Long-Term Care Services and Supports: LGBTQ+ Equity
SAGE, the National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA), the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) present this webinar on LGBTQ+ Equity and Elder Justice within the long-term care services and supports network.
September 2023 | SAGE, CFPB, FTC, NCEA
Area Agencies on Aging: Local Leaders in Aging Well at Home
This brochure features an overview of the latest data gathered from AAAs
nationwide to provide a snapshot of the evolving role these vital agencies play in
the planning, development, coordination and delivery of a broad range of aging and other home and community-based services in every community in the United States.
August 2023 | USAging
La presente guía tiene como objeto explicar por qué y de qué manera brindar
Atención Informada sobre el Trauma a los adultos mayores transgénero en términos prácticos
January 2023 | FORGE and SAGE National Resource Center on LGBTQ+ Aging
Person-centered, Trauma-informed Care of Transgender Older Adults
This guide aims to explain the why and how of providing person-centered and trauma-informed care to transgender older adults in practical language. The concepts shared in this
guide are useful for anyone working in health and aging services where a focus on
individualized support is optimal for overall health and well-being.
January 2023 | FORGE and SAGE National Resource Center on LGBTQ+ Aging
COVID & Beyond: Aging and Disability Resources for Diverse Communities
We have seen the challenges of the COVID pandemic experienced by minority communities including the impact on physical and mental health, economic and food security and social supports. Panelists will introduce and discuss national programs and services that support diverse aging and disability communities during the ongoing pandemic and recovery.
April 2022 | SAGE National Resource Center on LGBTQ+ Aging and Older Adults' Equity Collaborative
Family Caregiving in Diverse Communities Full Report
An assessment to discover the specific needs of diverse family caregivers for older adults was performed by the Diverse Aging Coalition and the National Alliance for Caregiving. This report outlines the findings from the assessment.
December 2021
Family Caregiving in Diverse Communities Factsheet
This factsheet provides a summary of the findings from the Family Caregiving in Diverse Communities full report, which assessed the needs of diverse family caregivers for older adults.
December 2021 | Diverse Elders Coalition National Alliance for Caregiving
Self Care for the Caregiver provides a discussion that explores the challenges and joys of caregiving, and tips for caregivers to support self-care and achieve balance.
May 2021 | Bill Gross, SAGE Assistant Director and Julie Ugoretz, SAGE Program Coordinator
Join us for a Q&A with Dr. Tim R. Johnston as he talks about his book, Welcoming LGBT Residents: A Practical Guide for Senior Living Staff.
March 2021 | Dr. Tim Johnston
Resources for Providers: Meeting the Needs of Diverse Family Caregivers Toolkit
Download the Diverse Elders Coalition’s Resources for Providers: Meeting the Needs of Diverse Family Caregivers Toolkit. This toolkit offers topline information on what providers need to know, and key pieces from our comprehensive training curriculum, Caring For Those Who Care: Meeting the Needs of Diverse Family Caregivers.* Whether you’ve already attended one or more of our trainings, or this is your first time looking into what’s available to help you support diverse family caregivers, we think you’ll find these resources to be invaluable in building a more welcoming, supportive practice.
March 2021 | Diverse Elders Coalition
Accessing Services and Supports During a Pandemic
This webinar hosted by SAGE, Diverse Elders Coalition and National Alliance for Caregiving provides a discussion on caregiving during the pandemic including day to challenges, tips for self-care and useful caregiving resources.
November 2020 | SAGE, Diverse Elders Coalition, and National Alliance for Caregiving
A Q&A highlighting the importance of research with caregivers of spouses and partners with Alzheimer’s and other dementias.
September 2020 | Toni Calasanti and Brian deVries
Developing LGBT-inclusive Long-term Care Services and Supports
This article provides practical tips and resources for developing LGBT-inclusive long-term care services and supports.
June 2020 | Sherrill Wayland SAGE
This document released in collaboration with 34 long-term care and community-based care providers and affiliated associations.
