenges many seniors face when returning home from a hospital stay. Failure to manage medications, make follow-up doctor's appointments, and obtain the physical assistance they need can often lead to seniors' readmission to the hospital.

January 2012 | U.S. Administration on Aging, Eldercare Locator and the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a)

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Understanding the New Passport Gender Change Policy

This resource from the National Center for Transgender Equality provides information about when you need a passport and addresses specific concerns for transgender people, including how to change your name and gender information on your passport, how to apply for a new passport, and more.

January 2012 | National Center for Transgender Equality

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Revised Appendix A, Interpretive Guidelines for Hospitals, and Appendix W, Interpretive Guidelines for Critical Access Hospitals

This publication includes the hospital guidelines as mandated by the Department of Health & Human Services regarding hospital visitations and designation of a health care representative pertinent to the LGBT population.

December 2011 | Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS) Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)

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Una guía para conocer sus derechos diseñada para las personas lesbianas, gay, bisexual y transgénera

Esta publicación está diseñada para informar a los adultos mayores LGBT de los diversos servicios y beneficios disponibles, incluyendo proveedores de vivienda y servicios que simpatizan con las personas LGBT y beneficios para las personas con discapacidades.

December 2011 | National Center for Lesbian Rights; Lavender Seniors of the East Bay; Transgender Law Center; Openhouse; Planning for Elders

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Navigating the System: A Know-Your-Rights Guide for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Elders in California

This publication is designed to inform LGBT older adults of various available services and benefits, including LGBT-friendly housing and service providers and benefits for people with disabilities. It also overviews California's anti-discrimination laws and how to address discrimination or mistreatment.

December 2011 | National Center for Lesbian Rights; Lavender Seniors of the East Bay; Transgender Law Center; Openhouse; Planning for Elders

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A Guide to LGBT Caregiving

This guide examines the issues that arise in LGBT caregiving, as LGBT individuals may encounter special challenges whether they are acting as caregivers or are the ones in need of care.

December 2011 | Next Step in Care, United Hospital Fund and SAGE

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A Guide to LGBT Caregiving - Chinese Edition

This guide, written in Chinese, examines the issues that arise in LGBT caregiving, as LGBT individuals may encounter special challenges whether they are acting as caregivers or are the ones in need of care.

December 2011 | Next Step in Care, United Hospital Fund and SAGE

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A Guide to LGBT Caregiving - Spanish Edition (Una guía para el cuidado de personas LGBT )

Esta guía, escrita en Español, examina las situaciones que surgen a raíz del cuido a personas dentro de la comunidad LGBT. Personas dentro de dícha comunidad encuentran retos especiales ya sea fungiendo como la persona que brinda el cuido o la que lo recibe.

December 2011 | Next Step in Care, United Hospital Fund and SAGE

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A Guide to LGBT Caregiving - Russian Edition

This guide, written in Russian, examines the issues that arise in LGBT caregiving, as LGBT individuals may encounter special challenges whether they are acting as caregivers or are the ones in need of care.

December 2011 | Next Step in Care, United Hospital Fund and SAGE

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SAGE Harlem: A Naturally Occurring Retirement Community (NORC)

Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE) started the SAGE Harlem Program in early 2004 at the request of LGBT older people of color living in Harlem for culturally and linguistically competent services close to home. This article discusses the program's impact.

November 2011 | Tom Weber, Director Community Services, SAGE

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Key Legal Issues Faced by Older LGBT Adults

The legal issues discussed in this article are exclusive to the LGBT population and are issues that their heterosexual, non-transgender counterparts do not have to face. (Note: some of these issues may have been impacted by the US Supreme Court decision overturning Section 3 of DOMA in June 2013.)

November 2011 | David Godfrey

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Quatrefoil Library

Quatrefoil is a member-supported library with collections focusing on Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender (GLBT) books, periodicals, films, and sound recordings. The library features materials on coming out, community organizations, historical events, great GLBT literature and non-fiction, local resources, news and current events impacting the GLBT community, and entertainment.

November 2011

Learn More Go to Web Site   |   (651) 641-0969

The Aging and Health Report: Disparities and Resilience among Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Older Adults

This publication is the first national federally-funded project to examine LGBT aging and health. It documents significant health disparities impacting LGBT older adults as they age, including disability, physical and mental distress, victimization, discrimination, and lack of access to supportive aging and health services.

November 2011 | Karen I. Fredriksen-Goldsen, PhD, Hyun-Jun Kim, PhD, Charles A. Emlet, PhD, Anna Muraco, PhD, Elena A. Erosheva, PhD, Charles P. Hoy-Ellis, MSW, Jayn Goldsen, BS, Heidi Petry, PhD

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Executive Summary: The Health Report: Resilience and Disparities among LGBT Older Adults

This is an executive summary of the full report.

