Facing the Future Together
Facing the Future Together: FAQ’s, Guidance & Resources for LGBTQ+ Older Adults produced by SAGE and Human Rights Campaign Foundation.
February 2025
Area Agencies on Aging: Local Leaders in Aging Well at Home
This brochure features an overview of the latest data gathered from AAAs
nationwide to provide a snapshot of the evolving role these vital agencies play in
the planning, development, coordination and delivery of a broad range of aging and other home and community-based services in every community in the United States.
August 2023 | USAging
Domestic and Sexual Violence Safety Planning for LGBTQI+ Survivors
This fact sheet provides resources on safety planning LGBTQ+ survivors of domestic and sexual violence.
June 2022 | New York State Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence
Rural Aging for LGBTQ+ Older Adults
This fact sheet explores LGBTQ+ Aging in rural communities, an often-overlooked segment within LGBTQ+ communities.
April 2022 | National Resource Center on LGBTQ+ Aging
This document provides a list of common terms and definitions used in relation to sexual orientation, gender identity, health, and relationships. Updated on 4/26/2022
April 2022 | SAGE and National Resource Center on LGBT Aging
COVID & Beyond: Aging and Disability Resources for Diverse Communities
We have seen the challenges of the COVID pandemic experienced by minority communities including the impact on physical and mental health, economic and food security and social supports. Panelists will introduce and discuss national programs and services that support diverse aging and disability communities during the ongoing pandemic and recovery.
April 2022 | SAGE National Resource Center on LGBTQ+ Aging and Older Adults' Equity Collaborative
COVID and Beyond – Resource Guide and Panelist Contacts
This Resource Guide highlights the organizations who presented on the COVID and Beyond: Aging and Disability Services for Diverse Communities webinar held on March of 2022.
March 2022 | SAGE National Resource Center on LGBTQ+ Aging
Es probable que esté leyendo esta publicación porque su nieto o un ser querido (utilizaremos ambos términos indistintamente) ha salido del armario, es decir, ha compartido con usted que es lesbiana, gay, bisexual, transgénero, no binario/a, queer o cuestionándose (LGBTQ+).
October 2021
Supporting Your LGBTQ+ Grandchild
SAGE partnered with PFLAG to produce a guide for grandparents and those with younger loved ones who are coming out at LGBTQ+. Learn how sexual orientation differs from gender identity, tips for showing your support, and more.
October 2021 | PFLAG and SAGE
Aging in Vermont Resource Guide and Directory
The Aging in Vermont Resource Guide and Directory is a comprehensive collection of information for older Vermonters on several topics including health & wellness, social engagement, policy & advocacy, and more. The Guide also includes a directory that categorizes hundreds of service providers around the Vermont and New Hampshire area.
July 2021 | Community of Vermont Elders
Una publicación de SAGE y el Centro Nacional de Recursos sobre el Envejecimiento LGBT.
May 2021 | SAGE and National Resource Center on LGBT Aging
Park View – a Q&A with Film Producer, Tab Ballis
The Park View Q&A explores the making of documentary regarding the murder of a young lesbian in Wilmington, NC and lasting trauma of the LGBT community some 30 years later.
March 2021 | Tab Ballis
Inclusive Services for LGBT Older Adults: A Practical Guide to Creating Welcoming Agencies
Updated May 18, 2020 – This publication highlights provides new research, resources, practical tips and suggested actions to help create inclusive and welcoming services for LGBT older adults.
May 2020 | National Resource Center on LGBT Aging
2020 Older Americans Month – Make Your Mark
SAGE and The National Resource Center on LGBT Aging celebrate 2020 Older Americans Month by spotlighting resources in support of LGBT Aging.
May 2020
Why routinely collecting sexual orientation and gender identity information matters for elders
In this Q&A, Carey Candrian, PhD, discusses the importance of collecting information related to sexual orientation and gender identity in hospice and palliative care settings.
January 2020 | Carey Candrian, PhD
See this resource guide for a listing of LGBT+ friendly programs and services in Tennessee.
May 2019 | Vicki Stanley SAGECare Trainer
Partnership by Design: new project aims to improve LGBTQ elders’ lives
San Francisco’s Openhouse (www.openhouse-sf.org) and On Lok (www.onlok.org) are partnering to help the city’s LGBTQ older adults age with dignity, independence and pride. The two nonprofits are co-designing a program that addresses two critical issues in this community: accessing much needed aging services, and ameliorating the LGBTQ elders’ fears that life in a nursing home would drive them back into the closet.
