Inclusive Services for LGBT Older Adults: A Practical Guide to Creating Welcoming Agencies
May 2020 | National Resource Center on LGBT Aging
"This guide was created to help you as service providers to understand the unique barriers that LGBT older adults face, as well as the many ways to improve and expand the continuum of care and services available."
NOTE: Due to COVID-19 and the national office being closed, ordering of print guides is discontinued until further notice. Please feel free to download a digital copy of the guide. Thank you and be well.
First published in March of 2012 and updated May 18, 2020 – This publication helps to answers the question: “How can our mainstream aging organization provide inclusive and welcoming services to older lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender adults?” Written with suggestions, tips and practical ideas from mainstream aging providers in the field, along with SAGE and the National Resource Center on LGBT Aging’s partners.
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