November 2011 | Karen Fredericksen-Goldsen, Hyun-Jun Kim, and Jayn Goldsen

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Housing and Services: A Critical Combination - Provisions in LGBT-specific Housing

Openhouse is opening their first senior housing facility. In order to ensure that LGBT older adults in San Francisco area remain independent and not go back into the "closet," it is important to create housing options for them. However, with providing shelter it is important to also have supportive services for them so that they continue to engage within the community. This article explores these issues.

October 2011 | Seth Kilbourn, Executive Director, Openhouse

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Q&A with Aisha Young, Founder of African Americans in Gerontology

This Q&A with Aisha Young, the founder of African Americans in Gerontology, discusses the organization's work to provide guidance and professional development opportunities, encourage networking, and promote community activism for African American professionals and students in the field of gerontology.

October 2011 | Aisha Young, Founder of African Americans in Gerontology

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The Equal Rights Center: Protect Your Rights - Fair Housing

This document serves to inform LGBT people on how to protect themselves against housing discrimination.

October 2011 | The Equal Rights Center

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Advancing Effective Communication, Cultural Competence, and Patient-and-Family-Centered Care for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Community

This guide, published by The Joint Commission, contains a compilation of strategies, practice examples, resources, and testimonials designed to assist hospital staff in improving quality of care by enhancing their efforts to provide care that is more welcoming, safe, and inclusive of LGBT patients and families.

October 2011 | The Joint Commission

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Intergenerational projects for the LGBT community: A toolkit to inspire and inform

This toolkit, developed in the UK, is designed to provide the building blocks to understand the importance and potential of intergenerational working for the LGBT community, but also, provide providers with the foundations to run a project on their own.

October 2011 | The Intergenerational Longevity Centre

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Standards of Care for the Health of Transsexual, Transgender, and Gender Nonconforming People

The goal of this publication is to provide clinical guidance for health professionals to assist transsexual, transgender, and gender nonconforming people with safe and effective pathways to achieving lasting personal comfort with their gendered selves, in order to maximize their overall health, psychological well-being, and self-fulfillment.

October 2011 | The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH)

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Health and Psychsocial Needs of LGBT Older Adults

This research study provides one of the most comprehensive descriptions of the health, well-being, and social context of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) older adults, focusing on the aging LGBT population residing in Chicago, IL.

September 2011 | Mark Brennan-Ing; Stephen E. Karpiak; Liz Seidel; AIDS Community Research of America (ACRIA)

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The Graying of AIDS: Stories from an Aging Epidemic

A multimedia piece honoring some of our longterm survivors, produced by The Graying of AIDS in honor of National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day (September 18, 2011).

September 2011 | Graying of AIDS

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Standing Up To Stigma: Challenging HIV Discrimination in Long Term Care

A video by The Graying of AIDS Project, produced for AARP, about a man forced out of his assisted living facility because he has HIV.

September 2011 | AARP, Graying of AIDS

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An HIV/AIDS Trainer's Perspective

The top 12 issues trainers, educators and service providers should consider when talking about HIV/AIDS and older adults.

September 2011 | Doreen Bermudez

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HIV/AIDS and Older Adults: Fact Versus Fiction

Too many myths and misconceptions surround HIV and AIDS, particularly for people over 50 living with the disease. Learn the facts about HIV/AIDS and older adults.

September 2011

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HIV/AIDS and Your Rights: A Fact Sheet

People living with HIV/AIDS are entitled to certain protections under federal law. Learn more about your rights.

September 2011 | SAGE

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HIV & Aging Research: A Roadmap for the Future

Recommendations on future research priorities for older people living with HIV/AIDS.

September 2011 | Mark Brennan-Ing, Ph.D., and Stephen E. Karpiak, Ph.D., AIDS Community Research Initiative of America (ACRIA), ACRIA Center on HIV and Aging

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Aging with HIV: An Introduction

Dr. Masten, author of the book Aging with HIV: A Gay Man’s Guide, provides his insights into aging positively while living with HIV.

September 2011 | Dr. James Masten

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Tips on Caring for a Loved One with Advanced HIV/AIDS

Caring for a partner or loved one with advanced HIV/AIDS can be difficult for both patient and caregiver. Here are some tips to ease the difficulty.

