HIV and Aging Creating Age Friendly Communities for All
Participants of this webinar will have a unique opportunity to learn from individuals with lived experience navigating HIV, and begin to discuss national, state, and community policies and programs that support their unique needs for our shared work creating age-friendly communities. This webinar features a discussion by Terri Wilder, SAGE HIV and Aging Policy Advocate.
August 2024 | Minnesota Leadership Council on Aging
Addressing Disparities in Cardiovascular Disease Among LGBTQ+ Older People
LGBTQ+ adults face unique stressors due to their sexual orientation and gender
identity, putting them at higher risk for cardiovascular health disparities.
January 2024 | SAGE and Amgen Inc
Los adultos LGBTQ+ se enfrentan a factores de estrés únicos debido a su
orientación sexual e identidad de género, lo que los expone a un mayor riesgo de
disparidades relacionadas con la salud cardiovascular.
January 2024 | SAGE and Amgen Inc
This toolkit provides an overview of Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) Planning Councils, how they function, how individuals can get involved, and how Planning Councils can be used to advance the priorities of individuals aging with HIV.
September 2023 | SAGE
Needs Assessment of Older LGBT+ Adults Living with HIV in Puerto Rico
This publication provides the full needs assessment performed for the LGBT+ community, aged 50+, living with HIV in Puerto Rico.
December 2021 | Waves Ahead Corp and SAGE Puerto Rico JSI Research & Training Institute SAGE’s HIV & Aging Policy Action Coalition
This publication provides infographics that summarize a health needs assessment performed for the LGBT+ community, aged 50+, living with HIV in Puerto Rico.
December 2021 | Waves Ahead Corp and SAGE Puerto Rico SAGE’s HIV & Aging Policy Action Coalition JSI Research & Training Institute
Meeting the Needs of People Aging with HIV on the Path to Ending the HIV Epidemic
More than half of people living with HIV in the United States are aged 50 or older, and a growing number of people live and aging with HIV into their 70s and beyond. Concerted action is needed to meet the needs of older people living with HIV. The burdens of HIV, aging, and related health comorbidities, combined with the social and structural challenges that people aging with HIV face, necessitate a focus on HIV-related outcomes and a comprehensive response aimed at treating comorbidities and improving long-term health and quality of life.
May 2021 | Sean E. Bland and Jeffrey S. Crowley for the O'Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law
See this resource guide for a listing of LGBT+ friendly programs and services in Tennessee.
May 2019 | Vicki Stanley SAGECare Trainer
Advocating for Yourself and Others: Health and Aging Services
This article provides useful information you can use to advocate for yourself and others in health and aging services.
November 2018 | Jacqueline Boyd for the National Resource Center on LGBT Aging
La salud sexual y el envejecimiento (Aging and Sexual Health)
Una conversación abierta acerca de la salud sexual y el envejecimiento
July 2016 | Por Terri Clark MPH Coordinadora de Servicios de Prevención ActionAIDS Philadelphia
Honest Talk About Aging & Sexual Health
June 2016 | Terri Clark MPH
PrEP – Transcending Barriers for Safer Pleasure a Publication for Transgender Women
The resource guide was written by Project Inform and Outshine NW for women who are transgender and for other trans/gender-variant people who were assigned male sex at birth.
February 2016 | Project Inform
Age Page – HIV, AIDS, and Older People
Information and resource document on HIV, AIDS, and Older People developed by the National Institute on Aging.
November 2015 | National Institute on Aging
Eight Policy Recommendations for Improving the Health and Wellness of Older Adults with HIV
This issue brief describes the need for an expansion of Medicaid coverage offered through the Affordable Care Act and other policy recommendations related to older adults living with HIV.
June 2014 | Diverse Elders Coalition
LGBT Older Adults, HIV and the Affordable Care Act
This Issue Brief looks at HIV and aging among LGBT older people and what the ACA has done to support this population. Additionally, this brief offers information to help people with HIV understand their new health options and to support their overall health and wellness.
May 2014 | SAGE (Services and Advocacy for GLBT Elders)
Older Americans: The Changing Face of HIV/AIDS and Aging in America: Fact Sheet
This fact sheet gives a snapshot of the HIV epidemic in older adults. It also points to problems they face and provides actions needed to address these challenges.
