Flu, COVID-19, and RSV Vaccines: Reasons to Get Vaccinated This Season
Respiratory viruses like flu, COVID-19, and RSV can spread quickly in your community, especially during the fall and winter seasons. Some people are at higher risk of getting seriously sick or ending up in the hospital if they get infected with one of these viruses. The good news is that flu, COVID-19, and RSV vaccines…
October 2024
HIV and Aging Creating Age Friendly Communities for All
Participants of this webinar will have a unique opportunity to learn from individuals with lived experience navigating HIV, and begin to discuss national, state, and community policies and programs that support their unique needs for our shared work creating age-friendly communities. This webinar features a discussion by Terri Wilder, SAGE HIV and Aging Policy Advocate.
August 2024 | Minnesota Leadership Council on Aging
Fireside Chat: Advanced Planning for Healthcare Needs within LGBTQ+ Communities
This webinar explores the importance of advance planning to help ensure your wishes are followed should you not be able to advocate for yourself.
August 2024
LGBTQ+ Advance Care Planning Toolkit
A step-by-step guide for the LGBTQ+ community in preparing for healthcare needs and end-of-life decisions.
August 2024 | Eliza Giles
PLANIFICACIÓN anticipada de cuidados de salud para LGBTQ+
Una guía dirigida a los miembros de la comunidad LGBTQ+ con los pasos necesarios para prepararse ante eventuales necesidades de salud y decisiones sobre el final de la vida.
January 2024 | Eliza Giles MSN RN AGCNP CHPN SAGE Intern
Los adultos LGBTQ+ se enfrentan a factores de estrés únicos debido a su
orientación sexual e identidad de género, lo que los expone a un mayor riesgo de
disparidades relacionadas con la salud cardiovascular.
January 2024 | SAGE and Amgen Inc
Addressing Disparities in Cardiovascular Disease Among LGBTQ+ Older People
LGBTQ+ adults face unique stressors due to their sexual orientation and gender
identity, putting them at higher risk for cardiovascular health disparities.
January 2024 | SAGE and Amgen Inc
Taking Pride in Brain Health: Parkinson’s Disease and the LGBTQ+ Community
Learn about brain health, Parkinson’s Disease and the LGBTQ+ community in this webinar hosted by the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research and SAGE.
September 2023 | hosted by: Michael J Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research and SAGE
Health Equity & LGBTQ+ Older Adults of Color: Engaging Individuals, Communities, and Organizations
The United States is becoming older and more diverse. Yet, how we often talk about and intervene on issues related to diversity in aging continues to fall short of our goals and best intentions. This is especially true for LGBTQ+ older adults of color. Taking an intersectional perspective, we know LGBTQ+ older adults of color…
July 2023 | SAGE National Resource Center on LGBTQ+ Aging
Equidad en salud para los adultos mayores LGBTQ+ de color: Comprometiendo a individuous, comuidades y organizaciones
Estados Unidos es un país cada vez más envejecido y diverso. Sin embargo, la forma en que solemos hablar de ello, especialmente en temas relacionados con la diversidad en adultos mayores, sigue estando por debajo de nuestras metas y mejores intenciones. Esto es especialmente cierto cuando hablamos de los adultos mayores LGBTQ+ de color. Desde…
July 2023 | SAGE
Rolling Up Our Sleeves with PRIDE: The Importance of Updated COVID Vaccines for LGBTQ+ Health
On May 18, 2023 SAGE hosted an engaging discussion about LGBTQ+ health and COVID vaccines. Hear from LGBTQ+ elders, researchers, and experts in the field.
May 2023
LGBT Adults Aged 50 and Older In The US During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Using data from the U.S. Census Household Pulse Survey (HPS) collected July 21, 2021 to August 8,
2022, we explore the demographics, health, and economic experiences of older LGBT adults during the COVID-19 pandemic as compared with straight/cisgender older adults.