May 2019 | American Society on Aging interview by Tim Johnston (SAGE)
From Connections to Community: Data-informed lessons for an intergenerational gathering
How would you create an event, at a national scale, to foster connections across
generations? What steps would you take, what questions would you ask, and how would
you know you’d been successful? Read this article to learn more.
April 2019 | interstitio & SAGE report written by by Eric Gladstone Pony Knowles and David C. Thompson
Enhancing health, wellness and community for older LGBT adults
This article provides a look at the unique needs of older LGBT people and how communities are responding to these needs.
September 2018 | Marilynn Larkin M.A. in the Journal of Active Aging
Intimacy & LGBT Older Adults: Expressing Your Emotional and Intimacy Needs as LGBTQ Older Adults
This article explores the importance of emotional and intimacy needs of LGBT older adults including tips and resources.
May 2018 | Jane Fleishman Ph.D.
Dignity Denied: Religious Exemptions and LGBT Elder Services
Ever-growing religious exemption laws put LGBT elders at increased risk for discrimination.
December 2017 | The Movement Advancement Project and SAGE & Public Rights/Private Conscience Project (PRPCP) at Columbia Law School
Principles for Person-directed Services and Supports during Serious Illness
The Administration for Community Living (ACL) believe that every person has the right to make choices and to control their own decisions. This right is independent of age or disability or stage of illness.
October 2017 | Administration for Community Living
Create Your Care Plan: An LGBT Person’s Guide to Preparing for Medical Procedures
This workbook provides a detailed overview of what to expect when undergoing a surgical procedure, and how to plan for a successful recovery. Includes step-by-step instructions to create your own care plan, including worksheets, resources, and tips/encouragement for reaching out to others.
September 2017 | SAGE
This guide provides an overview of caregiving in the LGBT community, and specific ideas, lessons learned and best practices for expanding programming to reach and include LGBT caregivers and those caring for LGBT older adults.
September 2017 | SAGE
Identifying and Referring LGBT Caregivers
This fact sheet is designed to assist providers with identifying and supporting LGBT Caregivers in a medical setting.
September 2017 | John Hopkins Bayview Medical Center Chase Brexton Health Center and SAGE
Senior Centers & Outreach to LGBT Older Adults
This fact sheet provides strategies and resources for Senior Centers to as they increase outreach and services to LGBT older adults.
September 2017 | National Resource Center on LGBT Aging prepared by Sherrill Wayland
Prepare to Care: A Planning Guide for Caregivers in the LGBT Community
A planning guide for caregivers in the LGBT community
September 2017 | AARP and SAGE
Update – Coming of Age at the Time of Stonewall a Q & A with Jane Fleishman, PhD
This Q & A is an update regarding the research of Jane Fleishman on what it was like to come of age and come out during the Stonewall Era.
August 2017 | Jane Fleishman, PhD
10 Consejos Para Encontrar Servicios Afirmativos Para La Comunidad LGBT
10 Consejos Para Encontrar Servicios Afirmativos Para La Comunidad LGBT
June 2017 | SAGE's National Resource Center on LGBT Aging
Invisability: Talking About Bisexuality and Aging
Fact sheet exploring the invisibility of bisexuality and aging with the LGBT community.
June 2017 | Terri Clark for SAGE's National Resource Center on LGBT Aging
Understanding Issues Facing LGBT Older Adults
This report seeks to increase understanding of the unique needs and experiences of LGBT older adults.
June 2017 | Movement Advancement Project (MAP) and SAGE
Connecting Diverse Elders with Programs to Help with Costs of Living
This article provides information on a valuable tool from the National Council on Aging called BenefitsCheckUp®.
April 2017 | National Council on Aging (NCOA) article first appeared in Diverse Elders Coalition Blog
10 Tips on Finding LGBT-Affirming Services
Nervous about paid care services? Here’s what you can do to hire the supportive, friendly care provider who’s right for you.
April 2017 | SAGE
A Closer Look at the Revised Nursing Facility Regulations: Visitation Rights
A review of the revised nursing facility regulations specific to visitation rights and the inclusion of same-sex spouses and domestic partners.
