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Inclusive Questions for Older Adults: A Practical Guide to Collecting Data on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

Updated in 2024 – This guide helps service providers learn how to ask questions about sexual orientation and gender identity to older adults in safe and respectful ways.

March 2023 | National Resource Center on LGBT Aging

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Working with LGBTQ+ Individuals: A Brief FactSheet for Crisis Hotline Responders

This brief fact sheet aims to assist hotlines in working with LGBTQ+ individuals in a crisis response setting. It provides some context for the importance of being LGBTQ+ inclusive on hotlines and then discusses tips for crisis responders in working with LGBTQ+ individuals.

May 2022 | Thomas Godwin

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Working with LGBTQ+ Individuals: A Factsheet for Crisis Hotline Responders

This research-driven factsheet aims to assist non-LGBTQ+ specific hotlines in working with LGBTQ+ individuals in a crisis response setting. It discusses tips for individual crisis responders in working with LGBTQ+ individuals and also discusses tips for crisis response organizations in supporting LGBTQ+ communities as a whole.

May 2022 | Thomas Godwin

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Family Caregiving in Diverse Communities Full Report

An assessment to discover the specific needs of diverse family caregivers for older adults was performed by the Diverse Aging Coalition and the National Alliance for Caregiving. This report outlines the findings from the assessment.

December 2021

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Family Caregiving in Diverse Communities Factsheet

This factsheet provides a summary of the findings from the Family Caregiving in Diverse Communities full report, which assessed the needs of diverse family caregivers for older adults.

December 2021 | Diverse Elders Coalition National Alliance for Caregiving

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Family Caregiving in Diverse Communities

Diverse Elders Coalition and its members, in partnership with the National Alliance for Caregiving, discuss findings from their recently released report, Family Caregiving for Older Adults from Diverse Communities.

December 2021 | Diverse Elders Coalition and National Alliance for Caregiving

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Inclusive Services for LGBT Older Adults: A Practical Guide to Creating Welcoming Agencies

Updated May 18, 2020 – This publication highlights provides new research, resources, practical tips and suggested actions to help create inclusive and welcoming services for LGBT older adults.

May 2020 | National Resource Center on LGBT Aging

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An Ally’s Guide to Terminology 2017 Edition

The guide provide an overview on the words we use to talk about lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people and issues.

November 2019 | MAP (Movement Advancement Project)

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Training the Aging Network to Provide Culturally Competent Care for LGBTQ Older Adults

This brief explores the need for LGBT Cultural Competency training in health and aging services.

March 2019 | Center for Consumer Engagement in Health Innovation

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SAGE National LGBT Housing Initiative: Increasing LGBT Cultural Competence

This fact sheet explores ways to increase LGBT cultural competence in housing and long-term care.

November 2018 | SAGE

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10 Tips on Finding LGBT Affirming Services – Mandarin Translation

10 Tips on Finding LGBT Affirming Services – Mandarin Translation

October 2018 | SAGE

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LGBT Affirming Intake: Sample Questions

Sample questions for LGBT inclusive intake forms.

June 2018 | National Resource Center on LGBT Aging and SAGECare

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Admisión afirmativa para las personas LGBT: Ejemplos de preguntas

Admisión afirmativa para las personas LGBT: Ejemplos de preguntas (Spanish version of LGBT Affirming Intake Questions).

June 2018 | National Resource Center on LGBT Aging and SAGECare

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LGBT Elders and Healthcare Providers Discuss Why Being Treated Respectfully Is Important

As part of National Coming Out Day, SAGECare and the Center for Consumer Engagement in Health Innovation asked LGBT elders and care providers why being out to healthcare providers is so important. The main thing we learned from our LGBT elders is that they want to be treated with respect.

November 2017 | SAGE and Center for Consumer Engagement in Health Innovation

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Age-Friendly Inclusive Services: A Practical Guide to Creating Welcoming LGBT Organizations

Updated in 2017 to include information and resources on caregiving, this guide is intended to help LGBT centers understand the unique challenges that LGBT people face as they get older, and provide you with some tools and strategies to ensure that LGBT older adults feel more included and safe in LGBT organizations.