January 2023 | Williams Institute authored by Lauren J.A. Bouton Amanda M. Brush Ilan H. Meyer
Person-centered, Trauma-informed Care of Transgender Older Adults
This guide aims to explain the why and how of providing person-centered and trauma-informed care to transgender older adults in practical language. The concepts shared in this
guide are useful for anyone working in health and aging services where a focus on
individualized support is optimal for overall health and well-being.
January 2023 | FORGE and SAGE National Resource Center on LGBTQ+ Aging
The Importance of Brain Health for LGBTQ+ Individuals
This fact sheet describes why LGBTQ+ people should care about brain health and steps we can take to improve brain health.
January 2023 | SAGE and Genetech
Marriage, Medicare, and Medicaid: What Same-Sex Couples Need to Know
Tips for same-sex couples who are married or thinking about marriage so you can understand
how marriage affects Medicare and Medicaid rights.
January 2023 | Justice in Aging State Health Insurance Assistance Program Senior Medicare Patrol and SAGE National Resource Center on LGBTQ+ Aging
Claves para comprender de qué manera afecta el matrimonio los derechos a Medicare y Medicaid en las parejas casadas del mismo sexo.
January 2023 | Justice in Aging State Health Insurance Assistance Program Senior Medicare Patrol and SAGE National Resource Center on LGBTQ+ Aging
Medicare & Transgender Older Adults
Transgender older adults have unique health care needs. Here’s what Medicare is doing
to address them.
January 2023 | Justice in Aging State Health Insurance Assistance Program Senior Medicare Patrol and SAGE National Resource Center on LGBTQ+ Aging
Medicare y los Adultos Mayores Transgénero
Los adultos mayores transgénero poseen necesidades únicas de atención médica. A continuación le explicamos lo que Medicare está haciendo por ellos en la actualidad.
January 2023 | Justice in Aging State Health Insurance Assistance Program Senior Medicare Patrol and SAGE National Resource Center on LGBTQ+ Aging
What To Do If You Suspect Monkeypox
Early detection can help stop the spread of monkeypox.
Know what to look for and what to do if you suspect monkeypox.
August 2022 | CDC
This fact sheet is provided by the CDC and discuss safer sex and Monkeypox.
August 2022 | CDC
A facts sheet provided by the CDC on COVID-19 Vaccines.
August 2022 | CDC
Trastornos por uso de sustancias y adultos mayores LGBTQ+
Esta hoja informativa nos presenta información relacionada con los trastornos de sustancias y el uso excesivo dentro de las comunidades de adultos mayores LGBTQ+.
July 2022
Monkeypox and Gay and Bisexual Men
This fact sheet discusses emerging data regarding Monkeypox including how it is spread, symptoms, self-protective measures, discussion of why a focus on gay, bisexual, and other MSM, and much more.
June 2022 | The Fenway Institute
Supporting LGBTQ+ People with Parkinson’s: A Guide for LGBTQ+ Community Centers and Health Centers
The Parkinson’s Foundation and SAGE co-created this guide to highlight things you can do right now to support LGBTQ+ people living with Parkinson’s disease (PD) in your community.
May 2022 | Parkinson's Foundation and SAGE
Substance Use Disorders and LGBTQ+ Older Adults
This fact sheet introduces us to information related to substance disorders and overuse within LGBTQ+ older adult communities.
April 2022 | National Resource Center on LGBTQ+ Aging
This publication provides infographics that summarize a health needs assessment performed for the LGBT+ community, aged 50+, living with HIV in Puerto Rico.
December 2021 | Waves Ahead Corp and SAGE Puerto Rico SAGE’s HIV & Aging Policy Action Coalition JSI Research & Training Institute
Getting Started with Services for LGBTQ+ Veterans
This document is a guide to help LGBTQ+ Veterans gain access to services from the Department of Veterans Affairs.
December 2021 | U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
2020 Pennsylvania LGBTQ Health Needs Assessment
Pennsylvanians ages 65 and older were participants in 64 counties that
partipcated in the 2020 PA LGBTQ Health Needs Assessment.
