Equidad en salud para los adultos mayores LGBTQ+ de color: Comprometiendo a individuous, comuidades y organizaciones
Estados Unidos es un país cada vez más envejecido y diverso. Sin embargo, la forma en que solemos hablar de ello, especialmente en temas relacionados con la diversidad en adultos mayores, sigue estando por debajo de nuestras metas y mejores intenciones. Esto es especialmente cierto cuando hablamos de los adultos mayores LGBTQ+ de color. Desde…
July 2023 | SAGE
Health Equity & LGBTQ+ Older Adults of Color: Engaging Individuals, Communities, and Organizations
The United States is becoming older and more diverse. Yet, how we often talk about and intervene on issues related to diversity in aging continues to fall short of our goals and best intentions. This is especially true for LGBTQ+ older adults of color. Taking an intersectional perspective, we know LGBTQ+ older adults of color…
July 2023 | SAGE National Resource Center on LGBTQ+ Aging
This equity self-assessment aims to help agencies determine how effectively they are
supporting communities of greatest social need. It also aims to aid in identifying areas of
growth. To get started, mark the boxes next to the actions your agency or team is taking
to be more inclusive to this range of service recipients.
July 2022 | Older Adults Equity Collaborative
Family Caregiving in Diverse Communities Full Report
An assessment to discover the specific needs of diverse family caregivers for older adults was performed by the Diverse Aging Coalition and the National Alliance for Caregiving. This report outlines the findings from the assessment.
December 2021
Family Caregiving in Diverse Communities Factsheet
This factsheet provides a summary of the findings from the Family Caregiving in Diverse Communities full report, which assessed the needs of diverse family caregivers for older adults.
December 2021 | Diverse Elders Coalition National Alliance for Caregiving
Family Caregiving in Diverse Communities
Diverse Elders Coalition and its members, in partnership with the National Alliance for Caregiving, discuss findings from their recently released report, Family Caregiving for Older Adults from Diverse Communities.
December 2021 | Diverse Elders Coalition and National Alliance for Caregiving
A Spotlight on Two Spirit Elders and Elder Justice Facts
Based on findings from the Two Spirit Elders Resource and Information Guide.
November 2021 | National Indigenous Elder Justice Initiative University of North Dakota Keck School of Medicine of USC National Center on Elder Abuse SAGE National Resoure Center on LGBT Aging
La Interseccion De Edad, Raza Y Sexualidad
Esta hoja informativa explora cómo la edad, la raza y la sexualidad se entrecruzan y los pasos que uno puede tomar para ayudar a fortalecer los apoyos para LGBT BIPOC (negros, indígenas, personas de color).
July 2021 | Tomme Faust M.A. for the National Resource Center on LGBT Aging
The Intersection of Age, Race, and Sexuality
This fact sheet explores how age, race, and sexuality intersect and steps one can take help strengthen supports for LGBT BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color).
June 2021 | Tomme Faust M.A. for the National Resource Center on LGBT Aging
The Stonewall Generation a Q&A with Dr. Jane Fleishman PhD
Dr. Jane Fleishman, PhD, provides a Q&A on authoring, The Stonewall Generation: LGBTQ Elders on Sex, Activism, and Aging.
December 2020 | Dr. Jane Fleishman, Phd
Serving Diverse Elders: Strategies for Meaningful Inclusion in Service Planning and Delivery
This guide will serve as a reference for how to provide culturally affirming
and specific services that center diverse elders in every step of your planning process.
May 2020 | Asociación Nacional Pro Personas Mayores National Asian Pacific Center on Aging National Indian Council on Aging The National Caucus and Center on Black Aging SAGE National Resource Center on LGBT Aging
Fact Sheet: National Consortium on Aging Resources for Seniors’ Equity
Funded by the Administration on Community Living (ACL), the National Consortium on Aging Resources for Seniors’ Equity works to decrease the prevalence of disparities among racial, ethnic minority and LGBT older adults, their families and caregivers, by providing technical assistance to the Aging Network.
March 2017 | Consortium Members
An Intersectional Approach to Services and Care for LGBT Older Adults
The time has come for an intersectional approach that takes into full account all of these life experiences. This approach will prove invaluable to practitioners committed to working effectively with vulnerable older adults. It also will fuel policy progress by supporting shared agendas and advocacy based on the intersecting interests of diverse elder communities.
August 2016 | Michael Adams SAGE CEO Published by Generations - Journal of the American Society on Aging
Dr. Imani Woody shares insights regarding barriers faced by people of color aging in the LGBT community and explores solutions LGBT organizations can utilize to support involvement and equity by people of color aging in LGBTQ communities.
February 2016 | Dr. Imani Woody
In Their Own Words: A Needs Assessment of Hispanic LGBT Older Adults
This report describes the results of a qualitative needs assessment to better understand the experiences of aging, and the socio-economic and health challenges facing the LGBT Hispanic older adult community.
February 2014 | National Hispanic Council on Aging SAGE and Diverse Elders Coalition
LGBT Health, Racial Disparities and Aging by the Numbers
This infographic shows LGBT health, racial disparities and aging by the numbers.