September 2011 | Renata Gelman, RN, BSN, Clinical Manager for Partners in Care

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Q&A with Hutson W. Inniss of the National Coalition for LGBT Health

Hutson Inniss, Executive Director of the National Coalition for LGBT Health, talks about the Coalition’s work, LGBT older adults’ health, and HIV/AIDS.

September 2011 | Hutson Inniss, Executive Director of the National Coalition for LGBT Health

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Helena Bushong: In Her Own Words

Helena Bushong, a 60-year-old trans woman who lives with HIV, tells us her story.

September 2011 | Helena Bushong

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Q&A with Jesus Ramirez-Valles, Ph.D., MPH

Dr. Jesus Ramirez-Valles, a professor of public health at the University of Illinois-Chicago, discusses the health challenges of older gay men of color living with HIV/AIDS.

September 2011 | Jesus Ramirez-Valles, Ph.D., MPH

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In My Own Words: Franke v. Parkstone Living Center, Inc.

Dr. Robert Franke, a 75-year-old retired university provost and minister, relocated to Little Rock while still living independently to be closer to his daughter, Sara Bowling Franke. The next day, Fox Ridge of?cials abruptly ejected Dr. Franke from the facility because he has HIV. Here, both Dr. Franke and his daughter Sara tell their story.

September 2011 | Dr. Robert Franke and Sara Bowling Franke

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The LGBT Senior Population's Risk of Elder Abuse

This short article gives an overview of LGBT elder abuse issues.

August 2011 | Hilary Meyer, Director, National Resource Center on LGBT Aging

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National LGBT Aging Roundtable Presents: LGBT Affordable Housing and Alternatives, Part I

This podcast (part 1 of 2) includes a broad overview of the national LGBT housing landscape, with a focus on planned and existing LGBT older adult housing.

August 2011 | National LGBT Aging Roundtable

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How to Age with HIV - Gracefully

A personal story, published in POZ Magazine, about the aging process with HIV.

August 2011 | Mark Leydorf, originally published in POZ Magazine

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The HIV/AIDS Epidemic in the United States

A 2-page fact sheet, published in August 2011, with current statistics.

August 2011 | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation

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Good Training, Good Care: Center kickstarts curricula in LGBT aging

Article on the importance and need for LGBT training for aging services providers.

July 2011 | Hilary Meyer

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A Timetable Round up of Recent LGBT Research

A recap of the latest LGBT research in the U.S. over the past 2 years.

July 2011 | Robert Espinoza

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The Age of LGBT Aging (Keynote address from TransFaith in Color 2011 national conference)

The Age of LGBT Aging was the Keynote address from TransFaith in Color 2011 national conference. The conference was hosted by the Freedom Center for Social Justice. Additionally, this speech was posted on the web site for Southerners on New Ground (SONG).

July 2011 | Robert Espinoza

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Trans Power and Control Tactics

This short document lists trans-specific power and control tactics that can be used against and by trans people in couple relationships.

July 2011 | FORGE

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As HIV Turns 30, Attention Turns to an Aging Epidemic

Michael Adams, Executive Director of Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE), offers his thoughts on 30 years of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, and meeting the needs of older people living with HIV.

June 2011 | Michael Adams, Executive Director of Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE)

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Assistant Secretary for Aging Kathy Greenlee Delivers a Special Message for SAGE at OutGiving 2011

Assistant Secretary for Aging Kathy Greenlee offered a special message to attendees of the March 2011 OutGiving conference, a national gathering of LGBT and allied donors.

June 2011

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FORGE Transgender Aging Network Services and Resources

A list of available services and resources about transgender aging.

June 2011 | FORGE Transgender Aging Network

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Selected Transgender Aging Network Publications

A list of various policy briefs, practice tips and other documents available about transgender aging.

June 2011 | FORGE Transgender Aging Network

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Medicaid and the LGBT Community: Paying for Long-Term Care

The eligibility rules for Medicaid are complicated, and can contain traps for the unwary. This article provides an overview of the rules that apply to those in the LGBT community who might need Medicaid, particularly those who might need long-term care in a nursing home. Note: This publication was created before the June 2013 US Supreme Court decision overturning Section 3 of DOMA, so some information contained herein may no longer be applicable.

June 2011 | Arlene Zarembka

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LGBT Long-Term Care Issues

LGBT elders in long-term care facilities (along with their families and friends) need to know their rights and the red flags of mistreatment. The aim of this article is to give the current state of affairs, outline some forms of discrimination that LGBT elders face in nursing homes, and discuss some ways we can fight this mistreatment.