February 2021 | Bradbury-Sullivan LGBT Community Center and Research & Evaluation Group at PHMC
This guide is part of a visioning project in Massachusetts, seeking to answer the question: If we want to have a thriving, happy and healthy LGBT older adult community in Massachusetts in 2025, what changes in services, health care, and policy should we make now?
December 2020 | The Fenway Institute
Inclusive Services for LGBT Older Adults: A Practical Guide to Creating Welcoming Agencies
Updated May 18, 2020 – This publication highlights provides new research, resources, practical tips and suggested actions to help create inclusive and welcoming services for LGBT older adults.
May 2020 | National Resource Center on LGBT Aging
Why routinely collecting sexual orientation and gender identity information matters for elders
In this Q&A, Carey Candrian, PhD, discusses the importance of collecting information related to sexual orientation and gender identity in hospice and palliative care settings.
January 2020 | Carey Candrian, PhD
Getting the Care You Need – A Guide for People with Disabilities
Tips and resources on getting the health care you need as a person living with disability.
November 2019 | CMS (Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services)
Building an Organizational Response to Health Disparities
This fact sheet provides resources on how to identify, prioritize, and take action on health disparities by championing the Disparities Action Statement in your organization.
November 2019 | CMS (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services)
Improving Undergraduate Nursing Students’ Understanding of LGBTQ Older Adults
As a nursing educator, preparing nursing students for care of an aging population is challenging. New nurses entering practice need to understand the complex physical, psychological, and spiritual needs of older adults, while also considering the importance of generational, cultural, and individual differences of older adults and their families. It is also important for new nurses to recognize and advocate for vulnerable and underserved older adult groups, such as the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) community.
July 2019 | Nadine Henriquez, Brandon University, Brandon, Manitoba, Canada.
Cómo representarse a sí mismo y a otros: Servicios de salud y para adultos mayores
Ir al doctor o solicitar atención médica hasta para los problemas leves presenta dificultades singulares para las adultos LGBT. La decisión de “salir del clóset” con su proveedor, la preocupación sobre la reacción que este tendrá y la forma en la que lo tratará si le revela su identidad sexual, o la posibilidad de recibir una menor calidad de atención son las primeras dudas que se vienen a la mente.
July 2019 | Jacqueline Boyd fundadora de The Care Plan
Recommendations for Supporting LGBT People Living with Dementia
This fact sheets provides recommendations for you can use in support of LGBT people living with dementia.
July 2019 | SAGE and Alzheimer's Association
Infographic: LGBT Older Adults and Dementia
Infographic describing key findings on LGBT older adults living with dementia.
July 2019 | Alzheimer's Association and SAGE
See this resource guide for a listing of LGBT+ friendly programs and services in Tennessee.
May 2019 | Vicki Stanley SAGECare Trainer
Advocating for Yourself and Others: Health and Aging Services
This article provides useful information you can use to advocate for yourself and others in health and aging services.
November 2018 | Jacqueline Boyd for the National Resource Center on LGBT Aging
Enhancing health, wellness and community for older LGBT adults
This article provides a look at the unique needs of older LGBT people and how communities are responding to these needs.
September 2018 | Marilynn Larkin M.A. in the Journal of Active Aging
La expresión de las necesidades emocionales e íntimas como adultos mayores LGBTQ
Spanish version of Intimacy and LGBT Older Adults
June 2018 | Jane Fleishman Ph.D.
Intimacy & LGBT Older Adults: Expressing Your Emotional and Intimacy Needs as LGBTQ Older Adults
This article explores the importance of emotional and intimacy needs of LGBT older adults including tips and resources.
May 2018 | Jane Fleishman Ph.D.
Dignity Denied: Religious Exemptions and LGBT Elder Services
Ever-growing religious exemption laws put LGBT elders at increased risk for discrimination.
