Facing the Future Together
Facing the Future Together: FAQ’s, Guidance & Resources for LGBTQ+ Older Adults produced by SAGE and Human Rights Campaign Foundation.
February 2025
LGBTQ+ Advance Care Planning Toolkit
A step-by-step guide for the LGBTQ+ community in preparing for healthcare needs and end-of-life decisions.
August 2024 | Eliza Giles
PLANIFICACIÓN anticipada de cuidados de salud para LGBTQ+
Una guía dirigida a los miembros de la comunidad LGBTQ+ con los pasos necesarios para prepararse ante eventuales necesidades de salud y decisiones sobre el final de la vida.
January 2024 | Eliza Giles MSN RN AGCNP CHPN SAGE Intern
Long-Term Care Services and Supports: LGBTQ+ Equity
SAGE, the National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA), the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) present this webinar on LGBTQ+ Equity and Elder Justice within the long-term care services and supports network.
September 2023 | SAGE, CFPB, FTC, NCEA
Financial Wellness and Older LGBTQ+ People
This webinar, provides an overview of SAGE’s financial wellness app, SAGECents, and how SAGE is creating a safe space for older LGBTQ+ people to learn more about their finances, as well as provide tools to save money, increase their credit scores and more. FTC’s new consumer education campaign – Money Matters: How to Spot, Avoid,…
May 2023 | Consumer Fraud Protection Bureau, Federal Trade Commission, National Center on Elder Abuse and SAGE
Enhancing Health, Wealth, and Community for older LGBT adults
This article explores latest research and programs that support LGBT older people.
April 2019 | The Journal of Active Aging article by Marilynn Larkin MA
This three-part special report takes a closer look at the lives of older women to better understand the challenges they face and how we can address them.
December 2018 | Justice in Aging - Amber Christ Senior Staff Attorney and Tracey Gronniger Directing Attorney
5 Tips for LGBT Older People to Avoid Fraud
This article provides tips to help LGBT older people avoid fraud.
October 2018 | William Chalkley, with Top10VPN
How Can Legal Services Better Meet the Needs of Low-Income LGBT Seniors?
This special report addresses specifically how legal services can best meet
the unique legal needs of low-income LGBT older adults.
June 2018 | Justice in Aging
Connecting Diverse Elders with Programs to Help with Costs of Living
This article provides information on a valuable tool from the National Council on Aging called BenefitsCheckUp®.
April 2017 | National Council on Aging (NCOA) article first appeared in Diverse Elders Coalition Blog
New Guidance from SSA on Spousal & Survivors Benefits for Married LGBT Couples
This guidance can help individuals in same-sex marriages who were denied benefits because their marriage to a spouse of the same sex wasn’t properly recognized.
April 2017 | Justice in Aging
Oklahoma Women Become Brave for Marriage Equality is a Q&A with Sharon Bishop-Baldwin, author of Becoming Brave. Sharon tells of the fight for Marriage Equality in Oklahoma and how she and her wife became brave as LGBT advocates along the way.
March 2017 | Sharon Bishop-Baldwin
Information from the Federal Trade Commission on recognizing and reporting Health Care Scams.
February 2017 | Federal Trade Commission
How Does Marriage Change Your Finances?
SAGE and CitiCommunity Development partnered to create a series of infographics based on the “Talk Before You Walk: Considerations for LGBT Older Couples Before Getting Married” toolkit. Learn about finances at a glance for LGBT older adults.
July 2016 | SAGE and Citi Community Development
Managing the Financial Impact of Widowhood
The emotional impact of widowhood can be overwhelming, but the financial impact can hit just as hard. There is often a decline in standard of living for the surviving spouse; household income can decline due to changes in Social Security benefits and the possible loss of the deceased spouse’s retirement income and earnings.
June 2016 | WISER and SAGE's National Resource Center on LGBT Aging
Protecting Your Finances during a Divorce
Going through a divorce can be a very emotional and difficult situation to navigate, which can leave individuals financially vulnerable as well.
June 2016 | WISER and SAGE's National Resource Center on LGBT Aging
Marriage and Finances: Planning for the Unexpected
There are many benefits to being an active participant in managing the household finances when you are married. One of those benefits, while not easy to think about, is being better prepared to deal with some of life’s unexpected events.
June 2016 | WISER and SAGE's National Resource Center on LGBT Aging
Talk Before You Walk: Considerations for LGBT Older Couples Before Getting Married
When the Supreme Court decided Obergefell, the freedom to marry became the law of the land all across the United States. This victory forever changed financial planning and legal relationships for LGBT families.