April 2017 | The National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care Center for Medicare Advocacy and Justice in Aging
Aging Network Planning Tools: LGBT Older Adult Community Assessments & Reports
Designed to provide the Aging Network and LGBT organizations updated links to LGBT Community Assessments and Reports that can help with planning LGBT inclusive services.
March 2017 | SAGE
Fact Sheet: National Consortium on Aging Resources for Seniors’ Equity
Funded by the Administration on Community Living (ACL), the National Consortium on Aging Resources for Seniors’ Equity works to decrease the prevalence of disparities among racial, ethnic minority and LGBT older adults, their families and caregivers, by providing technical assistance to the Aging Network.
March 2017 | Consortium Members
Oklahoma Women Become Brave for Marriage Equality is a Q&A with Sharon Bishop-Baldwin, author of Becoming Brave. Sharon tells of the fight for Marriage Equality in Oklahoma and how she and her wife became brave as LGBT advocates along the way.
March 2017 | Sharon Bishop-Baldwin
LGBTQ Breast Health & Awareness: An Interview with Elijah Grossman, Susan G. Komen Puget Sound
LGBTQ Breast Health & Awareness: An Interview with Elijah Grossman, Susan G. Komen Puget Sound
December 2016 | Elijah Grossman, MSW (he/him/his), Community Advocate, Susan G. Komen Puget Sound
Encouraging an Inclusive Practice: Care Management Ally Comes Out in Support of the LGBT Community
This article introduces the reader to the field of Care Management and the journey of a Care Manager who came out as an LGBT Ally.
October 2016 | Tiffany Webster, MSW, LCSW, CMC, A Plus Aging Advantage
LGBT Aging: A Review of Research Findings, Needs, and Policy Implications
This report is a review of existing literature of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) older adults and provides recommendations for future research and policy needs.
September 2016 | Soon Kyu Choi M.P.P. MSc. and Ilan H. Meyer Ph.D. Williams Institute UCLA School of Law
Dr. Fleishman’s Model for Older Adults in Same-Sex Relationships
This model illustrates the correlations between variables for older adults in same-sex relationships.
September 2016 | Dr. Fleishman
Coming of Age at the Time of Stonewall
A Q&A interview with Jane Fleishman, PhD is a comprehensive sexuality educator and consultant with more than 30 years’ experience as a teacher, trainer, and program evaluator. This article discusses Jane’s new project Coming of Age at the Time of Stonewall.
September 2016 | Jane Fleishman, PhD
An Intersectional Approach to Services and Care for LGBT Older Adults
The time has come for an intersectional approach that takes into full account all of these life experiences. This approach will prove invaluable to practitioners committed to working effectively with vulnerable older adults. It also will fuel policy progress by supporting shared agendas and advocacy based on the intersecting interests of diverse elder communities.
August 2016 | Michael Adams SAGE CEO Published by Generations - Journal of the American Society on Aging
Supporting LGBT Older Adults During A Time of Grief and Loss Following the Orlando Attack
Resource article for support of LGBT older adults following the Orlando, FL mass shooting.
June 2016 | Sherrill Wayland, MSW SAGE, Manager of National Projects
Managing the Financial Impact of Widowhood
The emotional impact of widowhood can be overwhelming, but the financial impact can hit just as hard. There is often a decline in standard of living for the surviving spouse; household income can decline due to changes in Social Security benefits and the possible loss of the deceased spouse’s retirement income and earnings.
June 2016 | WISER and SAGE's National Resource Center on LGBT Aging
Protecting Your Finances during a Divorce
Going through a divorce can be a very emotional and difficult situation to navigate, which can leave individuals financially vulnerable as well.
June 2016 | WISER and SAGE's National Resource Center on LGBT Aging
Marriage and Finances: Planning for the Unexpected
There are many benefits to being an active participant in managing the household finances when you are married. One of those benefits, while not easy to think about, is being better prepared to deal with some of life’s unexpected events.
June 2016 | WISER and SAGE's National Resource Center on LGBT Aging
Talk Before You Walk: Considerations for LGBT Older Couples Before Getting Married
When the Supreme Court decided Obergefell, the freedom to marry became the law of the land all across the United States. This victory forever changed financial planning and legal relationships for LGBT families.
April 2016 | SAGE (Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders)
How to Collect Data About LGBT Communities
Fact sheet about sexual orientation and gender identity data collection.