June 2017 | SAGE's National Resource Center on LGBT Aging

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10 Consejos Para Encontrar Servicios Afirmativos Para La Comunidad LGBT

10 Consejos Para Encontrar Servicios Afirmativos Para La Comunidad LGBT

June 2017 | SAGE's National Resource Center on LGBT Aging

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10 Tips on Finding LGBT-Affirming Services
Nervous about paid care services? Here’s what you can do to hire the supportive, friendly care provider who’s right for you.

April 2017 | SAGE

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A Closer Look at the Revised Nursing Facility Regulations: Visitation Rights

A review of the revised nursing facility regulations specific to visitation rights and the inclusion of same-sex spouses and domestic partners.

April 2017 | The National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care Center for Medicare Advocacy and Justice in Aging

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Fact Sheet: National Consortium on Aging Resources for Seniors’ Equity

Funded by the Administration on Community Living (ACL), the National Consortium on Aging Resources for Seniors’ Equity works to decrease the prevalence of disparities among racial, ethnic minority and LGBT older adults, their families and caregivers, by providing technical assistance to the Aging Network.

March 2017 | Consortium Members

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Encouraging an Inclusive Practice: Care Management Ally Comes Out in Support of the LGBT Community

This article introduces the reader to the field of Care Management and the journey of a Care Manager who came out as an LGBT Ally.

October 2016 | Tiffany Webster, MSW, LCSW, CMC, A Plus Aging Advantage

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LGBT Aging: A Review of Research Findings, Needs, and Policy Implications

This report is a review of existing literature of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) older adults and provides recommendations for future research and policy needs.

September 2016 | Soon Kyu Choi M.P.P. MSc. and Ilan H. Meyer Ph.D. Williams Institute UCLA School of Law

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An Intersectional Approach to Services and Care for LGBT Older Adults

The time has come for an intersectional approach that takes into full account all of these life experiences. This approach will prove invaluable to practitioners committed to working effectively with vulnerable older adults. It also will fuel policy progress by supporting shared agendas and advocacy based on the intersecting interests of diverse elder communities.

August 2016 | Michael Adams SAGE CEO Published by Generations - Journal of the American Society on Aging

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LGBT Older Adult Education Resources – FREE of Charge

This document provides a list of “FREE” of charge education resources promoting awareness of LGBT Older Adults.

June 2016 | SAGE's National Resource Center of LGBT Aging

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Reclaiming Our Two-Spirit Bodies: Working Towards Community Healing and Wellness in St. Louis

A qualitative, community-based research project involving individuals who identify as American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) & lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and/or queer – two-spirit (LGBTQ-TS) in the St. Louis Area.

April 2016 | Matthew Frank - Past MSW Practicum Student with SAGE of PROMO Fund (formerly SAGE Metro St. Louis)

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How to Collect Data About LGBT Communities

Fact sheet about sexual orientation and gender identity data collection.

March 2016 | Kellan Baker Laura E. Durso and Aaron Ridings - The Center for American Progress

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Engaging Volunteers in Grassroots Awareness Building

Blog article discussing the importance of grassroots education, volunteerism and the National Resource Center on LGBT Aging – Volunteer Education Ambassador program.

March 2016 | Blog originally published by the Diverse Elders Coalition Written by Tim Johnston and Sherrill Wayland with SAGE

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Creating a Vision for the Future: Key Competencies and Strategies for Culturally Competent Practice With Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Older Adults in the Health and Human Services


Sexual orientation and gender identity are not commonly addressed in health and human service delivery, or in educational degree programs. Based on findings from Caring and Aging with Pride: The National Health, Aging and Sexuality Study (CAP), the first national federally-funded research project on LGBT health and aging, this article outlines 10 core competencies and aligns them with specific strategies to improve professional practice and service development to promote the well-being of LGBT older adults and their families. The articulation of key competencies is needed to provide a blueprint for action for addressing the growing needs of LGBT older adults, their families, and their