April 2016 | SAGE (Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders)
Looking for Love? First Look Out for You!
Tips on How LGBT Elders Can Avoid the Infamous Sweetheart Scam
February 2016 | National Center on Elder Abuse and SAGE's National Resource Center on LGBT Aging
Out & Visible: The Experiences and Attitudes of LGBT Older Adults (Exec. Summary)
The Executive Summary of “Out and Visible” details highlights from SAGE’s uniquely comprehensive, nationally representative quantitative study on aging among LGBT people. The study was conducted in March 2014 by Harris Poll.
October 2014 | SAGE
Out & Visible: The Experiences and Attitudes of LGBT Older Adults, Ages 45-75
Out and Visible explores the aging realities of LGBT people, as well as their fears, beliefs, behaviors and aspirations in areas such as healthcare, finance and retirement, support systems, housing and sources of information.
October 2014 | SAGE
Out & Visible: The Experiences and Attitudes of LGBT Older Adults (Infographic)
This infographic highlights a few key findings from SAGE’s report “Out and Visible: The Experiences and Attitudes of LGBT Older Adults.”
October 2014 | SAGE
New Tax Benefits for Same-Sex Married Couples After the DOMA Ruling
This article describes some of the tax benefits to help same-sex couples feel more confident to easily and accurately file your own taxes this year and beyond.
April 2014 | David Williams, Chief Tax Officer at Intuit
The Need for LGBT-Inclusive Housing
Though LGBT-specific housing exist for older adults, there are not nearly enough for all the seniors who need them. This article discusses the needs for safe and inclusive housing for LGBT older adults.
April 2014 | SAGE
The Freedom to Serve & The Freedom to Work
This report documents disparities for LGBT Service Members and Veterans in the United States.
February 2014 | Center for American Progress
Take the Power: Tools for Life and Financial Planning
Lambda Legal has prepared this toolkit, with information on creating wills, protecting your medical and end-of-life decisions, and more, so that you can take the power and create a more secure future for yourself and your family.
January 2014 | Lambda Legal
Benefits for Same-Sex Couples Post DOMA
This December 2013 webinar looks at the implications of the June 2013 U.S. Supreme Court decision overturning Section 3 the Defense of Marriage Act on benefits for same-sex couples.
December 2013
A Broken Bargain for LGBT Workers of Color
This report examines how LGBT workers of color face unique challenges related to their race and ethnicity and their sexual orientation and/or gender identity. In particular, LGBT workers of color are hindered by three major barriers: educational barriers; hiring bias and on-the-job discrimination; and unequal pay, benefits, and taxation. As a result, LGBT people of color are some of the most disadvantaged workers in the United States—and face extraordinarily high rates of unemployment and poverty.
October 2013 | Movement Advancement Project the Center for American Progress and its FIRE Initiative Freedom to Work the Human Rights Campaign and the National Black Justice Coalition
A Broken Bargain: Discrimination, Fewer Benefits and More Taxes for LGBT Workers (Executive Summary)
This five-page executive summary of the full report examines the myriad injustices facing LGBT workers in the American workforce.
June 2013
A Broken Bargain: Discrimination, Fewer Benefits and More Taxes for LGBT Workers (Condensed Version)
This condensed version of the full report examines the myriad injustices facing LGBT workers in the American workforce.
June 2013 | Movement Advancement Project; Center for American Progress; Human Rights Campaign
A Broken Bargain: Discrimination, Fewer Benefits and More Taxes for LGBT Workers
This report examines the myriad injustices facing LGBT workers in the American workforce—and highlights how these injustices negatively impact both workers and employers. It outlines how LGBT employees who work just as hard as their non-LGBT counterparts face multiple barriers to fair and equal treatment.
June 2013 | Movement Advancement Project; Center for American Progress; Human Rights Campaign
Living Outside the Safety Net: LGBT Families and Social Security
This publication highlights the lack of full Social Security benefits that are created by lack of relationship and family recognition.
February 2013 | Human Rights Campaign National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare Foundation
Social Security Benefits and DOMA: Can I do Anything Now to Preserve My Rights?
This document summarizes how to preserve seniors’ rights to Social Security benefits until the day the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) is gone.
October 2012 | GLAD Equal Justice Under the Law
One-Sheet: Social Security Benefits and DOMA
This document, written prior to the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in June 2013 overturning Section 3 of DOMA, summarized how to preserve seniors’ rights to Social Security benefits.