September 2013 | SAGE ACRIA
This report is intended to guide public health strategies that focus on preventing the spread of HIV among older adults in the United States and U.S. dependent areas as well as to assist with planning for HIV treatment and care needs.
February 2013 | Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Health and Psychosocial Needs of LGBT Older Adults
This research study provides one of the most comprehensive descriptions of the health, well?being and social context of LGBT older adults.
November 2012 | Mark Brennan-Ing PhD Stephen E. Karpiak PhD and Liz Seidel MSW AIDS Community Research Initiative of America (ACRIA)
A one-page fact sheet by ActionAIDS on HIV in people age 50 and up.
April 2012 | ActionAIDS
This publication is the first national federally-funded project to examine LGBT aging and health. It documents significant health disparities impacting LGBT older adults as they age, including disability, physical and mental distress, victimization, discrimination, and lack of access to supportive aging and health services.
November 2011 | Karen I. Fredriksen-Goldsen PhD Hyun-Jun Kim Charles A. Emlet Anna Muraco Elena A. Erosheva Charles P. Hoy-Ellis MSW Jayn Goldsen BS Heidi Petry
Health and Psychsocial Needs of LGBT Older Adults
This research study provides one of the most comprehensive descriptions of the health, well-being, and social context of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) older adults, focusing on the aging LGBT population residing in Chicago, IL.
September 2011 | Mark Brennan-Ing; Stephen E. Karpiak; Liz Seidel; AIDS Community Research of America (ACRIA)
The Graying of AIDS: Stories from an Aging Epidemic
A multimedia piece honoring some of our longterm survivors, produced by The Graying of AIDS in honor of National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day (September 18, 2011).
September 2011 | Graying of AIDS
Standing Up To Stigma: Challenging HIV Discrimination in Long Term Care
A video by The Graying of AIDS Project, produced for AARP, about a man forced out of his assisted living facility because he has HIV.
September 2011 | AARP, Graying of AIDS
In My Own Words: Franke v. Parkstone Living Center, Inc.
Dr. Robert Franke, a 75-year-old retired university provost and minister, relocated to Little Rock while still living independently to be closer to his daughter, Sara Bowling Franke. The next day, Fox Ridge of?cials abruptly ejected Dr. Franke from the facility because he has HIV. Here, both Dr. Franke and his daughter Sara tell their story.
September 2011 | Dr. Robert Franke and Sara Bowling Franke
HIV/AIDS and Older Adults: Fact Versus Fiction
Too many myths and misconceptions surround HIV and AIDS, particularly for people over 50 living with the disease. Learn the facts about HIV/AIDS and older adults.
September 2011
Helena Bushong: In Her Own Words
Helena Bushong, a 60-year-old trans woman who lives with HIV, tells us her story.
September 2011 | Helena Bushong
Tips on Caring for a Loved One with Advanced HIV/AIDS
Caring for a partner or loved one with advanced HIV/AIDS can be difficult for both patient and caregiver. Here are some tips to ease the difficulty.
September 2011 | Renata Gelman, RN, BSN, Clinical Manager for Partners in Care
Q&A with Jesus Ramirez-Valles, Ph.D., MPH
Dr. Jesus Ramirez-Valles, a professor of public health at the University of Illinois-Chicago, discusses the health challenges of older gay men of color living with HIV/AIDS.
September 2011 | Jesus Ramirez-Valles, Ph.D., MPH
Q&A with Hutson W. Inniss of the National Coalition for LGBT Health
Hutson Inniss, Executive Director of the National Coalition for LGBT Health, talks about the Coalition’s work, LGBT older adults’ health, and HIV/AIDS.
September 2011 | Hutson Inniss, Executive Director of the National Coalition for LGBT Health
HIV & Aging Research: A Roadmap for the Future
Recommendations on future research priorities for older people living with HIV/AIDS.
September 2011 | Mark Brennan-Ing, Ph.D., and Stephen E. Karpiak, Ph.D., AIDS Community Research Initiative of America (ACRIA), ACRIA Center on HIV and Aging
HIV/AIDS and Your Rights: A Fact Sheet
People living with HIV/AIDS are entitled to certain protections under federal law. Learn more about your rights.
September 2011 | SAGE
Aging with HIV: An Introduction
Dr. Masten, author of the book Aging with HIV: A Gay Man’s Guide, provides his insights into aging positively while living with HIV.