December 2017 | The Movement Advancement Project and SAGE & Public Rights/Private Conscience Project (PRPCP) at Columbia Law School
LGBT Elders and Healthcare Providers Discuss Why Being Treated Respectfully Is Important
As part of National Coming Out Day, SAGECare and the Center for Consumer Engagement in Health Innovation asked LGBT elders and care providers why being out to healthcare providers is so important. The main thing we learned from our LGBT elders is that they want to be treated with respect.
November 2017 | SAGE and Center for Consumer Engagement in Health Innovation
Care Planning Worksheets that accompany the Create Your Care Plan workbook.
September 2017
This guide provides an overview of caregiving in the LGBT community, and specific ideas, lessons learned and best practices for expanding programming to reach and include LGBT caregivers and those caring for LGBT older adults.
September 2017 | SAGE
Amputee Coalition: Limb Loss in the LGBT Community
This webinar presented by the Amputee Coalition provides information on people who experience limb loss and limb difference, resources available, and tips for how LGBT organizations can provide outreach and support to people who experience limb loss/difference and also identify as LGBT.
May 2017 | Amputee Coalition of America
Information from the Federal Trade Commission on recognizing and reporting Health Care Scams.
February 2017 | Federal Trade Commission
This toolkit is designed for use by health care organizations, including health plans, provider practices and hospitals, states and communities, that have decided to improve health equity and implement the National CLAS Standards.
January 2017 | Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services prepared by National Committee for Quality Assurance
Fact Sheet: Breast Health & LGBT Aging
Breast health and awareness is often an uncomfortable subject for LGBTQ community members. This fact sheet presents fact related to the important topic of breast health.
January 2017 | SAGE prepared by Elijah Grossman MSW
Health and Wellness Needs of the Senior LGBTQ in Sussex County Delaware: A Needs Assessment
This report focuses on the findings uncovered through a Survey Monkey questionnaire returned by 288 people, a focus group of 16 individuals, and a report from the Peer Leader of the Trans-Talk and Transparent discussion and support groups.
December 2016 | Camp Rehoboth Community Center
Identifying the Transgender Population in the Medicare Program
Research study on how to identify and describe the transgender population in the Medicare program using administrative data. This is an Open Access Article published in Transgender Health by Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
December 2016 | Kimberly Proctor Samuel C. Haffer Erin Ewald Carla Hodge and Cara V. James
LGBTQ Breast Health & Awareness: An Interview with Elijah Grossman, Susan G. Komen Puget Sound
LGBTQ Breast Health & Awareness: An Interview with Elijah Grossman, Susan G. Komen Puget Sound
December 2016 | Elijah Grossman, MSW (he/him/his), Community Advocate, Susan G. Komen Puget Sound
LGBT Aging: A Review of Research Findings, Needs, and Policy Implications
This report is a review of existing literature of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) older adults and provides recommendations for future research and policy needs.
September 2016 | Soon Kyu Choi M.P.P. MSc. and Ilan H. Meyer Ph.D. Williams Institute UCLA School of Law
What to Do When Addiction Has Become a Coping Mechanism
In the LGBTQA community, addiction affects 20-30% of its members as opposed to the national average of 9%. The reason for this is primarily the social rejection and isolation associated with coming out.
September 2016 | Patricia Sarmiento, Public Health Corps
Dr. Fleishman’s Model for Older Adults in Same-Sex Relationships
This model illustrates the correlations between variables for older adults in same-sex relationships.
September 2016 | Dr. Fleishman
Considerable efforts have focused on eliminating health disparities
experienced by vulnerable populations in the United States.
July 2016 | Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Office of Minority Health
La salud sexual y el envejecimiento (Aging and Sexual Health)
Una conversación abierta acerca de la salud sexual y el envejecimiento
July 2016 | Por Terri Clark MPH Coordinadora de Servicios de Prevención ActionAIDS Philadelphia
The Big Hush! Same-Sex Relationships in Long-term Care
For those who have dementia that affects memory, communication and other cognitive function, they often show their need for intimate connections through their actions. Unfortunately, it is common for their expressions of intimacy to be misinterpreted as inappropriate behavior.