March 2016 | Kellan Baker Laura E. Durso and Aaron Ridings - The Center for American Progress
Engaging Volunteers in Grassroots Awareness Building
Blog article discussing the importance of grassroots education, volunteerism and the National Resource Center on LGBT Aging – Volunteer Education Ambassador program.
March 2016 | Blog originally published by the Diverse Elders Coalition Written by Tim Johnston and Sherrill Wayland with SAGE
Infographic: Updating the Older Americans Act
Learn why LGBT older adults need to be included in the Older Americans Act (OAA) with this simple infographic.
February 2016 | SAGE
Federally Supported Services for LGBT Older Adults
This policy paper describes what the Older Americans Act (OAA) is, how LGBT older adults do not directly benefit from this $2 billion-a-year federal program and why the OAA needs to be amended in order to better serve LGBT older Americans.
February 2016 | SAGE
Dr. Imani Woody shares insights regarding barriers faced by people of color aging in the LGBT community and explores solutions LGBT organizations can utilize to support involvement and equity by people of color aging in LGBTQ communities.
February 2016 | Dr. Imani Woody
This article provides a basic overview and understanding of Medicaid
January 2016 | Leland Kiang, LICSW [email protected]
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Aging Concerns
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) elders and long-term couples have become more visible and their special concerns about aging are being recognized by gerontologists. LGBT elders are a diverse group with regard to all characteristics. This article focuses on the characteristics, research needs and barriers, service needs and barriers, clinical implications, and suggestions for appropriate treatment to increase awareness of clinical gerontologists who may not be familiar with LGBT seniors or who wish to improve their services to this population. Gerontologists working in long-term care facilities and those working in social and home care services may be especially interested in the special concerns of transgender elders and the recent changes in public policy regarding all LGBT elders.
October 2015 | Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Aging Concerns Douglas Kimmel Clinical Gerontologist Vol. 37, Iss. 1, 2014
Sexual orientation and gender identity are not commonly addressed in health and human service delivery, or in educational degree programs. Based on findings from Caring and Aging with Pride: The National Health, Aging and Sexuality Study (CAP), the first national federally-funded research project on LGBT health and aging, this article outlines 10 core competencies and aligns them with specific strategies to improve professional practice and service development to promote the well-being of LGBT older adults and their families. The articulation of key competencies is needed to provide a blueprint for action for addressing the growing needs of LGBT older adults, their families, and their
October 2015 | Karen I. Fredriksen-Goldsen , Charles P. Hoy-Ellis , Jayn Goldsen , Charles A. Emlet , Nancy R. Hooyman Journal of Gerontological Social Work Vol. 57, Iss. 2-4, 2014
LGBT Older Adults: How to Find Affirming Services
Are you an older adult and a member of the LGBT community? If so, getting the proper care and support can be a challenge. This document details a few frequent questions older LGBT adults often ask.
February 2015 | Terri Clark
Out & Visible: The Experiences and Attitudes of LGBT Older Adults (Exec. Summary)
The Executive Summary of “Out and Visible” details highlights from SAGE’s uniquely comprehensive, nationally representative quantitative study on aging among LGBT people. The study was conducted in March 2014 by Harris Poll.
October 2014 | SAGE
Out & Visible: The Experiences and Attitudes of LGBT Older Adults (Infographic)
This infographic highlights a few key findings from SAGE’s report “Out and Visible: The Experiences and Attitudes of LGBT Older Adults.”
October 2014 | SAGE
Out & Visible: The Experiences and Attitudes of LGBT Older Adults, Ages 45-75
Out and Visible explores the aging realities of LGBT people, as well as their fears, beliefs, behaviors and aspirations in areas such as healthcare, finance and retirement, support systems, housing and sources of information.
October 2014 | SAGE
Information & Referral: Your First Stop for Elder Services
This article provides a close look at how Information and Referral (I&R) are a first-stop to finding relevant and useful services.
May 2014 | Leland Kiang, LICSW
CenterLink: The Community of LGBT Centers
CenterLink is an umbrella organization of all LGBT centers across the country. The website has a directory of LGBT centers that you can use to find the center closest to you.
May 2014
Start End of Life Planning Early to Reduce the Chances of Guardianship
End of life planning article from the American Society on Aging blog.
February 2014
Health Equity & LGBT Elders of Color
This brief explores 10 policy areas where health and wellness can be improved for LGBT older people of color.