June 2011 | Daniel Redman

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What Every LGBT Older Adult Needs to Know About Wills

A will is an essential part of any estate plan, but this is especially true for LGBT people. An estimated two-thirds of all people die without a will (i.e., “intestate”), but dying intestate can have devastating consequences for LGBT people because, in the majority of instances, the law does not recognize our chosen families – our partners, friends, and caregivers.

June 2011 | Nancy J. Knauer

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Lo Que Todas las Personas LGBT de Más Edad Deben Saber Sobre los Testamentos

Aunque el testamento es parte esencial de cualquier planificación del patrimonio, es especialmente importante para las personas LGBT. En un testamento, tú designas quién recibirá tus bienes al tú morir. También nombras a una persona para que tome decisiones importantes acerca de tu patrimonio, la cual es denominada tu "representante personal" o "albacea".

June 2011

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Asuntos del Cuidado a Largo Plazo Para Personas LGBT

Las personas lesbianas, gay, bisexuales y transgénero (LGBT) de más edad que viven en centros de cuidado a largo plazo (y sus familiares y amigos) deben conocer sus derechos y las señales del maltrato. Este artículo delinea los tipos de discriminación a los que pueden estar sujetos las personas LGBT de más edad en centros de envejecientes, como también varias maneras de atacar el problema.

June 2011 | Daniel Redman

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Integrating Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Older Adults into Aging Policy and Practice

The National Academy on an Aging Society teamed up with SAGE to publish this edition of the Public Policy and Aging Report discussing a number of different policy areas as they relate to LGBT aging.

June 2011 | National Academy on an Aging Society; SAGE

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Creating and Protecting Personal and Financial Legal Rights

Proper planning can ensure that your wishes are carried out by the person of your choice in the event of your incapacity. Without proper planning, someone may be appointed to make medical and financial decisions for you, which may not be in accord with your wishes.

June 2011 | Ray Koenig, III, Esq.

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Veterans Health Administration Transgender Healthcare Directive

Q & A by National Center for Transgender Equality explaining the transgender healthcare directive issued by the Veterans Health Administration.

June 2011 | National Center for Transgender Equality

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El Medicaid y la Comunidad LGBT: Cómo Pagar por el Cuidado a Largo Plazo

Las reglas de elegibilidad para el Medicaid son complicadas y pueden resultar problemáticas para quienes no están bien informados. Este artículo ofrece un panorama general sobre las reglas que aplican a las personas LGBT que podrían necesitar Medicaid, particularmente aquéllas que podrían necesitar cuidado a largo plazo en un hogar de envejecientes. Las reglas de Medicaid son bastante distintas para personas individuales y para las parejas del mismo sexo que para las parejas heterosexuales casadas.

June 2011 | Arlene Zarembka

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Creación y Protección de Derechos Legales Personales y Financieros

La planificación del patrimonio correcta te ayudará a garantizar que la persona de tu elección pueda cumplir tus deseos en caso de tú quedar discapacitado. Sin la planificación debida, podría designarse a alguien para que tome decisiones médicas y financieras en tu nombre que no cumpla con tus deseos.

June 2011 | Ray Koenig, III, Esq.

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Planificación del Patrimonio: Una Perspectiva Legal

La planificación del patrimonio correcta te ayudará a garantizar que tu propiedad se distribuya tal como quieres después de tu muerte. Le facilita a tu pareja y a tu familia lidiar con tu muerte. Aún más, la planificación adecuada puede significar pagar menos en impuestos, lo cual permite que una cantidad mayor de bienes vayan a tus seres queridos.

June 2011 | Ray Koenig, III, Esq.

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The Policy Issues and Social Concerns Facing Older Adults with HIV

This article describes policy issues of concern for people aging with HIV.

May 2011 | Daniel Tietz and Nathan Schaefer

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Video: LGBT Older Adults & Social Security

This video, created before the June 2013 US Supreme Court decision overturning Section 3 of DOMA, was a primer on Social Security disparities between LGBT adults and their heterosexual counterparts.

May 2011 | Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE) and The Movement Advancement Project

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Religion, Spirituality, and Older Adults With HIV: Critical Personal and Social Resources For An Aging Epidemic

This paper presents a model of barriers to successful aging with HIV, along with a discussion of how spirituality and religiousness may help people overcome these barriers. From this synthesis, implications for practice and research to improve the quality of life of this aging population are provided.

May 2011 | David E. Vance, Mark Brennan, Comfort Enah, Glenda L. Smith, Jaspreet Kaur

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Lifelines: Documents to Protect Your Family

This publication contains information about essential documents that will help you protect yourself and your loved ones in the event of illness, disability, or death. Note: This publication was created before the June 2013 US Supreme Court decision overturning Section 3 of DOMA, so some information contained herein may no longer be applicable.