March 2020 | Alzheimer's Association and National Partners
Why routinely collecting sexual orientation and gender identity information matters for elders
In this Q&A, Carey Candrian, PhD, discusses the importance of collecting information related to sexual orientation and gender identity in hospice and palliative care settings.
January 2020 | Carey Candrian, PhD
Pushing for equality: LGBT elders need discrimination-free access to care in community
This article describes the need for LGBT equity in and access to care in aging services.
May 2019 | American Society on Aging by Michael Adams (SAGE)
A SNAPSHOT GUIDE to Locating Health, Wellness, & Support Information and Resources Including a Professionals’ Toolkit
May 2019 | Vicki Stanley SAGECare Trainer
Maintaining Dignity: Understanding and Responding to the Challenges Facing Older LGBT Americans
An AARP Survey of LGBT adults age 45 plus
April 2019 | AARP Research
Advocating for Yourself and Others: Health and Aging Services
This article provides useful information you can use to advocate for yourself and others in health and aging services.
November 2018 | Jacqueline Boyd for the National Resource Center on LGBT Aging
Issue Brief: LGBT and Dementia
This paper is divided into three sections including a general overview of LGBT older adults and dementia, intersecting identities, and recommendations.
November 2018 | Alzheimer's Association and SAGE
10 Tips on Finding LGBT Affirming Services – Mandarin Translation
10 Tips on Finding LGBT Affirming Services – Mandarin Translation
October 2018 | SAGE
LGBT Caregiving Fact Sheet – Vietnamese Translation
LGBT Caregiving Fact Sheet – Vietnamese Translation
October 2018 | SAGE
LGBT Caregiving Fact Sheet – Mandarin Translation
LGBT Caregiving Fact Sheet – Mandarin Translation
October 2018 | SAGE
My Personal Directions for Quality Living
Use this form to provide paid and unpaid caregivers with your personal directions that will help ensure your quality of living in long-term care and health settings.
August 2018 | The National Consumer Voice and SAGE
An online caregiving guide from the National Institutes of Health.
June 2018 | National Institute on Aging
Q&A with Joy Loverde author of, Who Will Take Care of Me When I’m Old
Do you often wonder, “Who will help me as I age?” – you are not alone! Joy Loverde, joined us for a Q&A to share the inspiration for her book and lessons learned from her work around caregiving.
April 2018 | Joy Loverde
Maintaining Dignity: Understanding & Responding to the Needs of Older LGBT Americans Infographic
New AARP national survey finds most LGBT adults want but don’t have access to LGBT-sensitive care and services.
March 2018 | AARP Angela Houghton
Cómo crear su plan de cuidados
Esta guía es una herramienta práctica para adultos mayores LGBT (lesbianas, gay, bisexuales y transgénero) y otros que se van a someter a una cirugía u otro procedimiento médico, y necesitan o quieren tomar control para planificar su propio cuidado.
December 2017 | SAGE
Principles for Person-directed Services and Supports during Serious Illness
The Administration for Community Living (ACL) believe that every person has the right to make choices and to control their own decisions. This right is independent of age or disability or stage of illness.
October 2017 | Administration for Community Living
Create Your Care Plan: An LGBT Person’s Guide to Preparing for Medical Procedures
This workbook provides a detailed overview of what to expect when undergoing a surgical procedure, and how to plan for a successful recovery. Includes step-by-step instructions to create your own care plan, including worksheets, resources, and tips/encouragement for reaching out to others.
September 2017 | SAGE
Care Planning Worksheets that accompany the Create Your Care Plan workbook.
September 2017
This guide provides an overview of caregiving in the LGBT community, and specific ideas, lessons learned and best practices for expanding programming to reach and include LGBT caregivers and those caring for LGBT older adults.
September 2017 | SAGE
Prepare to Care: A Planning Guide for Caregivers in the LGBT Community
A planning guide for caregivers in the LGBT community
September 2017 | AARP and SAGE
A round-up of services and supports around the country and online for caregivers.
