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National Honor LGBTQ+ Elder Day Resource Guide_2024 Update

May 16 is National Honor Our LGBT Elders Day, a time to pay tribute to those who have paved the way for the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) community to obtain and continue to seek important legislation and rights. We have numerous elders to thank for the strides made over the last several decades towards equality.

April 2024 | National Center on Elder Abuse and SAGE National Resource Center on LGBTQ+ Aging

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Preventing Elder Abuse: LGBTQ+ Elder Justice

The National Center on Elder Abuse and SAGE National Resource Center on LGBTQ+ Aging developed this presentation to support public awareness related to elder justice and LGBTQ+ communities. You are encouraged to use these materials in your community and networks.

April 2024 | National Center on Elder Abuse and SAGE National Resource Center on LGBTQ+ Aging

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LGBTQ+ Inclusive Intake + Engagement for Elder Justice Professionals

Many older people navigate a range of health, social, and economic concerns as they age. For older LGBTQ+ adults who have experienced historical harassment, stigma, and discrimination, these challenges can be even greater. This fact sheet provides elder justice professionals with tips and resources for engaging with LGBTQ+ adults.

February 2023 | NCEA Academy for Professional Excellence APSWI Keck School of Medicine SAGE National Resource Center

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Domestic and Sexual Violence Safety Planning for LGBTQI+ Survivors

This fact sheet provides resources on safety planning LGBTQ+ survivors of domestic and sexual violence.

June 2022 | New York State Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence

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A Spotlight on Two Spirit Elders and Elder Justice Facts

Based on findings from the Two Spirit Elders Resource and Information Guide.

November 2021 | National Indigenous Elder Justice Initiative University of North Dakota Keck School of Medicine of USC National Center on Elder Abuse SAGE National Resoure Center on LGBT Aging

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Mistreatment of LGBT Elders (Updated 2020)

This research brief, developed by the National Center on Elder Abuse, Keck School of Medicine and the SAGE National Resource Center on LGBT Aging describes information related to LGBT elder abuse.

October 2020 | Keck School of Medicine National Center on Elder Abuse and the SAGE National Resource Center on LGBT Aging

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Building Support for LGBT Elder Justice: Celebrating Pride and World Elder Abuse Awareness

presented by SAGE’s National Resource Center on LGBT Aging and the National Center on Elder Abuse.

July 2020 | National Center on Elder Abuse and SAGE's National Resource Center on LGBT Aging

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Residents’ Rights and the LGBT Community: Know YOUR Rights as a Nursing Home Resident Updated 2018

The rights of all residents should be honored and respected, regardless
of sexual orientation or gender identity or expression.

October 2018 | The National Long Term Care Ombudsman Resource Center

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LGBT Older People: Our Right to a Peaceful Life

LGBT Older People: Our Right to a Peaceful Life provides steps LGBT older people can take to feel empowered and advocate for themselves.

September 2018 | National Center on Elder Abuse SAGE and FORGE

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LGBT Older People Built the LGBT Community

LGBT Older People Built the LGBT Community provides steps LGBT organizations and professionals can take in support of LGBT older people.

September 2018 | National Center for Elder Abuse SAGE and FORGE

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Paying it Back: Promoting Justice for LGBT Communities of All Ages

Paying it Back: Promoting Justice for LGBT Communities of All Ages provides information and steps to promote justice and prevent and address social isolation and LGBT specific elder abuse.

September 2018 | National Center on Elder Abuse SAGE and FORGE

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Looking for Love? First Look Out for You!

Tips on How LGBT Elders Can Avoid the Infamous Sweetheart Scam

February 2016 | National Center on Elder Abuse and SAGE's National Resource Center on LGBT Aging

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Family Violence and Prevention Services Act 30th Anniversary Video Health & Whole Communities

For over 30 years, the Family Violence and Prevention Services Act (FVPSA) has supported community-driven solutions to domestic violence, domestic and dating violence prevention education, and a network of programs and services to respond to domestic violence across the country, territories and tribal communities.

October 2015 | The FVPSA moving picture infographic is a product of the Domestic Violence Resource Network (DVRN), with special recognition of the National Domestic Violence Hotline and National Resource Center on Domestic Violence for their creativity and hard work.

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Recruiting LGBT People as Volunteers for Your SMP Program

Senior Medicare Patrols (SMPs) empower and assist Medicare beneficiaries, their families, and caregivers to prevent, detect, and report health care fraud, errors, and abuse through outreach, counseling, and education. This tip sheet provides suggestions on how to outreach to the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities, in order that they become volunteers in the SMP network.

September 2014 | SAGE (Services and Advocacy for GLBT Elders)

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Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Older Adults & Medicare Fraud Prevention

Senior Medicare Patrols (SMPs) empower and assist Medicare beneficiaries, their families, and caregivers to prevent, detect, and report health care fraud, errors, and abuse through outreach, counseling, and education. SAGE (Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders) developed this handout to be given out to lesbian, gay and bisexual older adultsthat includes the SMP targeted messaging of “Protect, Detect, Report.”