April 2013 | SAGE
Health and Psychosocial Needs of LGBT Older Adults
This research study provides one of the most comprehensive descriptions of the health, well?being and social context of LGBT older adults.
November 2012 | Mark Brennan-Ing PhD Stephen E. Karpiak PhD and Liz Seidel MSW AIDS Community Research Initiative of America (ACRIA)
Improving the Health Care of LGBT People: Understanding and Eliminating Health Disparities
This document, produced by the National LGBT Health Education Center, offers a brief overview of the major issues relevant to the health and health care of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.
October 2012 | Kevin L Ard MD MPH Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvey J Makadon Director of the National LGBT Health Education Center The Fenway Institute
Federal Update: LGBT populations and “Greatest Social Need”
This news update explains the July 2012 announcement by the United States Department of Health and Human Services, Administration on Aging (AoA), issuing new guidance on the definition of the term “greatest social need: in the Older Americans Act to include “individuals isolated due to sexual orientation or gender identity.”
September 2012 | Aaron Tax
National Long-Term Care Ombudsman Resource Center – Ombudsman Locator
The National Long-Term Care Ombudsman Resource Center provides a listing for every state’s ombudsment. Long-term care ombudsmen are advocates for residents of nursing homes, board and care homes and assisted living facilities.
September 2012
Community Based Participatory Research/Action: How To Do A Needs Assessment
This article suggests necessary questions required to frame and compose a community based needs assessment.
August 2012 | Laurens G. Van Sluytman, PhD, MA, LCSW
The Importance of Conducting Needs Assessments
This article describes the importance of community based organizations in conducting community needs assessments.
August 2012 | Laurens G. Van Sluytman, PhD, MA, LCSW
National Resource Center on LGBT Aging: Info Flyer
This flyer briefly describes the mission and purpose of the National Resource Center on LGBT Aging.
July 2012 | National Resource Center on LGBT Aging
Exploring the Needs of LGBT Elders in Metro Detroit
This article presents the findings of an elder summit help in Detroit in April of 2010.
July 2012 | Curtis Lipscomb Executive Director of KICK; Kathleen LaTosch Co-Chair of the LGBT Older Adult Coalition
Trans Aging: We’re Still Here!
This fact sheet offers an overview of some of the issues facing transgender older adults and answers some common questions.
July 2012 | Lamda Legal
This article, which appeared in the Summer 2011 issue of Public Policy and Aging Report, begins with a brief literature review on the socioeconomic conditions facing LGBT elders and elders of color, noting significant disparities across multiple areas related to health and well-being in one’s later years. It then describes the formation of the Diverse Elders Coalition, and discusses the Coalition’s importance to policy makers concerned with enacting improvements for LGBT elders and elders of color.
July 2012 | Robert Espinoza
Act now! OAA reauthorization must include services for LGBT elders
Robert Espinoza, Senior Director of Public Policy and Communications at SAGE, discusses the importance of including LGBT older adults in the Older Americans Act in this article published in Aging Today, the bimonthly newspaper of the American Society on Aging.
July 2012 | Robert Espinoza
Improving the Lives of Transgender Older Adults: Recommendations for Policy and Practice
This publication addresses the concerns of transgender older adults on issues such as financial security, health and overall well-being.
June 2012 | Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE) and the National Center for Transgender Equality
Gaining Visibility: The Challenges Facing Transgender Elders
This article examines the realities of various transgender older adults around the country, from North Carolina to Colorado. This article originally appeared in “Improving the Lives of Transgender Older Adults,” by SAGE and the National Center for Transgender Equality.
May 2012 | Sean Kennedy
This fact sheet discusses the top five things that one should know about the Affordable Care Act, a health care law signed into law in March 2010.
May 2012 | Healthcare.gov
How Area Agencies on Aging Can Help LGBT Older Adults
Each state has a local Area Agency on Aging. They provide a number of important services to aid older adults and ensure that they are able to stay in their homes. This article discusses how and why LGBT older adults can take advantage of these services.
February 2012 | Leland Kiang
Eldercare Locator is a public service of the U.S. Administration on Aging that connects people to services for older adults and their families.
February 2012 | Administration on Aging, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Q&A with Aisha Young, Founder of African Americans in Gerontology
This Q&A with Aisha Young, the founder of African Americans in Gerontology, discusses the organization’s work to provide guidance and professional development opportunities, encourage networking, and promote community activism for African American professionals and students in the field of gerontology.