September 2017
Caregiving and LGBT Concerns in Michigan: A Guide for Caregivers
This guide was created in 2016 and published in 2017 as a collaborative effort of the ACLU of Michigan, SAGE Metro Detroit and the three Area Agencies on Aging serving Southeastern Michigan: Detroit Area Agency on Aging, AAA1-B, and The Senior Alliance.
July 2017 | ACLU of Michigan in collaboration with AAA1-B Detroit Area Agency on Aging SAGE Metro Detroit and The Senior Alliance
Hoja De Datos: Cómo Brindar Cuidados A La Comunidad LGBT (LGBT Caregiving Fact Sheet)
Temas importantes que deben conocer los cuidadores de la comunidad LGBT
June 2017 | Alex Kent SAGE
10 Tips on Finding LGBT-Affirming Services
Nervous about paid care services? Here’s what you can do to hire the supportive, friendly care provider who’s right for you.
April 2017 | SAGE
A Closer Look at the Revised Nursing Facility Regulations: Visitation Rights
A review of the revised nursing facility regulations specific to visitation rights and the inclusion of same-sex spouses and domestic partners.
April 2017 | The National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care Center for Medicare Advocacy and Justice in Aging
Fact Sheet: When LGBT Older Adults Come Out
This fact sheet provides organizations with best practices for honoring the confidentiality and informed consent regarding personal information shared by LGBT older adults.
January 2017 | SAGE's National Resource on LGBT Aging
Important tips and resources for LGBT Caregivers.
November 2016 | National Resource Center on LGBT Aging and SAGECAP Program
Caring for Yourself: Alzheimer’s Caregiving Tips
Taking care of yourself is one of the most important things you can do as a caregiver. This could mean asking family members or friends to help out, doing things you enjoy, using adult day care services, or getting help from a local home health care agency.
November 2016 | National Institute on Aging a part of the National Institutes on Health
Holiday Hints: Alzheimer’s Caregiver Tips
The tips below can help you and the person with Alzheimer’s visit and reconnect with family, friends, and neighbors during holidays.
November 2016 | National Institutes on Aging part of the National Institutes on Health
Long-Distance Caregiving: Twenty Questions and Answers
Developed by the National Institute on Aging (NIA), part of the National Institutes of Health, this booklet is a gateway to ideas and resources that can help make long-distance caregiving more manageable and satisfying.
November 2016 | National Institute on Aging, part of the National Institutes of Health
Supporting LGBT Older Adults During A Time of Grief and Loss Following the Orlando Attack
Resource article for support of LGBT older adults following the Orlando, FL mass shooting.
June 2016 | Sherrill Wayland, MSW SAGE, Manager of National Projects
The Longest Day: An LGBT Older Adult and Caregiver Perspective for Living with Alzheimer ’s Disease
A discussion on LGBT older adults living with Alzheimer’s Disease and their caregivers on the Alzheimer’s Association Longest Day.
June 2016 | Sherrill Wayland, MSW - SAGE's Manager of National Projects
The Big Hush! Same-Sex Relationships in Long-term Care
For those who have dementia that affects memory, communication and other cognitive function, they often show their need for intimate connections through their actions. Unfortunately, it is common for their expressions of intimacy to be misinterpreted as inappropriate behavior.
June 2016 | Zoe Dearing, Alzheimer's Educator
National Respite Locator Service
The National Respite Locator Service helps parents, family caregivers, and professionals find respite services in their state and local area to match their specific needs.
November 2015
Alzheimer’s Assocation LGBT Caregiver Concerns – Important Considerations for LGBT Caregivers
LGBT Caregiver Brochure from the Alzheimer’s Association.
November 2015 | Alzheimer's Association
What’s the deal with caregiving? Q&A
A Q&A on LGBT Caregiving by author, blogger, and LGBT advocate Chris MacLellan.
November 2015 | Chris MacLellan
Long Distance Caregiving – Getting Started
Long Distance Caregiving – Getting Started is a guide prepared by the National Institute of Aging designed to help caregivers understand challenges associated with caregiving, provide tips and resources as you caregive from a distance.