May 2011 | National Center for Lesbian Rights

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Talking About Suicide & LGBT Populations

This guide provides ways to talk about suicide more safely, while advancing vital public discussions about preventing suicide, helping increase acceptance of LGBT people, and supporting their well-being.

April 2011 | Movement Advancement Project (MAP), American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP), The Trevor Project, GLSEN, Johnson Family Foundation

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National LGBT Aging Roundtable: Social Security and its Importance to the LGBT Aging Community

A fact sheet published by the National LGBT Aging Roundtable discussing why the LGBT population should care about Social Security. Note: This publication was created before the June 2013 US Supreme Court decision overturning Section 3 of DOMA, so some information contained herein may no longer be applicable.

April 2011 | National LGBT Aging Roundtable

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LGBT advocate Phyllis Lyon talks about long-term care

Very short video of LGBT advocate Phyllis Lyon talking about long-term care.

April 2011

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Lo que necesitas poner por escrito para proteger tus decisiones financieras, de cuidado de la salud y de fin de la vida.

April 2011

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Excerpt from: LGBT Older Adults in Long-Term Care Facilities: Stories from the Field

This excerpt from LGBT Older Adults in Long-Term Care Facilities: Stories from the Field discusses legal rights and responsibilities of LGBT older adults.

April 2011 | National Senior Citizens Law Center in collaboration with Lambda Legal, National Center for Lesbian Rights, National Center for Transgender Equality, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force and Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE)

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LGBT Older Adults in Long-Term Care Facilities: Stories from the Field

This publication highlights that many LGBT older adults experience regular discrimination in long-term care facilities.

April 2011 | National Senior Citizens Law Center in collaboration with Lambda Legal, National Center for Lesbian Rights, National Center for Transgender Equality, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force and Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE)

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Building Your Support Team

Caregiving can be stressful, but there’s no need to go it alone. Here’s how you can start sharing the load with friends and family.

April 2011

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Long-Term Care Facts

What caregivers need to know about long-term care, from who provides it to how much it costs.

April 2011

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Caregiving Glossary

Definitions of common caregiving terms.

April 2011

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The Legal Documents Every LGBT Older Adult Needs

Examples of what you need to put in writing to protect your financial, health care and end-of-life decisions.

April 2011

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Mesa Redonda Nacional Sobre el Envejecimiento de las Personas LGBT: El Seguro Social y Su Importancia Para la Comunidad LGBT Envejeciente

Publicación de la Mesa Redonda Nacional del Consejo LGBT de Personas de Edad Avanzada acerca del Seguro Social y la comunidad LGBT.

April 2011 | National LGBT Aging Roundtable

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¿Sabes cuáles son los deseos de cuidado médico y económicos de tu ser querido? Habla de esto ahora para que puedas proteger esas decisiones.

April 2011

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Incluso si no tienen una red personal fuerte, los cuidadores LGBT pueden encontrar y crear una comunidad que les brinde el apoyo que necesitan.

April 2011

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Bob Linscott, director auxiliar de la organización The LGBT Aging Project en Boston, conversa con nosotros sobre los servicios para cuidadores ofrecidos por su organización.

April 2011

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Lo que los cuidadores necesitan saber sobre el cuidado a largo plazo, desde quién lo ofrece hasta lo que cuesta.

April 2011

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Antes de decidirte por el cuidado en el hogar, piensa en lo que necesitas y en cómo encontrarlo.

April 2011

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The Health of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender People: Building a Foundation for Understanding

This consensus report assesses current knowledge of the health status of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender populations; identifies research gaps and opportunities; and outlines a research agenda.

March 2011 | Institute of Medicine

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Fear, Discrimination and Abuse: Transgender Elders and the Perils of Long-Term Care

This is a short, basic article on scenarios transgender older adults may face in assisted living or long-term care facilities. It cites FORGE and Loree Cook-Daniels, as well as Improving the Lives and Injustice at Every Turn.

March 2011 | Daniel Redman, AgingToday

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The Health of Aging Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Adults in California

This policy research brief documents the health inequties in LGB adults compared to heterosexual adults in California.

March 2011 | UCLA Center for Health Policy Research

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R^3 Report (Requirement, Rationale, Reference)

This report emphasizes the importance of communication between a patient and health care provider. It addresses the issue that disclosure of one's sexual orientation can potentially affect quality of health care but also reaffirms that there are several federal laws in place that protect patients from various forms of discrimination.

