Facing the Future Together
Facing the Future Together: FAQ’s, Guidance & Resources for LGBTQ+ Older Adults produced by SAGE and Human Rights Campaign Foundation.
January 2025
Grandfamilies and Kinship Support for LGBTQ+ Youth
This fact sheet provides tips and resources for Grandfamilies and Kin supporting LGBTQ+ youth.
November 2024
Remembering LGBTQ+ History and the Stonewall Generation
A look back on the experiences and stories of the LGBTQ+ Stonewall generation with author and researcher, Dr. Jane Fleishman.
October 2023 | Dr. Jane Fleishman
This recording provides an overview of local aging services and programs, how LGBTQ+ advocates and organizations like yourself can get involved, and how Aging Advisory Councils can advance the priorities and address the needs of older LGBTQ+ people.
July 2023
Esta grabación brinda una descripción general de los servicios y programas locales para personas mayores, cómo los defensores LGBTQ+ y las organizaciones como usted pueden involucrarse y cómo los Consejos Asesores para Personas Mayores pueden promover las prioridades y abordar las necesidades de las personas mayores LGBTQ+.
July 2023
History of the LGBTQ+ Community
This recording explores the historical events related to that have shaped LGBTQ+ communities.
July 2023
Historia de la comunidad LGBTQ+
Esta grabación explora los eventos históricos relacionados que han dado forma a las comunidades LGBTQ+.
July 2023
Just Us – A Q&A with Researcher and Filmmaker Carey Candrian
Just Us: The longing and hope of LGBTQ people
May 2023 | Carey Candrian, PhD
Supporting Your LGBTQ+ Grandchild
SAGE partnered with PFLAG to produce a guide for grandparents and those with younger loved ones who are coming out at LGBTQ+. Learn how sexual orientation differs from gender identity, tips for showing your support, and more.
October 2021 | PFLAG and SAGE
The Intersection of Age, Race, and Sexuality
This fact sheet explores how age, race, and sexuality intersect and steps one can take help strengthen supports for LGBT BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color).
June 2021 | Tomme Faust M.A. for the National Resource Center on LGBT Aging
Person Directed Services and LGBT People with Disabilities
This fact sheet explores ways organizations can provide Person Directed Services in support of LGBT people with disabilities.
March 2020