June 2016 | Zoe Dearing, Alzheimer's Educator
Honest Talk About Aging & Sexual Health
June 2016 | Terri Clark MPH
Creating Equal Access to Quality Health Care for Transgender Patients: Transgender-Affirming Hospital Policies (updated May 2016) provides model policies on the following topics.
May 2016 | Lambda Legal, Human Rights Campaign, Hogan Lovells, New York City Bar
PrEP – Transcending Barriers for Safer Pleasure a Publication for Transgender Women
The resource guide was written by Project Inform and Outshine NW for women who are transgender and for other trans/gender-variant people who were assigned male sex at birth.
February 2016 | Project Inform
Age Page – HIV, AIDS, and Older People
Information and resource document on HIV, AIDS, and Older People developed by the National Institute on Aging.
November 2015 | National Institute on Aging
National LGBT Cancer Network Offers Free, Online Cancer Support Groups
Introducing Support Groups for LGBTQ Cancer Survivors from the National LGBT Cancer Network.
March 2015 | National LGBT Cancer Network
LGBT Older Adults: How to Find Affirming Services
Are you an older adult and a member of the LGBT community? If so, getting the proper care and support can be a challenge. This document details a few frequent questions older LGBT adults often ask.
February 2015 | Terri Clark
Ten Things Every Older Adult Should Know About Diabetes
This fact sheet, sponsored by Pfizer and created by SAGE, details 10 facts older adults should know about diabetes.
January 2015 | SAGE
Lesbian and Bisexual Women’s Health: Breast Cancer and Gynecological Risk Factors
This article touches on some research pertaining to the prevalence and risk factors for lesbian and bisexual women for gynecological and breast cancer.
December 2014 | Felixia Barias
Six Things Every LGBT Older Adult Should Know About Cardiovascular Disease and Hypertension
Fact sheet on cardiovascular health from SAGE.
November 2014 | SAGE
Six Things Every LGBT Older Adult Should Know About Adult Vaccinations
This fact sheet highlights the importance of vaccinations for adults.
October 2014 | SAGE
Out & Visible: The Experiences and Attitudes of LGBT Older Adults, Ages 45-75
Out and Visible explores the aging realities of LGBT people, as well as their fears, beliefs, behaviors and aspirations in areas such as healthcare, finance and retirement, support systems, housing and sources of information.
October 2014 | SAGE
Howard Brown Health Center’s Nurses HEALE program
Howard Brown Health Center delivers multiple health and social services to the LGBT population in Illinois. The Nurses HEALE project is a cultural competency training, funded by a HRSA grant, to provide training to medical professionals in Illinois.
July 2014
Ten Early Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s or Dementia
Fact sheet on Ten Early Warning Signs of Alzheimer’s or Dementia
June 2014 | SAGE
Medicare and Transgender-Related Care
On May 30, 2014, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Department Appeals Board (DAB), an independent federal appeals board, ruled that Medicare must cover medically necessary care for individuals with gender dysphoria, just as it covers medically necessary care for those with other medical conditions.
June 2014 | Aaron Tax, Director of Federal Relations, SAGE
LGBT Older Adults, HIV and the Affordable Care Act
This Issue Brief looks at HIV and aging among LGBT older people and what the ACA has done to support this population. Additionally, this brief offers information to help people with HIV understand their new health options and to support their overall health and wellness.
May 2014 | SAGE (Services and Advocacy for GLBT Elders)
Where to Start, What to Ask: A Guide for LGBT People Choosing Healthcare Plans
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) enrollment deadline was March 31, 2014. There are a number of LGBT-specific resources available for you and your patients or clients to learn more about the ACA and how to get healthcare insurance coverage. This guide will help explain those possibilities.
March 2014 | Forward Initiative's Strong Families
In order to better understand how a diverse group of people would respond when these questions are asked, several hundred patients at four health centers across the United States were surveyed about asking sexual orientation and gender identity questions in their health centers. This publication summarizes the results of this study.