February 2011 | The Joint Commission

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LGBT San Diego's Trailblazing Generation: Housing Related Needs of LGBT Seniors

During the past two years a group of concerned San Diego LGBT community members began meeting regularly at San Diego’s LGBT Community Center (The Center). These individuals shared a common concern regarding the lack of LGBT-affirmative senior housing in San Diego County, particularly affordable housing. This publication describes their process.

February 2011 | The San Diego Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center

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Answers to Your Questions about Transgender People, Gender Identity, and Gender Expression

This publication is a fact sheet, written in a Q&A format, about transgender issues, differences between sex and gender, types of discrimination transgender people may face, ways to be supportive of trans friends or family, and a significant listing of resources and places to seek out more information.

January 2011 | American Psychological Association

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Talking About Transgender-Inclusive Non-Discrimination Laws

This short booklet gives the reader talking points when faced with conversations that cite falsehoods or misinformation about transgender inclusion (such as "bathroom panic"). It also highlights non-discrimination policies and ultimately summarizes why transgender people should be protected with regard to employment, housing, and public accommodations.

January 2011 | Movement Advancement Project

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Find the Dollars You Deserve - A Road Map to Federal Funding For Aging Services: Navigating the Federal Government for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Organizations

This guide compiles a list of potential grant opportunities for organizations working with LGBT older adults.

January 2011 | National Gay and Lesbian Task Force; Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE)

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Supporting Direct Care Workers in Caring for Aging Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Individuals

This brief provides a succinct overview of the challenges that LGBT older adults face when attempting to access direct care services, and recommends concrete actions that lawmakers, administrators and direct care workers can take to effect permanent changes in public policies and attitudes that will improve long-term care for LGBT older adults.

November 2010 | Direct Care Alliance

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Toma el control: Herramientas de planificación legal y financiera

Lambda Legal ha preparado esta guía para ayudarte a tomar el control, de manera que puedas crear un futuro más seguro para ti y tu familia.

November 2010 | Lambda Legal

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Letter from Social Security Administration to National Center for Transgender Equality Explaining Gender Data as Optional

This letter from the Social Security Administration to the National Center for Transgender Equality explains that gender data is optional, and should not be a basis for any adverse action against an employee. The letter recommends that employers not submit gender data to avoid any problems.

November 2010 | National Center for Transgender Equality

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Technical Assistance Resource Center: Promoting Appropriate LTC Supports for Older LGBT Older Adults

The American Society on Aging (ASA) presents a webinar on the challenges facing LGBT older adults, and existing solutions, such as the National Resource Center on LGBT Aging. This recorded webinar was originally a presentation of the American Society on Aging (ASA), and is available here by permission.

October 2010

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LGBT Older Adults: Rethinking Aging Laws for Today's Older Adults

This brief describes how current federal and state laws are based around the assumption of marriage and thus exclude same-sex couples, widowed men and women—LGBT and heterosexual alike—and those who never married. This brief offers concrete policy recommendations that would increase the breadth of older adults protected under aging policies.

September 2010 | Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE), Movement Advancement Project (MAP)

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LGBT Older Adults: Facts at a Glance

This fact sheet details the discrimination LGBT older adults face in accessing benefits, Social Security, health care, public and private housing, as well as in certain legal situations.

September 2010 | Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE), Movement Advancement Project (MAP)

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LGBT Older Adults: Falling Through the Safety Net

This brief documents the unequal treatment LGBT older adults face under three key aspects to successful aging: financial security, good health and health care, and community engagement. Note: This publication was created before the June 2013 US Supreme Court decision overturning Section 3 of DOMA, so some information contained herein may no longer be applicable.

September 2010 | Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE), Movement Advancement Project (MAP)

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Overcoming Voting Obstacles: A Resource From the National Transgender Equality Council

Transgender people may find voting to be an intimidating process for many reasons. This document lays out the issues that transgender people may face when attempting to vote and ways to overcome those issues.

September 2010 | National Center for Transgender Equality

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Gay and Lesbian Elders: Estate Planning and End-of-Life Decision Making

This one-click download through SSRN will take you to a law review article discussing estate planning for gay and lesbian elders.

August 2010 | Nancy J. Knauer

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LGBT Older Adults: Know Your Rights in New York State Nursing Homes

Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) older adults have many legal rights while in the care of a nursing home in New York State, including the right to be free from discrimination, neglect and emotional and physical abuse.

July 2010 | Lamda Legal and SAGE

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Still Out, Still Aging

Expanding on insights gained from its 2006 award-winning Out and Aging study conducted in partnership with the American Society on Aging's LGBT Aging Issues Network (LAIN), "Still Out, Still Aging" provides both an update and broader scope in looking at the LGBT population in comparison to the general population.