October 2012 | GLAD Equal Justice Under the Law
A Timetable Round up of Recent LGBT Research
A recap of the latest LGBT research in the U.S. over the past 2 years.
July 2011 | Robert Espinoza
What Every LGBT Older Adult Needs to Know About Wills
A will is an essential part of any estate plan, but this is especially true for LGBT people. An estimated two-thirds of all people die without a will (i.e., “intestate”), but dying intestate can have devastating consequences for LGBT people because, in the majority of instances, the law does not recognize our chosen families – our partners, friends, and caregivers.
June 2011 | Nancy J. Knauer
Medicaid and the LGBT Community: Paying for Long-Term Care
The eligibility rules for Medicaid are complicated, and can contain traps for the unwary. This article provides an overview of the rules that apply to those in the LGBT community who might need Medicaid, particularly those who might need long-term care in a nursing home. Note: This publication was created before the June 2013 US Supreme Court decision overturning Section 3 of DOMA, so some information contained herein may no longer be applicable.
June 2011 | Arlene Zarembka
Lo Que Todas las Personas LGBT de Más Edad Deben Saber Sobre los Testamentos
Aunque el testamento es parte esencial de cualquier planificación del patrimonio, es especialmente importante para las personas LGBT. En un testamento, tú designas quién recibirá tus bienes al tú morir. También nombras a una persona para que tome decisiones importantes acerca de tu patrimonio, la cual es denominada tu “representante personal” o “albacea”.
June 2011
El Medicaid y la Comunidad LGBT: Cómo Pagar por el Cuidado a Largo Plazo
Las reglas de elegibilidad para el Medicaid son complicadas y pueden resultar problemáticas para quienes no están bien informados. Este artículo ofrece un panorama general sobre las reglas que aplican a las personas LGBT que podrían necesitar Medicaid, particularmente aquéllas que podrían necesitar cuidado a largo plazo en un hogar de envejecientes. Las reglas de Medicaid son bastante distintas para personas individuales y para las parejas del mismo sexo que para las parejas heterosexuales casadas.
June 2011 | Arlene Zarembka
Creación y Protección de Derechos Legales Personales y Financieros
La planificación del patrimonio correcta te ayudará a garantizar que la persona de tu elección pueda cumplir tus deseos en caso de tú quedar discapacitado. Sin la planificación debida, podría designarse a alguien para que tome decisiones médicas y financieras en tu nombre que no cumpla con tus deseos._x000D_
June 2011 | Ray Koenig, III, Esq.
Planificación del Patrimonio: Una Perspectiva Legal
La planificación del patrimonio correcta te ayudará a garantizar que tu propiedad se distribuya tal como quieres después de tu muerte. Le facilita a tu pareja y a tu familia lidiar con tu muerte. Aún más, la planificación adecuada puede significar pagar menos en impuestos, lo cual permite que una cantidad mayor de bienes vayan a tus seres queridos.
June 2011 | Ray Koenig, III, Esq.
Creating and Protecting Personal and Financial Legal Rights
Proper planning can ensure that your wishes are carried out by the person of your choice in the event of your incapacity. Without proper planning, someone may be appointed to make medical and financial decisions for you, which may not be in accord with your wishes.
June 2011 | Ray Koenig, III, Esq.
Video: LGBT Older Adults & Social Security
This video, created before the June 2013 US Supreme Court decision overturning Section 3 of DOMA, was a primer on Social Security disparities between LGBT adults and their heterosexual counterparts.
May 2011 | Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE) and The Movement Advancement Project
Lifelines: Documents to Protect Your Family
This publication contains information about essential documents that will help you protect yourself and your loved ones in the event of illness, disability, or death. Note: This publication was created before the June 2013 US Supreme Court decision overturning Section 3 of DOMA, so some information contained herein may no longer be applicable.
May 2011 | National Center for Lesbian Rights
National LGBT Aging Roundtable: Social Security and its Importance to the LGBT Aging Community
A fact sheet published by the National LGBT Aging Roundtable discussing why the LGBT population should care about Social Security. Note: This publication was created before the June 2013 US Supreme Court decision overturning Section 3 of DOMA, so some information contained herein may no longer be applicable.
April 2011 | National LGBT Aging Roundtable
Lo que necesitas poner por escrito para proteger tus decisiones financieras, de cuidado de la salud y de fin de la vida._x000D_
April 2011
Four Conversations Caregivers Need to Have. Now.