March 2014 | The Fenway Institute; Center for American Progress
Why New Health Coverage Options Matter to Me
This flyer delineates three easy steps to obtain health insurance under the ACA. It also indicates how LGBT older people will benefit from the ACA.
September 2013 | Services and Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE)
LGBT People: Let’s Talk About Ageism
This article was originally written on The Huffington Post by Robert Espinoza, the Senior Director of Public Policy and Communications of Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE).
August 2013 | Robert Espinoza
Health Equity & LGBT Elders of Color
This brief explores 10 policy areas where health and wellness can be improved for LGBT older people of color.
April 2013 | SAGE
Providing Quality Care to LGBT Clients with Dementia in Suffolk: A Guide for Practitioners
A practical guide out of the U.K. for health care providers working with dementia patients to become aware of clients’ sexual orientation or transgender identity and how to address the specific needs of these clients.
December 2012 | Suffolk Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender Network (UK)
Health and Psychosocial Needs of LGBT Older Adults
This research study provides one of the most comprehensive descriptions of the health, well?being and social context of LGBT older adults.
November 2012 | Mark Brennan-Ing PhD Stephen E. Karpiak PhD and Liz Seidel MSW AIDS Community Research Initiative of America (ACRIA)
Improving the Health Care of LGBT People: Understanding and Eliminating Health Disparities
This document, produced by the National LGBT Health Education Center, offers a brief overview of the major issues relevant to the health and health care of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.
October 2012 | Kevin L Ard MD MPH Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvey J Makadon Director of the National LGBT Health Education Center The Fenway Institute
Substance Use in LGBT Older Adults
This article begins to explore research needs on substance abuse within LGBT older adults. The author cites facts from recent reports and studies that were conducted within the LGBT older population.
August 2012 | Laurens G. Van Sluytman, PhD, MA, LCSW
Health Care Rights and Transgender People
This document outlines the health care rights of transgender people and how to file complaints of health care discrimination.
August 2012 | National Center for Transgender Equality
Exploring the Needs of LGBT Elders in Metro Detroit
This article presents the findings of an elder summit help in Detroit in April of 2010.
July 2012 | Curtis Lipscomb Executive Director of KICK; Kathleen LaTosch Co-Chair of the LGBT Older Adult Coalition
This fact sheet discusses the top five things that one should know about the Affordable Care Act, a health care law signed into law in March 2010.
May 2012 | Healthcare.gov
Top Health Issues for LGBT Populations
This publication, by the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, informs health care providers and prevention specialists about the health experiences of LGBT populations. Understanding the health issues of LGBT individuals is a significant step in improving access to care and the quality of behavioral health services.
May 2012 | Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
Health Care, Housing, and Property – Planning Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Older Adults
Article from the Journal of Poverty Law and Policy describing the planning needs of LGBT older adults related to health care, housing and poverty.
April 2012 | Lambda Legal Center for Medical Advocacy William Mitchell College of Law National Center for Lesbian Rights
A one-page fact sheet by ActionAIDS on HIV in people age 50 and up.
April 2012 | ActionAIDS
Gathering Data on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in Clinical Settings
This publication addresses the issue of how to obtain sexual orientation and gender identity data in clinical settings. It provides guidance on how to ask questions on patient registration forms and how clinicians can ask questions during medical visits. This second brief addresses concerns about confidentiality with EHRs and other potential barriers to collecting data on LGBT identity.
February 2012 | The Fenway Institute
Why Gather Data on Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity
This publication explains how gathering data on sexual orientation and gender identity in clinical settings will help understand lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) health disparities, and how it is consistent with key recommendations in Healthy People 2020, the 2011 Institute of Medicine report on LGBT health issues and research gaps, and the Affordable Care Act.
February 2012 | The Fenway Institute
Resiliency and Quality of Life of Older Adult Lesbians with Alcoholism
This video describes the aging research by Dr. Noell Rowan, University of Louisville, regarding older adult lesbians with alcoholism with a focus on resiliency and quality of life. The rationale for the study is described along with initial findings.