November 2015 | National Institute on Aging
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Aging Concerns
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) elders and long-term couples have become more visible and their special concerns about aging are being recognized by gerontologists. LGBT elders are a diverse group with regard to all characteristics. This article focuses on the characteristics, research needs and barriers, service needs and barriers, clinical implications, and suggestions for appropriate treatment to increase awareness of clinical gerontologists who may not be familiar with LGBT seniors or who wish to improve their services to this population. Gerontologists working in long-term care facilities and those working in social and home care services may be especially interested in the special concerns of transgender elders and the recent changes in public policy regarding all LGBT elders.
October 2015 | Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Aging Concerns Douglas Kimmel Clinical Gerontologist Vol. 37, Iss. 1, 2014
Sexual orientation and gender identity are not commonly addressed in health and human service delivery, or in educational degree programs. Based on findings from Caring and Aging with Pride: The National Health, Aging and Sexuality Study (CAP), the first national federally-funded research project on LGBT health and aging, this article outlines 10 core competencies and aligns them with specific strategies to improve professional practice and service development to promote the well-being of LGBT older adults and their families. The articulation of key competencies is needed to provide a blueprint for action for addressing the growing needs of LGBT older adults, their families, and their
October 2015 | Karen I. Fredriksen-Goldsen , Charles P. Hoy-Ellis , Jayn Goldsen , Charles A. Emlet , Nancy R. Hooyman Journal of Gerontological Social Work Vol. 57, Iss. 2-4, 2014
Friendship a Pillar of Survival for LGBT Elders
This article from Aging Today, the American Society on Aging’s bi-monthly publication, highlights the importance of friendship in combating isolation among LGBT older adults.
July 2013 | Robert Espinoza SAGE
Be a Healthy Caregiver Blog Talk Radio
This is an episode of the Blog Talk Radio 30-minute show “Be A Healthy Caregiver” featuring guests Hilary Meyer, Director of SAGE’s National Resource Center on LGBT Aging and Tom Duffy, from Secret Garden.
May 2013 | Chris McClellan, Host of Be a Healthy Cargiver
This comprehensive article, written for for LGBT older adults and their loved ones, discusses warning signs for LGBT elder abuse.
January 2013 | FORGE Transgender Aging Network; National Resource Center on LGBT Aging
Providing Quality Care to LGBT Clients with Dementia in Suffolk: A Guide for Practitioners
A practical guide out of the U.K. for health care providers working with dementia patients to become aware of clients’ sexual orientation or transgender identity and how to address the specific needs of these clients.
December 2012 | Suffolk Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender Network (UK)
LGBT Caregiver Concerns (Alzheimer’s)
This brochure is for LGBT caregivers for persons with dementia, helping to navigate community resources and options for support.
November 2012 | Alzheimer's Association
Legal Plans’ is a brochure with recommendations for assisting the caregiver and the person with dementia in making legal arrangements.
October 2012 | Alzheimer's Association
Gay and Gray: Welcoming LGBT Elders in Long Term Care
As long as there have been nursing homes, there have been residents living in them who are LGBT.
July 2012 | Alzheimer's Association New York City Chapter
PlainViews: Special Issue Focuses on the LGBT Health
This newsletter, published by HealthCare Chaplaincy, focuses on LGBT issues from the chaplaincy and palliative care disciplines.
June 2012 | HealthCare Chaplaincy
Q&A with Nancy Grimes and Emily Lewis, Boulder County (Colorado) Area Agency on Aging
This interview with Nancy Grimes and Emily Lewis of the Boulder County Area Agency on Aging (AAA) highlights their successes in implementing LGBT-specific programs in the Boulder County AAA. Such programs include the cultural competency training program Project Visibility, a social support group Rainbow Elders, and a LGBT older adult resource guide entitled the Silver Lining Directory.
February 2012
How Area Agencies on Aging Can Help LGBT Older Adults
Each state has a local Area Agency on Aging. They provide a number of important services to aid older adults and ensure that they are able to stay in their homes. This article discusses how and why LGBT older adults can take advantage of these services.