Do you know your loved one’s health care and financial wishes? Talk about it now, so you can protect those decisions.
April 2011
The Legal Documents Every LGBT Older Adult Needs
Examples of what you need to put in writing to protect your financial, health care and end-of-life decisions.
April 2011
Publicación de la Mesa Redonda Nacional del Consejo LGBT de Personas de Edad Avanzada acerca del Seguro Social y la comunidad LGBT.
April 2011 | National LGBT Aging Roundtable
Injustice at Every Turn: Report of the National Transgender Discrimination Survey
Study released by the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force and National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE) about the level of discrimination against the transgender population.
February 2011 | The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force; National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE)
LGBT San Diego’s Trailblazing Generation: Housing Related Needs of LGBT Seniors
During the past two years a group of concerned San Diego LGBT community members began meeting regularly at San Diego’s LGBT Community Center (The Center). These individuals shared a common concern regarding the lack of LGBT-affirmative senior housing in San Diego County, particularly affordable housing. This publication describes their process.
February 2011 | The San Diego Lesbian Gay Bisexual & Transgender Community Center
Toma el control: Herramientas de planificación legal y financiera
Lambda Legal ha preparado esta guía para ayudarte a tomar el control, de manera que puedas crear un futuro más seguro para ti y tu familia.
November 2010 | Lambda Legal
LGBT Older Adults and Estate Tax and Inheritance
This issue brief details how current estate and inheritance laws fail to recognize LGBT people’s relationships, contributing to LGBT older adult’s financial insecurity.
September 2010 | Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE) Movement Advancement Project (MAP)
LGBT Older Adults and Tax-Qualified Retirement Plans
This brief details the unequal treatment and additional tax penalties LGBT older adults face when inheriting or when they are designated as the beneficiary for a tax-qualified retirement plan.
September 2010 | Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE) Movement Advancement Project (MAP)
LGBT Older Adults and Pensions
This brief describes how retirement pensions are routinely denied to same-sex partners, and how this lack of pension protection can devastate an LGBT partner.
September 2010 | Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE) Movement Advancement Project (MAP)
LGBT Older Adults: Falling Through the Safety Net
This brief documents the unequal treatment LGBT older adults face under three key aspects to successful aging: financial security, good health and health care, and community engagement. Note: This publication was created before the June 2013 US Supreme Court decision overturning Section 3 of DOMA, so some information contained herein may no longer be applicable.
September 2010 | Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE) Movement Advancement Project (MAP)
Expanding on insights gained from its 2006 award-winning Out and Aging study conducted in partnership with the American Society on Aging’s LGBT Aging Issues Network (LAIN), “Still Out, Still Aging” provides both an update and broader scope in looking at the LGBT population in comparison to the general population.
June 2010 | MetLife Mature Market Institute American Society on Aging
Planning Tips for LGBT Individuals and Couples
Offers guidance and advice to LGBT Boomers in the areas of legacy planning,employee benefits, health care, financial and retirement planning.
June 2010 | MetLife Mature Market Institute Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE)
Snapshot Report: Advancing Transgender Equality
In this publication, the Movement Advancement Project discusses the barriers to equality and challenges the transgender population faces. The four major categories covered are: physical and mental health, safety and physical security, legal documentation and relationships, and employment and self-sufficiency.
August 2009 | Movement Advancement Project
Planning with Purpose: Legal Basics for LGBT Elders
Provides basic information about select areas of the law that are important to LGBT elders, especially individuals and couples who are age 55 and over. Note: This publication was created before the June 2013 US Supreme Court decision overturning Section 3 of DOMA, so some information contained herein may no longer be applicable.
June 2009 | National Center for Lesbian Rights Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE)
This report undertakes the first analysis of the poor and low-income lesbian, gay, and bisexual population. We find clear evidence that poverty is at least as common in the LGB population as among heterosexual people and their families.
March 2009 | The Williams Institute
A 2-page fact sheet describing Medicare eligibility and HIV/AIDS.
February 2009 | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
A 2-page fact sheet describing Medicaid eligibility and HIV/AIDS.
February 2009 | The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation
Out and Aging: The MetLife Study of Lesbian & Gay Baby Boomers
This study on LGBT Baby Boomers was conducted by MetLife Mature Market Institute in conjunction with the Lesbian and Gay Aging Issues Network (LAIN) of the American Society on Aging and Zogby International.
November 2006 | MetLife Mature Market Institute American Society on Aging and Zogby International