February 2012 | Dr. Noell Rowan
This publication includes the hospital guidelines as mandated by the Department of Health & Human Services regarding hospital visitations and designation of a health care representative pertinent to the LGBT population.
December 2011 | Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS) Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
Executive Summary: The Health Report: Resilience and Disparities among LGBT Older Adults
This is an executive summary of the full report.
November 2011 | Karen Fredericksen-Goldsen Hyun-Jun Kim and Jayn Goldsen
This publication is the first national federally-funded project to examine LGBT aging and health. It documents significant health disparities impacting LGBT older adults as they age, including disability, physical and mental distress, victimization, discrimination, and lack of access to supportive aging and health services.
November 2011 | Karen I. Fredriksen-Goldsen PhD Hyun-Jun Kim Charles A. Emlet Anna Muraco Elena A. Erosheva Charles P. Hoy-Ellis MSW Jayn Goldsen BS Heidi Petry
This guide, published by The Joint Commission, contains a compilation of strategies, practice examples, resources, and testimonials designed to assist hospital staff in improving quality of care by enhancing their efforts to provide care that is more welcoming, safe, and inclusive of LGBT patients and families.
October 2011 | The Joint Commission
Standards of Care for the Health of Transsexual, Transgender, and Gender Nonconforming People
The goal of this publication is to provide clinical guidance for health professionals to assist transsexual, transgender, and gender nonconforming people with safe and effective pathways to achieving lasting personal comfort with their gendered selves, in order to maximize their overall health, psychological well-being, and self-fulfillment.
October 2011 | The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH)
Health and Psychsocial Needs of LGBT Older Adults
This research study provides one of the most comprehensive descriptions of the health, well-being, and social context of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) older adults, focusing on the aging LGBT population residing in Chicago, IL.
September 2011 | Mark Brennan-Ing; Stephen E. Karpiak; Liz Seidel; AIDS Community Research of America (ACRIA)
The Graying of AIDS: Stories from an Aging Epidemic
A multimedia piece honoring some of our longterm survivors, produced by The Graying of AIDS in honor of National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day (September 18, 2011).
September 2011 | Graying of AIDS
HIV & Aging Research: A Roadmap for the Future
Recommendations on future research priorities for older people living with HIV/AIDS.
September 2011 | Mark Brennan-Ing, Ph.D., and Stephen E. Karpiak, Ph.D., AIDS Community Research Initiative of America (ACRIA), ACRIA Center on HIV and Aging
Q&A with Hutson W. Inniss of the National Coalition for LGBT Health
Hutson Inniss, Executive Director of the National Coalition for LGBT Health, talks about the Coalition’s work, LGBT older adults’ health, and HIV/AIDS.
September 2011 | Hutson Inniss, Executive Director of the National Coalition for LGBT Health
The HIV/AIDS Epidemic in the United States
A 2-page fact sheet, published in August 2011, with current statistics.
August 2011 | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
How to Age with HIV – Gracefully
A personal story, published in POZ Magazine, about the aging process with HIV.
August 2011 | Mark Leydorf originally published in POZ Magazine
A Timetable Round up of Recent LGBT Research
A recap of the latest LGBT research in the U.S. over the past 2 years.
July 2011 | Robert Espinoza
The Age of LGBT Aging (Keynote address from TransFaith in Color 2011 national conference)
The Age of LGBT Aging was the Keynote address from TransFaith in Color 2011 national conference. The conference was hosted by the Freedom Center for Social Justice. Additionally, this speech was posted on the web site for Southerners on New Ground (SONG).
July 2011 | Robert Espinoza
Integrating Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Older Adults into Aging Policy and Practice
The National Academy on an Aging Society teamed up with SAGE to publish this edition of the Public Policy and Aging Report discussing a number of different policy areas as they relate to LGBT aging.
June 2011 | National Academy on an Aging Society; SAGE
How Health Care Reform Will Help LGBT Elders
This article, written by Kellen Baker and Jeff Krehely (Center for American Progress), examines how health care reform will help LGBT older adults.