October 2011 | Aisha Young, Founder of African Americans in Gerontology
Helena Bushong: In Her Own Words
Helena Bushong, a 60-year-old trans woman who lives with HIV, tells us her story.
September 2011 | Helena Bushong
A Timetable Round up of Recent LGBT Research
A recap of the latest LGBT research in the U.S. over the past 2 years.
July 2011 | Robert Espinoza
Assistant Secretary for Aging Kathy Greenlee Delivers a Special Message for SAGE at OutGiving 2011
Assistant Secretary for Aging Kathy Greenlee offered a special message to attendees of the March 2011 OutGiving conference, a national gathering of LGBT and allied donors.
June 2011
This guide compiles a list of potential grant opportunities for organizations working with LGBT older adults.
January 2011 | National Gay and Lesbian Task Force; Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE)
LGBT Older Adults: Rethinking Aging Laws for Today’s Older Adults
This brief describes how current federal and state laws are based around the assumption of marriage and thus exclude same-sex couples, widowed men and women—LGBT and heterosexual alike—and those who never married. This brief offers concrete policy recommendations that would increase the breadth of older adults protected under aging policies.
September 2010 | Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE) Movement Advancement Project (MAP)
LGBT Older Adults: Falling Through the Safety Net
This brief documents the unequal treatment LGBT older adults face under three key aspects to successful aging: financial security, good health and health care, and community engagement. Note: This publication was created before the June 2013 US Supreme Court decision overturning Section 3 of DOMA, so some information contained herein may no longer be applicable.
September 2010 | Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE) Movement Advancement Project (MAP)
LGBT Older Adults: Facts at a Glance
This fact sheet details the discrimination LGBT older adults face in accessing benefits, Social Security, health care, public and private housing, as well as in certain legal situations.
September 2010 | Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE) Movement Advancement Project (MAP)
Expanding on insights gained from its 2006 award-winning Out and Aging study conducted in partnership with the American Society on Aging’s LGBT Aging Issues Network (LAIN), “Still Out, Still Aging” provides both an update and broader scope in looking at the LGBT population in comparison to the general population.
June 2010 | MetLife Mature Market Institute American Society on Aging
Improving the Lives of LGBT Older Adults: Snapshot Report
This is a summary of the report Improving the Lives of LGBT Older Adults, which examines the unique challenges LGBT older adults face as they age.
April 2010 | Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE) Movement Advancement Project (MAP)
Improving the Lives of LGBT Older Adults: Large Print Version
This report examines the unique challenges LGBT older adults face as they age and how these challenges make it harder for LGBT elders to achieve three key elements of successful aging: financial security, good health and health care, and social support and community engagement. Note: This is the large-print version of the report.
March 2010 | Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE) Movement Advancement Project (MAP)
Improving the Lives of LGBT Older Adults: Full Report
This report examines the unique challenges LGBT older adults face as they age and how these challenges make it harder for LGBT elders to achieve three key elements of successful aging: financial security, good health and health care, and social support and community engagement.
March 2010 | Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE) Movement Advancement Project (MAP)
Outing Age 2010: Public Policy Issues Affecting Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Elders
An update to the groundbreaking Outing Age report issued in 2000, Outing Age 2010 presents an in-depth look at public policy issues and the challenges facing the millions of LGBT older adults in the country.
January 2010 | Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE) The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
LGBT Health and Human Services Needs and New York State
This assessment of LGBT Health and Human Service Needs in New York State was designed to examine existing data sources, identify gaps in data and collect original data in order to establish the most pressing needs and gaps for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) non-HIV health and human services in New York State.
January 2009 | Report prepared by Somjen Frazer for the Empire State Pride Agenda Foundation and the New York State Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender Health and Human Services Network
Out and Aging: The MetLife Study of Lesbian & Gay Baby Boomers
This study on LGBT Baby Boomers was conducted by MetLife Mature Market Institute in conjunction with the Lesbian and Gay Aging Issues Network (LAIN) of the American Society on Aging and Zogby International.
November 2006 | MetLife Mature Market Institute American Society on Aging and Zogby International
Aging in Equity: LGBT Elders in America
This informational packet promotes a vision of “successful aging” for LGBT elders,
which encompasses a variety of quality-of-life issues that affect all senior citizens, regardless
of their sexual orientation or gender identity.
January 2004 | Funders for Lesbian and Gay Issues