National Honor LGBTQ+ Elder Day Resource Guide_2024 Update

April 2024 | National Center on Elder Abuse and SAGE National Resource Center on LGBTQ+ Aging

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“As we honor LGBTQ+ elders, we recognize the struggles many have faced may leave them at increased risk for elder abuse, neglect and financial exploitation. ”

May 16 is National Honor Our LGBT Elders Day, a time to pay
tribute to those who have paved the way for the LGBT
(Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) community to
obtain and continue to seek important legislation and rights.
We have numerous elders to thank for the strides made over
the last several decades towards equality. As with other civil
rights movements, their work has not been easy. Their
struggles and victories are marked by courage, persistence,
passion, and authenticity so, today, we celebrate them.