October 2015 | Karen I. Fredriksen-Goldsen , Charles P. Hoy-Ellis , Jayn Goldsen , Charles A. Emlet , Nancy R. Hooyman Journal of Gerontological Social Work Vol. 57, Iss. 2-4, 2014

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Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Aging Concerns


Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) elders and long-term couples have become more visible and their special concerns about aging are being recognized by gerontologists. LGBT elders are a diverse group with regard to all characteristics. This article focuses on the characteristics, research needs and barriers, service needs and barriers, clinical implications, and suggestions for appropriate treatment to increase awareness of clinical gerontologists who may not be familiar with LGBT seniors or who wish to improve their services to this population. Gerontologists working in long-term care facilities and those working in social and home care services may be especially interested in the special concerns of transgender elders and the recent changes in public policy regarding all LGBT elders.

October 2015 | Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Aging Concerns Douglas Kimmel Clinical Gerontologist Vol. 37, Iss. 1, 2014

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Question & Answer: Vicki Stanley

The National Resource Center on LGBT Aging is committed to working with and supporting advocates around the country. Please read this Q&A with Vicki Stanley, an ally working in Kentucky, to learn more about her work and her advice for other advocates trying to make a positive change.

June 2015 | National Resource Center on LGBT Aging

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Building Respect for LGBT Older Adults e-learning: Supplemental Information for Staff

This document is intended as a compendium piece for aging service providers accessing the e-learning tool: Building Respect for LGBT Older Adults.

June 2015 | National Resource Center on LGBT Aging

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LGBT Programming for Older Adults: A Practical Step-by-Step Guide

This guide presents a simple, concrete set of steps that can be used to create an LGBT movie viewing, with the intention of either broadening the agency services to bring in more LGBT people or as a way of introducing LGBT concepts to existing program participants.

January 2015 | SAGE's National Resource Center on LGBT Aging

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Howard Brown Health Center’s Nurses HEALE program

Howard Brown Health Center delivers multiple health and social services to the LGBT population in Illinois. The Nurses HEALE project is a cultural competency training, funded by a HRSA grant, to provide training to medical professionals in Illinois.

July 2014

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Servicios Inclusivos Para Personas Mayores LGBT: Una guía práctica para crear agencias acogedoras

Esta guía se desarrolló para ayudar a los proveedores de servicios a entender las barreras especiales que enfrentan las personas mayores LGBT, así como las muchas maneras para mejorar y ampliar la continuacion de la atención médica y los servicios disponibles.

May 2014 | National Resource Center on LGBT Aging

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Asking Patients Questions about Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in Clinical Settings: A Study in Four Health Centers

In order to better understand how a diverse group of people would respond when these questions are asked, several hundred patients at four health centers across the United States were surveyed about asking sexual orientation and gender identity questions in their health centers. This publication summarizes the results of this study.

March 2014 | The Fenway Institute; Center for American Progress

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Care Home Survey: Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Concerning LGBT Residents

Based on a non-random survey of 189 staff in residential homes for older people in England, this three-page document provides a summary of staff’s attitudes, knowledge and practices in relation to lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans residents.

February 2014 | Dr Kathryn Almack Senior Research Fellow Sue Ryder Care Centre for the Study of Supportive Palliative and End of Life Care School of Health Sciences University of Nottingham; Dr Paul Simpson Lecturer Sociology University of Manchester

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Q&A with Linda Levin, ED of ElderSource

This Q&A with the Linda Levin, the Executive Director of ElderSource, highlights what her aging services agency is doing to create better services for LGBT older adults in Florida.

December 2013

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Creating Equal Access to Quality Health Care for Transgender Patients: Transgender-Affirming Hospital Policies

Creating Equal Access to Quality Health Care for Transgender Patients: Transgender-Affirming Hospital Policies is designed to assist hospitals to not only align with the best practices in the field for transgender patients but also to comply with legal and regulatory mandates.