February 2014 | SAGE and the Diverse Elders Coalition
A Broken Bargain for LGBT Workers of Color
This report examines how LGBT workers of color face unique challenges related to their race and ethnicity and their sexual orientation and/or gender identity. In particular, LGBT workers of color are hindered by three major barriers: educational barriers; hiring bias and on-the-job discrimination; and unequal pay, benefits, and taxation. As a result, LGBT people of color are some of the most disadvantaged workers in the United States—and face extraordinarily high rates of unemployment and poverty.
October 2013 | Movement Advancement Project the Center for American Progress and its FIRE Initiative Freedom to Work the Human Rights Campaign and the National Black Justice Coalition
Health Equity & LGBT Elders of Color
This brief explores 10 policy areas where health and wellness can be improved for LGBT older people of color.
April 2013 | SAGE
Exploring the Needs of LGBT Elders in Metro Detroit
This article presents the findings of an elder summit help in Detroit in April of 2010.
July 2012 | Curtis Lipscomb Executive Director of KICK; Kathleen LaTosch Co-Chair of the LGBT Older Adult Coalition
This article, which appeared in the Summer 2011 issue of Public Policy and Aging Report, begins with a brief literature review on the socioeconomic conditions facing LGBT elders and elders of color, noting significant disparities across multiple areas related to health and well-being in one’s later years. It then describes the formation of the Diverse Elders Coalition, and discusses the Coalition’s importance to policy makers concerned with enacting improvements for LGBT elders and elders of color.
July 2012 | Robert Espinoza
SAGE Harlem: A Naturally Occurring Retirement Community (NORC)
Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE) started the SAGE Harlem Program in early 2004 at the request of LGBT older people of color living in Harlem for culturally and linguistically competent services close to home. This article discusses the program’s impact.
November 2011 | Tom Weber, Director Community Services, SAGE
Executive Summary: The Health Report: Resilience and Disparities among LGBT Older Adults
This is an executive summary of the full report.
November 2011 | Karen Fredericksen-Goldsen Hyun-Jun Kim and Jayn Goldsen
This publication is the first national federally-funded project to examine LGBT aging and health. It documents significant health disparities impacting LGBT older adults as they age, including disability, physical and mental distress, victimization, discrimination, and lack of access to supportive aging and health services.
November 2011 | Karen I. Fredriksen-Goldsen PhD Hyun-Jun Kim Charles A. Emlet Anna Muraco Elena A. Erosheva Charles P. Hoy-Ellis MSW Jayn Goldsen BS Heidi Petry
Q&A with Aisha Young, Founder of African Americans in Gerontology
This Q&A with Aisha Young, the founder of African Americans in Gerontology, discusses the organization’s work to provide guidance and professional development opportunities, encourage networking, and promote community activism for African American professionals and students in the field of gerontology.
October 2011 | Aisha Young, Founder of African Americans in Gerontology
An HIV/AIDS Trainer’s Perspective
The top 12 issues trainers, educators and service providers should consider when talking about HIV/AIDS and older adults.
September 2011 | Doreen Bermudez
Q&A with Hutson W. Inniss of the National Coalition for LGBT Health
Hutson Inniss, Executive Director of the National Coalition for LGBT Health, talks about the Coalition’s work, LGBT older adults’ health, and HIV/AIDS.
September 2011 | Hutson Inniss, Executive Director of the National Coalition for LGBT Health
Helena Bushong: In Her Own Words
Helena Bushong, a 60-year-old trans woman who lives with HIV, tells us her story.
September 2011 | Helena Bushong
Q&A with Jesus Ramirez-Valles, Ph.D., MPH
Dr. Jesus Ramirez-Valles, a professor of public health at the University of Illinois-Chicago, discusses the health challenges of older gay men of color living with HIV/AIDS.
September 2011 | Jesus Ramirez-Valles, Ph.D., MPH
Through a partnership with several organizations, the purpose of the National Transgender Discrimination Survey was to measure the experiences of discrimination within the transgender community. The results show that transgender people faced bias that affects all areas of life.
September 2011 | National Black Justice Coalition National Center for Transgender Equality and National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
The HIV/AIDS Epidemic in the United States
A 2-page fact sheet, published in August 2011, with current statistics.
August 2011 | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
The Age of LGBT Aging (Keynote address from TransFaith in Color 2011 national conference)
The Age of LGBT Aging was the Keynote address from TransFaith in Color 2011 national conference. The conference was hosted by the Freedom Center for Social Justice. Additionally, this speech was posted on the web site for Southerners on New Ground (SONG).
July 2011 | Robert Espinoza
Integrating Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Older Adults into Aging Policy and Practice
The National Academy on an Aging Society teamed up with SAGE to publish this edition of the Public Policy and Aging Report discussing a number of different policy areas as they relate to LGBT aging.
June 2011 | National Academy on an Aging Society; SAGE
The Health of Aging Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Adults in California
This policy research brief documents the health inequties in LGB adults compared to heterosexual adults in California.
March 2011 | UCLA Center for Health Policy Research
2009 Directory of LGBTQ People of Color Organizations and Projects in the U.S.
Funders for Lesbian and Gay Issues has updated the directory of organizations listed in “Building Communities: Autonomous LGBTQ People of Color Organizations in the U.S,” and included projects housed in broader-themed organizations that explicitly address LGBTQ people of color.
January 2009 | Funders for LGBTQ Issues
This report highlights a number of issues facing LGBT communities, as well as existing organizing efforts among LGBT groups that effectively address racial and economic justice matters.
January 2005 | Funders for LGBTQ Issues