June 2010 | MetLife Mature Market Institute, American Society on Aging

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Ten Things Every LGBT Older Adult Should Know about Diabetes

An itemized, easy-to-read health tip sheet that discusses the disease, the most at-risk populations, as well as best-practices for living successfully and comfortably with the disease.

June 2010 | Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE)

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Ten Things Every LGBT Older Adult Should Know about Falls Prevention

An itemized, easy-to-read health tip sheet that discusses the prevalence and dangers of falling, and ways to minimize your risk of falling in and out of the home.

June 2010 | Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE)

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Ten Things Every LGBT Older Adult Should Know about Heart Disease

An itemized, easy-to-read health tip sheet that discusses heart disease, its effects and toll on the body, and ways to age comfortably with the disease.

June 2010 | Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE)

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Ten Things Every LGBT Older Adult Should Know about HIV/AIDS

An itemized, easy-to-read health tip sheet, describing HIV/ AIDS, at-risk populations, and the ways in which it has disproportionately affected LGBT older adults.

June 2010 | Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE)

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Planning Tips for LGBT Individuals and Couples

Offers guidance and advice to LGBT Boomers in the areas of legacy planning,employee benefits, health care, financial and retirement planning.

June 2010 | MetLife Mature Market Institute, Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE)

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Improving the Lives of LGBT Older Adults: Snapshot Report

This is a summary of the report Improving the Lives of LGBT Older Adults, which examines the unique challenges LGBT older adults face as they age.

April 2010 | Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE), Movement Advancement Project (MAP)

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Improving the Lives of LGBT Older Adults: Full Report

This report examines the unique challenges LGBT older adults face as they age and how these challenges make it harder for LGBT elders to achieve three key elements of successful aging: financial security, good health and health care, and social support and community engagement.

March 2010 | Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE), Movement Advancement Project (MAP)

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Improving the Lives of LGBT Older Adults: Large Print Version

This report examines the unique challenges LGBT older adults face as they age and how these challenges make it harder for LGBT elders to achieve three key elements of successful aging: financial security, good health and health care, and social support and community engagement. Note: This is the large-print version of the report.

March 2010 | Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE), Movement Advancement Project (MAP)

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Growing Older With The Epidemic: HIV and Aging

This paper details what we know about HIV among older adults, what we do not yet understand, and what improvements can be made to better prepare the country to care for this population.

February 2010 | GMHC

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Outing Age 2010: Public Policy Issues Affecting Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Elders

An update to the groundbreaking Outing Age report issued in 2000, Outing Age 2010 presents an in-depth look at public policy issues and the challenges facing the millions of LGBT older adults in the country.

January 2010 | Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE), The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force

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Tips for Representing LGBT Victims of Domestic Violence in Court

This is a short tip sheet for attorneys working with LGBT domestic violence cases.

January 2010 | Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Community Center

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LGBTQ Partner Abuse

A short fact sheet on partner abuse in LGBTQ couples.

January 2010 | The Network/La Red

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Achieve Magazine: Focus on Aging with HIV

Achieve Magazine is a quarterly journal on HIV prevention, treatment and research. This issue, from Fall 2009, focused on HIV and aging.

September 2009 | ACRIA and GMHC

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Snapshot Report: Advancing Transgender Equality

In this publication, the Movement Advancement Project discusses the barriers to equality and challenges the transgender population faces. The four major categories covered are: physical and mental health, safety and physical security, legal documentation and relationships, and employment and self-sufficiency.

August 2009 | Movement Advancement Project

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Trailer for Edie & Thea: A Very Long Engagement

This documentary presents the story of two young women who met and fell in love in the closeted 1960s--leading to an engagement that would span more than 40 years.

June 2009

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Planning with Purpose: Legal Basics for LGBT Elders

Provides basic information about select areas of the law that are important to LGBT elders, especially individuals and couples who are age 55 and over. Note: This publication was created before the June 2013 US Supreme Court decision overturning Section 3 of DOMA, so some information contained herein may no longer be applicable.

June 2009 | National Center for Lesbian Rights, Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE)

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HIV Risk for Lesbians, Bisexuals & Other Women Who Have Sex With Women

This 22-page publication by the Women's Institute's at GMHC discusses the risks associated with HIV transmission amongst women who have sex with women.

June 2009 | Women's Institute at GMHC

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Medicaid and HIV/AIDS

A 2-page fact sheet describing Medicaid eligibility and HIV/AIDS.