November 2013 | Lambda Legal Human Rights Campaign Foundation New York City Bar Association

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Optimizing LGBT Health Under the Affordable Care Act: Strategies for Health Centers

This brief explains how the Affordable Care Act will benefit LGBT Americans, particularly through better
data collection, stronger nondiscrimination policies, a new essential health benefits standard and other
insurance reforms, and coverage expansions.

November 2013 | National LGBT Health Education Center; Center for American Progress

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Residents’ Rights and the LGBT Community: Know YOUR Rights as a Nursing Home Resident

In recognition of Residents’ Rights Month and National Coming Out Day, the National Long-Term Care Ombudsman Resource Center released a new consumer fact sheet titled produced by NORC in collaboration with the National Resource Center on LGBT Aging and Lambda Legal about LGBT residents rights in nursing home.

October 2013 | National Long-Term Care Ombudsman Resource Center; National Resource Center on LGBT Aging; Lambda Legal

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Addressing the Needs of LGBT Older Adults in San Francisco: Recommendations for the Future

This report examines results of a survey of more than 600 LGBT older adults in San Francisco in 2013.

July 2013 | San Francisco Human Rights Commission and Department of Aging and Adult Services

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Be a Healthy Caregiver Blog Talk Radio

This is an episode of the Blog Talk Radio 30-minute show “Be A Healthy Caregiver” featuring guests Hilary Meyer, Director of SAGE’s National Resource Center on LGBT Aging and Tom Duffy, from Secret Garden.

May 2013 | Chris McClellan, Host of Be a Healthy Cargiver

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Affirmative Care for Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming People: Best Practices for Front-line Health Care Staff

In collaboration with transgender health care providers, researchers and front-line staff, Fenway Institute of Health created a helpful tool of best practices for front-line health care staff to provide affirmative care for transgender and gender non-conforming individuals.

April 2013 | The National LGBT Health Education Center

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Identifying and Assisting LGBT Elder Abuse Clients: A Guide for Abuse Professionals

This comprehensive article, written for abuse professionals, discusses warning signs for LGBT elder abuse.

January 2013 | FORGE Transgender Aging Network; National Resource Center on LGBT Aging

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Why Should Your Aging Organization Request a Cultural Competency Training?

NRC Certified Trainer, Doreen Bermudez, explains why an Aging organization should have a cultural competency training by the National Resource Center on LGBT Aging.

December 2012

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Why Should Your LGBT Organization Request a Cultural Competency Training?

NRC Certified Trainer, Doreen Bermudez, explains why an LGBT organization should have a cultural competency training by the National Resource Center on LGBT Aging.

December 2012 | The National Resource Center on LGBT Aging

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La Importancia de Obtener un Entrenamiento Para Trabajar con Personas Mayores LGBT

La Importancia de Obtener un Entrenamiento Para Trabajar con Personas Mayores LGBT

December 2012

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Providing Quality Care to LGBT Clients with Dementia in Suffolk: A Guide for Practitioners

A practical guide out of the U.K. for health care providers working with dementia patients to become aware of clients’ sexual orientation or transgender identity and how to address the specific needs of these clients.

December 2012 | Suffolk Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender Network (UK)

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National Long-Term Care Ombudsman Resource Center – Ombudsman Locator

The National Long-Term Care Ombudsman Resource Center provides a listing for every state’s ombudsment. Long-term care ombudsmen are advocates for residents of nursing homes, board and care homes and assisted living facilities.

September 2012

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Training day: National Resource Center teaches LGBT cultural competence

This article describes the National Resource Center on LGBT Aging’s cultural competency training using a case study in culture shifts from Lexington, Kentucky.

September 2012 | Hilary Meyer

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NRC’s Cultural Competency Training Results: February 2011 – February 2012

This document highlights results from an evaluation of the trainings delivered between February 2011 and February 2012.

July 2012 | National Resource Center on LGBT Aging

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Gay and Gray: Welcoming LGBT Elders in Long Term Care

As long as there have been nursing homes, there have been residents living in them who are LGBT.