February 2012 | Leland Kiang
Hospital to Home: Plan for a Smooth Transition
This publication is designed to address the often unexpected challenges many seniors face when returning home from a hospital stay. Failure to manage medications, make follow-up doctor’s appointments, and obtain the physical assistance they need can often lead to seniors’ readmission to the hospital.
January 2012 | U.S. Administration on Aging Eldercare Locator and the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a)
A Guide to LGBT Caregiving – Spanish Edition (Una guía para el cuidado de personas LGBT )
Esta guía, escrita en Español, examina las situaciones que surgen a raíz del cuido a personas dentro de la comunidad LGBT. Personas dentro de dícha comunidad encuentran retos especiales ya sea fungiendo como la persona que brinda el cuido o la que lo recibe.
December 2011 | Next Step in Care United Hospital Fund and SAGE
A Guide to LGBT Caregiving – Russian Edition
This guide, written in Russian, examines the issues that arise in LGBT caregiving, as LGBT individuals may encounter special challenges whether they are acting as caregivers or are the ones in need of care.
December 2011 | Next Step in Care United Hospital Fund and SAGE
This guide examines the issues that arise in LGBT caregiving, as LGBT individuals may encounter special challenges whether they are acting as caregivers or are the ones in need of care.
December 2011 | Next Step in Care United Hospital Fund and SAGE
A Guide to LGBT Caregiving – Chinese Edition
This guide, written in Chinese, examines the issues that arise in LGBT caregiving, as LGBT individuals may encounter special challenges whether they are acting as caregivers or are the ones in need of care.
December 2011 | Next Step in Care United Hospital Fund and SAGE
Executive Summary: The Health Report: Resilience and Disparities among LGBT Older Adults
This is an executive summary of the full report.
November 2011 | Karen Fredericksen-Goldsen Hyun-Jun Kim and Jayn Goldsen
This publication is the first national federally-funded project to examine LGBT aging and health. It documents significant health disparities impacting LGBT older adults as they age, including disability, physical and mental distress, victimization, discrimination, and lack of access to supportive aging and health services.
November 2011 | Karen I. Fredriksen-Goldsen PhD Hyun-Jun Kim Charles A. Emlet Anna Muraco Elena A. Erosheva Charles P. Hoy-Ellis MSW Jayn Goldsen BS Heidi Petry
Standing Up To Stigma: Challenging HIV Discrimination in Long Term Care
A video by The Graying of AIDS Project, produced for AARP, about a man forced out of his assisted living facility because he has HIV.
September 2011 | AARP, Graying of AIDS
In My Own Words: Franke v. Parkstone Living Center, Inc.
Dr. Robert Franke, a 75-year-old retired university provost and minister, relocated to Little Rock while still living independently to be closer to his daughter, Sara Bowling Franke. The next day, Fox Ridge of?cials abruptly ejected Dr. Franke from the facility because he has HIV. Here, both Dr. Franke and his daughter Sara tell their story.
September 2011 | Dr. Robert Franke and Sara Bowling Franke
Tips on Caring for a Loved One with Advanced HIV/AIDS
Caring for a partner or loved one with advanced HIV/AIDS can be difficult for both patient and caregiver. Here are some tips to ease the difficulty.
September 2011 | Renata Gelman, RN, BSN, Clinical Manager for Partners in Care
A Timetable Round up of Recent LGBT Research
A recap of the latest LGBT research in the U.S. over the past 2 years.
July 2011 | Robert Espinoza
The Age of LGBT Aging (Keynote address from TransFaith in Color 2011 national conference)
The Age of LGBT Aging was the Keynote address from TransFaith in Color 2011 national conference. The conference was hosted by the Freedom Center for Social Justice. Additionally, this speech was posted on the web site for Southerners on New Ground (SONG).