September 2014 | SAGE (Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders)

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Providing Services to LGB Older Adults: Tips for SMP Staff and Volunteers

This tip sheet is intended for Senior Medicare Patrol staff and volunteers to provide basic information on the lesbian, gay and bisexual older adult communities.

September 2014

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Providing Services to Transgender Older Adults: Tips for SMP Staff and Volunteers

This tip sheet, developed by SAGE (Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders) and FORGE Transgender Aging Network, is intended for SMP staff and volunteers to provide basic information on working with transgender older adults.

September 2014 | SAGE (Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders) FORGE Transgender Aging Network

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Transgender Older Adults & Medicare Fraud Prevention

SAGE (Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders) and FORGE Transgender Aging Network developed this handout to be given out to transgender older adults as part of the Senior Medicare Patrol volunteer program. It provides information about specific issues related to Medicare fraud protection and the transgender community.

September 2014 | SAGE (Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders) FORGE Transgender Aging Network

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A Self-Help Guide for LGBT Older Adults and their Caregivers and Loved Ones: Preventing, Recognizing, and Addressing Elder Abuse

This comprehensive article, written for for LGBT older adults and their loved ones, discusses warning signs for LGBT elder abuse.

January 2013 | FORGE Transgender Aging Network; National Resource Center on LGBT Aging

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Identifying and Assisting LGBT Elder Abuse Clients: A Guide for Abuse Professionals

This comprehensive article, written for abuse professionals, discusses warning signs for LGBT elder abuse.

January 2013 | FORGE Transgender Aging Network; National Resource Center on LGBT Aging

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This 4-page research brief, developed by the National Center on Elder Abuse, describes information related to LGBT elder abuse.

January 2013 | National Center on Elder Abuse

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Una guía para conocer sus derechos diseñada para las personas lesbianas, gay, bisexual y transgénera

Esta publicación está diseñada para informar a los adultos mayores LGBT de los diversos servicios y beneficios disponibles, incluyendo proveedores de vivienda y servicios que simpatizan con las personas LGBT y beneficios para las personas con discapacidades.

December 2011 | National Center for Lesbian Rights; Lavender Seniors of the East Bay; Transgender Law Center; Openhouse; Planning for Elders

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The LGBT Senior Population’s Risk of Elder Abuse

This short article gives an overview of LGBT elder abuse issues.

August 2011 | Hilary Meyer Director National Resource Center on LGBT Aging

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Trans Power and Control Tactics

This short document lists trans-specific power and control tactics that can be used against and by trans people in couple relationships.

July 2011 | FORGE

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LGBT Long-Term Care Issues

LGBT elders in long-term care facilities (along with their families and friends) need to know their rights and the red flags of mistreatment. The aim of this article is to give the current state of affairs, outline some forms of discrimination that LGBT elders face in nursing homes, and discuss some ways we can fight this mistreatment.

June 2011 | Daniel Redman

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Asuntos del Cuidado a Largo Plazo Para Personas LGBT

Las personas lesbianas, gay, bisexuales y transgénero (LGBT) de más edad que viven en centros de cuidado a largo plazo (y sus familiares y amigos) deben conocer sus derechos y las señales del maltrato. Este artículo delinea los tipos de discriminación a los que pueden estar sujetos las personas LGBT de más edad en centros de envejecientes, como también varias maneras de atacar el problema.

June 2011 | Daniel Redman

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LGBT advocate Phyllis Lyon talks about long-term care

Very short video of LGBT advocate Phyllis Lyon talking about long-term care.

April 2011

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Excerpt from: LGBT Older Adults in Long-Term Care Facilities: Stories from the Field

This excerpt from LGBT Older Adults in Long-Term Care Facilities: Stories from the Field discusses legal rights and responsibilities of LGBT older adults.

April 2011 | National Senior Citizens Law Center in collaboration with Lambda Legal National Center for Lesbian Rights National Center for Transgender Equality National Gay and Lesbian Task Force and Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE)

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LGBTQ Partner Abuse

A short fact sheet on partner abuse in LGBTQ couples.

January 2010 | The Network/La Red

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Tips for Representing LGBT Victims of Domestic Violence in Court

This is a short tip sheet for attorneys working with LGBT domestic violence cases.

January 2010 | Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Community Center

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Sexual Violence, Elder Abuse, and Sexuality of Transgender Adults Age 50+: Results of Three Surveys

This article includes information on what transgender older adults view as elder abuse, along with their experiences of sexual violence.

June 2008 | Loree Cook-Daniels and Michael Munson

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LGBT Community and Domestic Violence: Information and Resources

This is a compilation of information and resources on domestic violence in the LGBT community.

June 2007 | Mary Allen, National Resource Center on Domestic Violence

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LGBT Domestic Violence Fact Sheet

This is a short introduction to domestic violence among same-sex couples.

January 2005 | Center for American Progress

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Lesbian, Gay Male, Bisexual and Transgendered Elders: Elder Abuse and Neglect Issues

This is a reprint of one of the earliest (1997) articles on LGBT elder abuse.

January 2002 | Loree Cook-Daniels

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Power and Control in Lesbian, Gay, Transgender and Bisexual Relationships

This “power and control wheel” specifies the tactics that may be used by abusers of LGBT people.

January 2000 | New York Anti-Violence Project

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