July 2012 | Alzheimer's Association New York City Chapter

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Top 10 Ways to Begin Creating LGBT Safety & Inclusivity for Aging Services

A handy list of tips for aging service providers on creating LGBT-affirming programs and agencies.

June 2012 | SAGE/National Resource Center on LGBT Aging

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PlainViews: Special Issue Focuses on the LGBT Health

This newsletter, published by HealthCare Chaplaincy, focuses on LGBT issues from the chaplaincy and palliative care disciplines.

June 2012 | HealthCare Chaplaincy

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Improving the Lives of Transgender Older Adults: Recommendations for Policy and Practice

This publication addresses the concerns of transgender older adults on issues such as financial security, health and overall well-being.

June 2012 | Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE) and the National Center for Transgender Equality

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I have a Transgender Client…Now What?

This fact sheet for service providers of older adults provides answers to commonly asked questions regarding transgender clients.

May 2012 | Loree Cook-Daniels Policy Director FORGE Transgender Aging Network

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Long-term Services and Supports for Transgender People

This article discusses the policy implications of the growing number of transgender older adults and the need for increased long-term services and support for this marginalized population.

May 2012 | Harper Jean Tobin, Policy Counsel, National Center for Transgender Equality

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Top Health Issues for LGBT Populations

This publication, by the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, informs health care providers and prevention specialists about the health experiences of LGBT populations. Understanding the health issues of LGBT individuals is a significant step in improving access to care and the quality of behavioral health services.

May 2012 | Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)

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Waking Up: LGBT in Old Age From a Provider’s Front Lines Perspective

This essay, written by (then) 78-year-old Ellen Ensig-Brodsky, describes her personal journey of encountering issues related to LGBT aging as a long-term care surveyor. As a result, Ensig-Brodsky helped create the Pride Senior Network, an organization aimed at providing LGBT older adults with a wide range of services.

March 2012 | Ellen Ensig-Brodsky

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Q&A with Nancy Grimes and Emily Lewis, Boulder County (Colorado) Area Agency on Aging

This interview with Nancy Grimes and Emily Lewis of the Boulder County Area Agency on Aging (AAA) highlights their successes in implementing LGBT-specific programs in the Boulder County AAA. Such programs include the cultural competency training program Project Visibility, a social support group Rainbow Elders, and a LGBT older adult resource guide entitled the Silver Lining Directory.

February 2012

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Why Gather Data on Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity

This publication explains how gathering data on sexual orientation and gender identity in clinical settings will help understand lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) health disparities, and how it is consistent with key recommendations in Healthy People 2020, the 2011 Institute of Medicine report on LGBT health issues and research gaps, and the Affordable Care Act.

February 2012 | The Fenway Institute

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Gathering Data on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in Clinical Settings

This publication addresses the issue of how to obtain sexual orientation and gender identity data in clinical settings. It provides guidance on how to ask questions on patient registration forms and how clinicians can ask questions during medical visits. This second brief addresses concerns about confidentiality with EHRs and other potential barriers to collecting data on LGBT identity.

February 2012 | The Fenway Institute

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Revised Appendix A, Interpretive Guidelines for Hospitals, and Appendix W, Interpretive Guidelines for Critical Access Hospitals

This publication includes the hospital guidelines as mandated by the Department of Health & Human Services regarding hospital visitations and designation of a health care representative pertinent to the LGBT population.

December 2011 | Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS) Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)

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The Aging and Health Report: Disparities and Resilience among Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Older Adults

This publication is the first national federally-funded project to examine LGBT aging and health. It documents significant health disparities impacting LGBT older adults as they age, including disability, physical and mental distress, victimization, discrimination, and lack of access to supportive aging and health services.