July 2011 | Robert Espinoza
Lo Que Todas las Personas LGBT de Más Edad Deben Saber Sobre los Testamentos
Aunque el testamento es parte esencial de cualquier planificación del patrimonio, es especialmente importante para las personas LGBT. En un testamento, tú designas quién recibirá tus bienes al tú morir. También nombras a una persona para que tome decisiones importantes acerca de tu patrimonio, la cual es denominada tu “representante personal” o “albacea”.
June 2011
Planificación del Patrimonio: Una Perspectiva Legal
La planificación del patrimonio correcta te ayudará a garantizar que tu propiedad se distribuya tal como quieres después de tu muerte. Le facilita a tu pareja y a tu familia lidiar con tu muerte. Aún más, la planificación adecuada puede significar pagar menos en impuestos, lo cual permite que una cantidad mayor de bienes vayan a tus seres queridos.
June 2011 | Ray Koenig, III, Esq.
Glosario Para Cuidadores
A Activities of Daily Living (ADL - Actividades de la vida cotidiana) Las actividades básicas que una persona realiza diariamente. Las actividades incluyen bañarse, vestirse, acostarse y levantarse de la cama, sentarse o levantarse de una silla, caminar, limpiar, usar el baño y comer. Muchas personas de más edad que requieren ayuda con estas actividades…
April 2011
Lo que necesitas poner por escrito para proteger tus decisiones financieras, de cuidado de la salud y de fin de la vida._x000D_
April 2011
Even without a strong personal network, there are ways for LGBT caregivers to find and create the community support they need.
April 2011
Caregiving can be stressful, but there’s no need to go it alone. Here’s how you can start sharing the load with friends and family.
April 2011
Four Conversations Caregivers Need to Have. Now.
Do you know your loved one’s health care and financial wishes? Talk about it now, so you can protect those decisions.
April 2011
¿Sabes cuáles son los deseos de cuidado médico y económicos de tu ser querido? Habla de esto ahora para que puedas proteger esas decisiones.
April 2011
Incluso si no tienen una red personal fuerte, los cuidadores LGBT pueden encontrar y crear una comunidad que les brinde el apoyo que necesitan.
April 2011
Bob Linscott, director auxiliar de la organización The LGBT Aging Project en Boston, conversa con nosotros sobre los servicios para cuidadores ofrecidos por su organización.
April 2011
Lo que los cuidadores necesitan saber sobre el cuidado a largo plazo, desde quién lo ofrece hasta lo que cuesta.
April 2011
Antes de decidirte por el cuidado en el hogar, piensa en lo que necesitas y en cómo encontrarlo.
April 2011
R^3 Report (Requirement, Rationale, Reference)
This report emphasizes the importance of communication between a patient and health care provider. It addresses the issue that disclosure of one’s sexual orientation can potentially affect quality of health care but also reaffirms that there are several federal laws in place that protect patients from various forms of discrimination.
February 2011 | The Joint Commission
Supporting Direct Care Workers in Caring for Aging Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Individuals
This brief provides a succinct overview of the challenges that LGBT older adults face when attempting to access direct care services, and recommends concrete actions that lawmakers, administrators and direct care workers can take to effect permanent changes in public policies and attitudes that will improve long-term care for LGBT older adults.
November 2010 | Direct Care Alliance
Cathy Croghan, defensora de la salud para la comunidad geriátrica y miembro de la junta directiva de la organización Training to Serve, recientemente compartió la siguiente información de asuntos de cuidadores, de suma importancia para las personas LGBT de más edad, con la agencia Metropolitan Area Agency on Aging (MAAA). ¿Qué hace distinto el cuidado…
November 2010
10 Tips for Working with Transgender Individuals
This tip sheet is intended for health care providers to become more culturally competent in working with transgender individuals.
October 2005 | Transgender Law Center
Transgender Elders and SOFFAS: A primer
This paper was originally presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention in August 2002. It is an introductory explanation of the issues and concerns of aging transgender people and SOFFAS (Significant Others, Friends, Family and Allies), to begin the dialogue on what inclusion of trans people will really mean.
August 2002 | Loree Cook-Daniels