May 2011 | Kellen Baker and Jeff Krehely
Talking About Suicide & LGBT Populations
This guide provides ways to talk about suicide more safely, while advancing vital public discussions about preventing suicide, helping increase acceptance of LGBT people, and supporting their well-being.
April 2011 | Movement Advancement Project (MAP) American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) The Trevor Project GLSEN Johnson Family Foundation
Excerpt from: LGBT Older Adults in Long-Term Care Facilities: Stories from the Field
This excerpt from LGBT Older Adults in Long-Term Care Facilities: Stories from the Field discusses legal rights and responsibilities of LGBT older adults.
April 2011 | National Senior Citizens Law Center in collaboration with Lambda Legal National Center for Lesbian Rights National Center for Transgender Equality National Gay and Lesbian Task Force and Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE)
Before you decide on home care, figure out what you need and how to find it.
April 2011
This consensus report assesses current knowledge of the health status of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender populations; identifies research gaps and opportunities; and outlines a research agenda.
March 2011 | Institute of Medicine
The Health of Aging Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Adults in California
This policy research brief documents the health inequties in LGB adults compared to heterosexual adults in California.
March 2011 | UCLA Center for Health Policy Research
LGBT Older Adults and Health Disparities
This brief documents the health disparities LGBT older adults face: health care insurance, access to health care, HIV/AIDS, mental health, and chronic conditions, which often results in delayed health care and overall poorer health.
September 2010 | Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE) Movement Advancement Project (MAP)
Ten Things Every LGBT Older Adult Should Know about Diabetes
An itemized, easy-to-read health tip sheet that discusses the disease, the most at-risk populations, as well as best-practices for living successfully and comfortably with the disease.
June 2010 | Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE)
Ten Things Every LGBT Older Adult Should Know about Falls Prevention
An itemized, easy-to-read health tip sheet that discusses the prevalence and dangers of falling, and ways to minimize your risk of falling in and out of the home.
June 2010 | Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE)
Ten Things Every LGBT Older Adult Should Know about Heart Disease
An itemized, easy-to-read health tip sheet that discusses heart disease, its effects and toll on the body, and ways to age comfortably with the disease.
June 2010 | Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE)
Ten Things Every LGBT Older Adult Should Know about HIV/AIDS
An itemized, easy-to-read health tip sheet, describing HIV/ AIDS, at-risk populations, and the ways in which it has disproportionately affected LGBT older adults.
June 2010 | Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE)
Achieve Magazine: Focus on Aging with HIV
Achieve Magazine is a quarterly journal on HIV prevention, treatment and research. This issue, from Fall 2009, focused on HIV and aging.
September 2009 | ACRIA and GMHC
HIV Risk for Lesbians, Bisexuals & Other Women Who Have Sex With Women
This 22-page publication by the Women’s Institute’s at GMHC discusses the risks associated with HIV transmission amongst women who have sex with women.
June 2009 | Women's Institute at GMHC
A 2-page fact sheet describing Medicaid eligibility and HIV/AIDS.
February 2009 | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
A 2-page fact sheet describing Medicare eligibility and HIV/AIDS.
February 2009 | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
LGBT Health and Human Services Needs and New York State
This assessment of LGBT Health and Human Service Needs in New York State was designed to examine existing data sources, identify gaps in data and collect original data in order to establish the most pressing needs and gaps for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) non-HIV health and human services in New York State.
January 2009 | Report prepared by Somjen Frazer for the Empire State Pride Agenda Foundation and the New York State Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender Health and Human Services Network
Looking Ahead: Philadelphia’s Aging Population in 2015
This publication discusses Philadelphia’s aging population by the year 2015 and beyond, drawn from comprehensive data analysis and research commissioned by Philadelphia Corporation for Aging. The picture that emerges is of an increasingly diverse older population – ethnically, racially, economically and in terms of lifestyle, health and well-being.
January 2006 | Philadelphia Corporation on Aging