November 2011 | Karen I. Fredriksen-Goldsen PhD Hyun-Jun Kim Charles A. Emlet Anna Muraco Elena A. Erosheva Charles P. Hoy-Ellis MSW Jayn Goldsen BS Heidi Petry

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Housing and Services: A Critical Combination – Provisions in LGBT-specific Housing

Openhouse is opening their first senior housing facility. In order to ensure that LGBT older adults in San Francisco area remain independent and not go back into the “closet,” it is important to create housing options for them. However, with providing shelter it is important to also have supportive services for them so that they continue to engage within the community. This article explores these issues.

October 2011 | Seth Kilbourn, Executive Director, Openhouse

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Advancing Effective Communication, Cultural Competence, and Patient-and-Family-Centered Care for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Community

This guide, published by The Joint Commission, contains a compilation of strategies, practice examples, resources, and testimonials designed to assist hospital staff in improving quality of care by enhancing their efforts to provide care that is more welcoming, safe, and inclusive of LGBT patients and families.

October 2011 | The Joint Commission

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Standards of Care for the Health of Transsexual, Transgender, and Gender Nonconforming People

The goal of this publication is to provide clinical guidance for health professionals to assist transsexual, transgender, and gender nonconforming people with safe and effective pathways to achieving lasting personal comfort with their gendered selves, in order to maximize their overall health, psychological well-being, and self-fulfillment.

October 2011 | The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH)

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Tips on Caring for a Loved One with Advanced HIV/AIDS

Caring for a partner or loved one with advanced HIV/AIDS can be difficult for both patient and caregiver. Here are some tips to ease the difficulty.

September 2011 | Renata Gelman, RN, BSN, Clinical Manager for Partners in Care

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An HIV/AIDS Trainer’s Perspective

The top 12 issues trainers, educators and service providers should consider when talking about HIV/AIDS and older adults.

September 2011 | Doreen Bermudez

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Injustice at Every Turn: A Look at Black Respondents in the National Transgender Discrimination Survey

Through a partnership with several organizations, the purpose of the National Transgender Discrimination Survey was to measure the experiences of discrimination within the transgender community. The results show that transgender people faced bias that affects all areas of life.

September 2011 | National Black Justice Coalition National Center for Transgender Equality and National Gay and Lesbian Task Force

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Good Training, Good Care: Center kickstarts curricula in LGBT aging

Article on the importance and need for LGBT training for aging services providers.

July 2011 | Hilary Meyer

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An Ally’s Guide to Terminology

Designed for new allies who want to support LGBT Americans but often face an array of confusing terminology and language, this short guide offers an overview of essential vocabulary, terms to avoid, and a few key messages for talking about various issues.

July 2011 | Movement Advancement Project and GLAAD

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LGBT Long-Term Care Issues

LGBT elders in long-term care facilities (along with their families and friends) need to know their rights and the red flags of mistreatment. The aim of this article is to give the current state of affairs, outline some forms of discrimination that LGBT elders face in nursing homes, and discuss some ways we can fight this mistreatment.

June 2011 | Daniel Redman

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Integrating Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Older Adults into Aging Policy and Practice

The National Academy on an Aging Society teamed up with SAGE to publish this edition of the Public Policy and Aging Report discussing a number of different policy areas as they relate to LGBT aging.

June 2011 | National Academy on an Aging Society; SAGE

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Asuntos del Cuidado a Largo Plazo Para Personas LGBT

Las personas lesbianas, gay, bisexuales y transgénero (LGBT) de más edad que viven en centros de cuidado a largo plazo (y sus familiares y amigos) deben conocer sus derechos y las señales del maltrato. Este artículo delinea los tipos de discriminación a los que pueden estar sujetos las personas LGBT de más edad en centros de envejecientes, como también varias maneras de atacar el problema.

June 2011 | Daniel Redman

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Safe Spaces? The Need for LGBT Cultural Competency in Aging Services

This article describes the need for aging services that are LGBT culturally competent and formation of the National Resource Center on LGBT Aging.

May 2011 | Hilary Meyer SAGE

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Supporting the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Community through Illness, Death and Grief

The Hospice Foundation of America (HFA) hosted a webinar, “Supporting the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Community through Illness, Death and Grief.”