September 2011 | Dr. James Masten
An HIV/AIDS Trainer’s Perspective
The top 12 issues trainers, educators and service providers should consider when talking about HIV/AIDS and older adults.
September 2011 | Doreen Bermudez
The HIV/AIDS Epidemic in the United States
A 2-page fact sheet, published in August 2011, with current statistics.
August 2011 | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
How to Age with HIV – Gracefully
A personal story, published in POZ Magazine, about the aging process with HIV.
August 2011 | Mark Leydorf originally published in POZ Magazine
The Age of LGBT Aging (Keynote address from TransFaith in Color 2011 national conference)
The Age of LGBT Aging was the Keynote address from TransFaith in Color 2011 national conference. The conference was hosted by the Freedom Center for Social Justice. Additionally, this speech was posted on the web site for Southerners on New Ground (SONG).
July 2011 | Robert Espinoza
As HIV Turns 30, Attention Turns to an Aging Epidemic
Michael Adams, Executive Director of Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE), offers his thoughts on 30 years of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, and meeting the needs of older people living with HIV.
June 2011 | Michael Adams, Executive Director of Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE)
Integrating Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Older Adults into Aging Policy and Practice
The National Academy on an Aging Society teamed up with SAGE to publish this edition of the Public Policy and Aging Report discussing a number of different policy areas as they relate to LGBT aging.
June 2011 | National Academy on an Aging Society; SAGE
The Policy Issues and Social Concerns Facing Older Adults with HIV
This article describes policy issues of concern for people aging with HIV.
May 2011 | Daniel Tietz and Nathan Schaefer
This paper presents a model of barriers to successful aging with HIV, along with a discussion of how spirituality and religiousness may help people overcome these barriers. From this synthesis, implications for practice and research to improve the quality of life of this aging population are provided.
May 2011 | David E. Vance Mark Brennan Comfort Enah Glenda L. Smith Jaspreet Kaur
LGBT Older Adults and Health Disparities
This brief documents the health disparities LGBT older adults face: health care insurance, access to health care, HIV/AIDS, mental health, and chronic conditions, which often results in delayed health care and overall poorer health.
September 2010 | Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE) Movement Advancement Project (MAP)
Ten Things Every LGBT Older Adult Should Know about HIV/AIDS
An itemized, easy-to-read health tip sheet, describing HIV/ AIDS, at-risk populations, and the ways in which it has disproportionately affected LGBT older adults.
June 2010 | Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE)
Growing Older With The Epidemic: HIV and Aging
This paper details what we know about HIV among older adults, what we do not yet understand, and what improvements can be made to better prepare the country to care for this population.
February 2010 | GMHC
Achieve Magazine: Focus on Aging with HIV
Achieve Magazine is a quarterly journal on HIV prevention, treatment and research. This issue, from Fall 2009, focused on HIV and aging.
September 2009 | ACRIA and GMHC
HIV Risk for Lesbians, Bisexuals & Other Women Who Have Sex With Women
This 22-page publication by the Women’s Institute’s at GMHC discusses the risks associated with HIV transmission amongst women who have sex with women.
June 2009 | Women's Institute at GMHC
A 2-page fact sheet describing Medicaid eligibility and HIV/AIDS.
February 2009 | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
A 2-page fact sheet describing Medicare eligibility and HIV/AIDS.
February 2009 | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
A publication examining statistics, as well as the challenges of growing older with HIV.
January 2008 | ACRIA
Previniendo el VIH en Adultos Mayores
Este artículo explica qué son el VIH y el SIDA, cómo prevenirlos, cómo el envejecer los hace más peligrosos, consejos para hablar con su médico, los tratamientos disponibles y lo que puede hacer y cómo lidiar si contrae VIH/SIDA.
January 2008 | ACRIA
Una publicación que examina las estadísticas, como también las dificultades de envejecer con VIH.
January 2008 | ACRIA
Research On Older Adults with HIV (ROAH)
ROAH is a comprehensive research study of 1000 people over the age of 50 living with HIV in New York City.
January 2006 | ACRIA
The Graying of AIDS Stories of an Aging Epidemic
A full-color magazine with stories and pictures of those getting older with HIV.
January 2005 | Katja Heinemann and Naomi Schegloff MPH
HIV/AIDS Among People Over Age 50: A Fact Sheet
The fact sheet provide information specific to NYC as well as nationally about HIV/AIDS among people over Age 50.
January 2005 | Department for the Aging: The City of New York