February 2009 | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation

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Medicare and HIV/AIDS

A 2-page fact sheet describing Medicare eligibility and HIV/AIDS.

February 2009 | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation

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2009 Directory of LGBTQ People of Color Organizations and Projects in the U.S.

Funders for Lesbian and Gay Issues has updated the directory of organizations listed in “Building Communities: Autonomous LGBTQ People of Color Organizations in the U.S,” and included projects housed in broader-themed organizations that explicitly address LGBTQ people of color.

January 2009 | Funders for LGBTQ Issues

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LGBT Health and Human Services Needs and New York State

This assessment of LGBT Health and Human Service Needs in New York State was designed to examine existing data sources, identify gaps in data and collect original data in order to establish the most pressing needs and gaps for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) non-HIV health and human services in New York State.

January 2009 | Report prepared by Somjen Frazer for the Empire State Pride Agenda Foundation and the New York State Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Health and Human Services Network

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Sexual Violence, Elder Abuse, and Sexuality of Transgender Adults Age 50+: Results of Three Surveys

This article includes information on what transgender older adults view as elder abuse, along with their experiences of sexual violence.

June 2008 | Loree Cook-Daniels and Michael Munson

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Opening the Door to the Inclusion of Transgender People

This guide will provide practical ideas for how LGBT organizations can take concrete steps to providing a more welcoming environment for transgender people. It will also directly address the challenges and opportunities that arise in this process.

January 2008 | Lisa Mottet; Justin Tanis

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Previniendo el VIH en Adultos Mayores

Este artículo explica qué son el VIH y el SIDA, cómo prevenirlos, cómo el envejecer los hace más peligrosos, consejos para hablar con su médico, los tratamientos disponibles y lo que puede hacer y cómo lidiar si contrae VIH/SIDA.

January 2008 | ACRIA

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El VIH y los Adultos Mayores

Una publicación que examina las estadísticas, como también las dificultades de envejecer con VIH.

January 2008 | ACRIA

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HIV and Older Adults

A publication examining statistics, as well as the challenges of growing older with HIV.

January 2008 | ACRIA

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LGBT Community and Domestic Violence: Information and Resources

This is a compilation of information and resources on domestic violence in the LGBT community.

June 2007 | Mary Allen, National Resource Center on Domestic Violence

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Research On Older Adults with HIV (ROAH)

ROAH is a comprehensive research study of 1000 people over the age of 50 living with HIV in New York City.

January 2006 | ACRIA

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10 Tips for Working with Transgender Individuals

This tip sheet is intended for health care providers to become more culturally competent in working with transgender individuals.

October 2005 | Transgender Law Center

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The Graying of AIDS Stories of an Aging Epidemic

A full-color magazine with stories and pictures of those getting older with HIV.

January 2005 | Katja Heinemann and Naomi Schegloff, MPH

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HIV/AIDS Among People Over Age 50: A Fact Sheet

The fact sheet provide information specific to NYC as well as nationally about HIV/AIDS among people over Age 50.

January 2005 | Department for the Aging: The City of New York

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Out For Change: Racial and Economic Justice Issues in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Communities

This report highlights a number of issues facing LGBT communities, as well as existing organizing efforts among LGBT groups that effectively address racial and economic justice matters.

January 2005 | Funders for LGBTQ Issues

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LGBT Domestic Violence Fact Sheet

This is a short introduction to domestic violence among same-sex couples.

January 2005 | Center for American Progress

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Aging in Equity: LGBT Elders in America

This informational packet promotes a vision of “successful aging” for LGBT elders, which encompasses a variety of quality-of-life issues that affect all senior citizens, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

January 2004 | Funders for Lesbian and Gay Issues

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Transgender Elders and SOFFAS: A primer

This paper was originally presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention in August 2002. It is an introductory explanation of the issues and concerns of aging transgender people and SOFFAS (Significant Others, Friends, Family and Allies), to begin the dialogue on what inclusion of trans people will really mean.

August 2002 | Loree Cook-Daniels

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Lesbian, Gay Male, Bisexual and Transgendered Elders: Elder Abuse and Neglect Issues

This is a reprint of one of the earliest (1997) articles on LGBT elder abuse.

January 2002 | Loree Cook-Daniels

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Power and Control in Lesbian, Gay, Transgender and Bisexual Relationships

This "power and control wheel" specifies the tactics that may be used by abusers of LGBT people.

January 2000 | New York Anti-Violence Project

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Unique Challenges of Coming Out in Later Life

This article presents the unique challenges faced by LGBT elders when coming out later in life.

February 1999 | Carolyn Altman, C.S.W.

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