April 2011

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LGBT Older Adults in Long-Term Care Facilities: Stories from the Field

This publication highlights that many LGBT older adults experience regular discrimination in long-term care facilities.

April 2011 | National Senior Citizens Law Center in collaboration with Lambda Legal National Center for Lesbian Rights National Center for Transgender Equality National Gay and Lesbian Task Force and Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE)

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Excerpt from: LGBT Older Adults in Long-Term Care Facilities: Stories from the Field

This excerpt from LGBT Older Adults in Long-Term Care Facilities: Stories from the Field discusses legal rights and responsibilities of LGBT older adults.

April 2011 | National Senior Citizens Law Center in collaboration with Lambda Legal National Center for Lesbian Rights National Center for Transgender Equality National Gay and Lesbian Task Force and Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE)

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Antes de decidirte por el cuidado en el hogar, piensa en lo que necesitas y en cómo encontrarlo.

April 2011

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Long-Term Care Facts

What caregivers need to know about long-term care, from who provides it to how much it costs.

April 2011

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Hiring Home Care

Before you decide on home care, figure out what you need and how to find it.

April 2011

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Lo que los cuidadores necesitan saber sobre el cuidado a largo plazo, desde quién lo ofrece hasta lo que cuesta.

April 2011

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Answers to Your Questions about Transgender People, Gender Identity, and Gender Expression

This publication is a fact sheet, written in a Q&A format, about transgender issues, differences between sex and gender, types of discrimination transgender people may face, ways to be supportive of trans friends or family, and a significant listing of resources and places to seek out more information.

January 2011 | American Psychological Association

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Ready to Serve? The Aging Network and Older LGB and T People

This report presents findings from a nationwide survey of Area Agencies on Aging on their current work with LGBT older adults and their capacity to meet the specific needs of LGBT older adults.

December 2010 | Kelly Abel Knochel MSW LGSW; Catherine F. Croghan MS MPH RN; Rajean P. Moone Ph.D. LNHA; Jean K. Quam L.I.C.S.W.

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Supporting Direct Care Workers in Caring for Aging Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Individuals

This brief provides a succinct overview of the challenges that LGBT older adults face when attempting to access direct care services, and recommends concrete actions that lawmakers, administrators and direct care workers can take to effect permanent changes in public policies and attitudes that will improve long-term care for LGBT older adults.

November 2010 | Direct Care Alliance

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LGBT Older Adults and Exclusion from Aging Programs and Services

This brief details LGBT older adults’ reluctance to access mainstream aging service providers and programs, which can increase their sense of social isolation, as well as the delay in seeking medical treatment, ultimately impacting their mental and physical health. Note: This publication was created before the June 2013 US Supreme Court decision overturning Section 3 of DOMA, so some information contained herein may no longer be applicable.

September 2010 | Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE) Movement Advancement Project (MAP)

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LGBT Older Adults and Inhospitable Health Care Environments

This brief details the hostility or discrimination LGBT older adults might face in professional care settings, and the uneven knowledge and enforcement of Non-Discrimination Acts in public accommodations and housing.

September 2010 | Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE) Movement Advancement Project (MAP)

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LGBT Health and Human Services Needs and New York State

This assessment of LGBT Health and Human Service Needs in New York State was designed to examine existing data sources, identify gaps in data and collect original data in order to establish the most pressing needs and gaps for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) non-HIV health and human services in New York State.

January 2009 | Report prepared by Somjen Frazer for the Empire State Pride Agenda Foundation and the New York State Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender Health and Human Services Network

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Opening the Door to the Inclusion of Transgender People

This guide will provide practical ideas for how LGBT organizations can take concrete steps to providing a more welcoming environment for transgender people. It will also directly address the challenges and opportunities that arise in this process.

January 2008 | Lisa Mottet; Justin Tanis

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10 Tips for Working with Transgender Individuals

This tip sheet is intended for health care providers to become more culturally competent in working with transgender individuals.

October 2005 | Transgender Law Center

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